Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: July 23, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Johnston or search for Johnston in all documents.

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main. In the column of thirty-five thousand men which charged upon Johnston's division, not less than ten thousand were thoroughly trained solof the regular United States Army. The fifteen thousand men under Johnston beat thirty-five thousand of the enemy, including the best regimenks opposite Centreville, on Bull's Run, and endeavored to outflank Johnston's division, which were posted higher up the stream, under the prots at the Stone Bridge. To meet and defeat this flanking movement, Johnston marched out from his position at the Stone Bridge, advanced a cons and on that side the main battle was fought.--For seven hours did Johnston make good his resistance against more than double his numbers, combe little more than a feint, advanced the centre to the support of Johnston, and decided the fortune of the day. It would be idle to attean of battle chosen by the enemy forced the heavy fighting upon Gen. Johnston's command, who met the danger and fought the good fight, as the
Had a Conversation with him. --A letter from Harper's Ferry to a Mississippi paper relates the following: "Occasionally a merry burst of laughter is heard as some ridiculous incident is related. 'See here, boys,' said one of the men, the other day, 'I had a conversation with Gen. Johnston, just now.' 'The devil you did!--What did he have to say to you?' inquired a dozen voices. 'Why, he told me if I didn't get out of that garden, and let alone those onions, he'd have me tied up behind a wagon.'"