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resigned his position in the army. He shortly afterwards accepted a professorship in the Military Institute at Lexington, which office he filled with ability and distinction till the commencement of the present war, when he accepted the post of Colonel, conferred upon him by Governor Letcher, unanimously recommended by the Council, and unanimously confirmed by the Convention. He was assigned to the command of our forces at Harper's Ferry, and continued in it till he was superseded by General Johnston. He then took command of a brigade, and was subsequently appointed Brigadier General by President Davis, During the manŒvures of the army in the Valley of Virginia, Gen. Jackson held a conspicuous position, and in the great battle of Manassas he carped an on viable and never-dying distinction. His command acted a part in that memorable engagement which will not be forgotten while deeds of valor and self-sacrifice are remembered by the people of Virginia and of the Confederate St
he garland. Well may we exclaim with the poet: "Immortal heir of universal praise, Nations unborn your mighty name shall sound. And worlds applaud that most not yet be found." poet We have much reason to thank Divine Providence that President Davis, both an able statesman and a valiant warrior, governs the helm of State in this most critical conjuncture, great in the war and great in arts of sway. Our armies are tied on by a galaxy of excellent commanders — McCulloch, Mcgruder, Johnston, Lee, Pillow, and last, but first of all. Beauregard, in whose hand our Northern foe may shortly find the conquering a word of Themistocles or Scythian Tamerlane. "May our banner bright, still float in light, when ages pass away, Good men shall ban the fiendish can, invading as to-day." At the conclusion of the address, three cheers were given for Father McMahon, that would have fitted the air had they been raised outside beneath the azure vault of Heaved; three for President Davi
The Daily Dispatch: August 9, 1861., [Electronic resource], Financial and commercial independence. (search)
with nothing interfering between his thirty-six thousand men and Staunton but a few thousand of Garnett's army, why did he not advance and seize it? or, if that did not suit him, why did he not direct, his column towards Winchester, and prevent Johnston from leaving that position to join Beauregard at Manassas? Instead of this, which would have shown a real General, the first we hear of him after his boasted success in the West, is that he has gone to see his wife in Cincinnati. When we read his success. But it turns out to have been true, and it is this fact which we leave to his eulogists to explain at their leisure that, with a better opportunity of striking a powerful blow at the Southern cause, in seizing Staunton or attacking Johnston at Winchester, than any other Federal General has possessed, his column has completely illustrated the schoolboy story of one step forward and two back. The magnificent natural rampart of Cheat Mountain, which either side may make a Gibraltar,
ter's company of the Twenty-seventh Virginia Regiment. He had been appointed a corporal from his company the morning of the battle to guard the regimental standard, and fell mortally wounded about 3 P. M, when our forces made the last desperate onset which decided the fate of the day. He was taken to Orange Court-House, where he died the following Thursday, far from home and kindred, but in the care of the best friends kind Providence ever raised up for the relief of a sufferer. He was subsequently brought to this city for interment. Although the Virginia Twenty-seventh bore a prominent part in the battle, little mention, as yet, has been made of it; but, in the official report doubtless full credit will be done it. Captain McAllister's company suffered severely, losing four killed and seventeen wounded; and the second lieutenant, who followed in the rout too recklessly, was taken prisoner. The Twenty- seventh forms part of Jackson's brigade under General Johnston. Justion.
would have been given us. That their loss must be appalling; that the blow will so effectually disorganize their army, which was dissatisfied and shattered before, that they cannot, if they would, again assume the offensive; that Beauregard and Johnston are among the first commanders of the age, and their army, whilst fighting in the defence, must always prove invincible." While those for whom Beauregard and Johnston and their heroic companions are so manfully exerting themselves will apprthose for whom Beauregard and Johnston and their heroic companions are so manfully exerting themselves will appreciate the force and truth of the compliment paid them, they hope yet to see our army as invincible in offence as defence. When Col. Corcoran and such as he are reflecting on the disadvantages that attend their sojourn here, it is to be hoped that their ire will be mitigated against us when they reflect that it is all rendered necessary by the policy of Abe Lincoln, whom they serve.
On his way home. --Maj. R. A. Howard, Gen. Bee's Aide-de-camp, arrived in this city on Wednesday, on route for South Carolina.--Maj. Howard received in the battle of Manassas Plains a severe wound in the left leg, and will be detained at home till able to resume his duty as Aide-de-camp to Gen. Johnston--a post to which he has recently been called.
to cope with the man he was trying to amuse. This, Gen. Johnston saw from the beginning, and it will serve to explain mable that Gen. Scott saw at last that Gens. Beauregard and Johnston had found out his plans; he probably saw, moreover, that his plans might by no means work well; that in fact Gen. Johnston had it in his power to be with Beauregard hours before Pattjust before the advance Scott ordered Patterson to engage Johnston near Winchester at any odds and at whatever cost. This Pents at the time, sought to do. But then he was fooled by Johnston, who refused to gratify him now by giving him battle, exce original plan was at last resorted to. Unable to engage Johnston, Patterson was immediately ordered on to Fairfax. He lefovement was not a feint. So soon as this was determined, Johnston, ever ready, moved forward with all possible speed, leaviworked badly, and finally Gen. Kirby Smith, who commanded Johnston's rear forces, had to take it into his own hands. He sto