Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: October 29, 1863., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Peyton Johnston or search for Peyton Johnston in all documents.

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The Daily Dispatch: October 29, 1863., [Electronic resource], Situation of affairs in the Vicinity of Vicksburg. (search)
. Brigadier-Gen. Morrer is at the bridge, in command of a few regiments of infantry, a little cavalry, and a few pieces of artillery. A few miles below the bridge the Yankees have no pickets. I have given you what I know of Yankee affairs in Warren county and Vicksburg. I am perfectly acquainted with the force and position of the army, and state, as my honest conviction, that a bold and decisive blow would wipe out the stain of the surrender of Vicksburg, and place the name of the great Johnston first in the galaxy of illustrious heroes that our country have produced. The enemy are in great fear of an attack. The lady who proposes to carry this to you is about to leave, and I must close. I would call the attention of the Chief Quartermaster to the fact that there is the greatest abundance of corn and potatoes upon the plantations in the neighborhood of Bolton's and Edwards's depots. These plantations are deserted, the planters having left for Georgia. Our pickets extend fo
Demopolis. President Davis and staff arrived here by the Eastern train, and were welcomed by a vast concourse of citizens and soldiers — the sweet strains of a military band, and a salute of thirteen guns by Moor's battery. The President, General Johnston, Lieut.-General Hardee and Hen. F. S. Lyon, rode to the residence of the latter in a handsome phæton followed by a number of open carriages containing the President's, General Johnston's and Hardee's staff. At 3 o'clock, the President, accoGeneral Johnston's and Hardee's staff. At 3 o'clock, the President, accompanied by a splendid cortege, reviewed the brigades of General Cockrell, General Pettus and Gen. Moore. The line was formed on the end of the main streets of the town, and was nearly a mile long. The troops made a creditable appearance, and Ellette the highest encomiums from the Chief Magistrate. Each regiment, as the President reached its colors presented arms and drooped its ensign, and greeted the President with rapturous cheers. When the President came opposite the flag of the First Mis
yatt) killed, while we buried twenty seven of their men on the field, and, from all the information we could gather from the people living on the road along which they fled, killed and wounded four or five times that number, who were carried off. We had but 1,160 men in the battle, while they had six fresh and full regiments. The Confederate force at Rich Mountain is given at 3,000. It was less than 300. The Yankees had gained a great victory in the first battle of Manassas, when Johnston arrived with 27,000 fresh troops and snatched it from them. We had but 27,000 men all told, and the battle was fought by less than half that number. The Yankees were 50,000 strong. At Kearnstown Jackson is said by this veracious chronicler to have had 12,000 men and the Yankees 8,000. In point of fact, Jackson had 3,700, the Yankees 18,000, and so on. The heroic Yankees are always out-numbered and always victorious. From this specimen the Whig is inclined to doubt the truth of