Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: August 15, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Johnston or search for Johnston in all documents.

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rk, and there lost several thousand men — to the Yankees say — by disease or in skirmishes. Gen. Johnston evacuated York and retired to Williamsburg without the loss of a man. McClellan halted long e a lying dispatch, in which he claimed a great victory, and then followed, promising to "press Johnston to the wall." The latter halted at Williamsburg, and a rear-guard attack between Longstreet's dgstreet attacked the Yankees and utterly routed them, driving them several miles before him. As Johnston's only object was to repulse the advanced guard, in order to continue his retreat unmolested, tadvance. Upon the strength of this he wrote another lying dispatch, claiming a great victory. Johnston retreated without any farther molestation, except an attempt at Barhamsville where the Yankees re again beaten into a jelly, and where McClellan again claimed a victory. He finally followed Johnston to the Chickahominy, where he sat down and began to dig-every dispatch and every letter from hi