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rthern abolitionists.--Newark Mercury, September 9. The Richmond Examiner of this day gives the following on the rebel commands in Virginia: The armies of Gen. Johnston and Beauregard have been temporarily combined, and styled the Army of the Potomac. While united for certain purposes, they are still distinct as ever in their organization and in the details of command. General Beauregard is at the head of the first corps and Gen. Johnston of the second. While the latter is the ranking officer of seniority of appointment, and could, according to regulation, assume entire command of the army, yet, with that deference for the feelings and soldierly repuive which he had anterior to his own arrival at Manassas. The commands are in all essentials distinct, and no order of a general character is ever issued by General Johnston without full and free interchange of opinion with General Beauregard. To say that this conduct is not appreciated by General Beauregard would do gross injus
e firing occasioned great consternation in Washington, and was followed by a perfect stampede from the city. One hundred and three shots were sent across the river, and consisted of bombs, round shot and spherical case. The last that was seen of the Federals they were in full retreat towards Washington. The Massachusetts officer says that several regiments were sent immediately up to support those fired on, but nothing has been seen of them. He also says that there are thirty thousand men near Alexandria, but that they are maintained on this side of the river with great difficulty. They live in perfect terror and under constant apprehension of an attack. To-night I have nothing to report, except that every thing is quiet. Our men patchily bide their time and make no complaint at the delay imposed upon them. They have great confidence in and great respect for Gen. Johnston, and an ardent love for Gen. Beau regard. Both Generals have won the hearts of their men. G. M.
The West. --The letter from an esteemed correspondent in Tennessee on the condition of our military affairs in the West is anticipated by the appointment of the man for that division of the Confederacy and indeed for the times. General A. S. Johnston has, we understand, been appointed to direct our military operations in the Mississippi Valley, and will proceed promptly to his post. With his able Generals he will soon arrange his plans and put our affairs in the best condition.
More soldiers from Rockingham. --The wife of Captain William F. Deatrick, of Company G, Virginia militia, residing near Ottobine, in this county, presented the State, (not her husband, for he was absent on duty at Winchester,) on Saturday morning last, with three boys at one birth! They weighed sixteen pounds. The patriotic mother and two of the "boys" are doing well — the other little fellow was not so well, though hopes are entertained that he, too, will yet be a man. They are to be named Johnston, Lee and Beauregard.-- Rockingham Register.
ir ear — are equally applicable to the inhabitants of Washington, when on yesterday morning the booming of cannon, not five miles from their city, was borne from our battery, firing into one of their large encampments at or near the Chain Bridge, and scarcely a mile from Georgetown. The cannonade commenced at early dawn and continued, at short intervals, until about 10 o'clock, A. M. It was heard here with loud distinctness, and gave rise to many excited conjectures. Many declared that Gen. Johnston had crossed the Potomac, had engaged the enemy in heavy force, and during the day it was said that our cannon had battered down the Aqueduct from which Washington and Georgetown are supplied with water. On to-day, however, it was ascertained that the firing was against about 800 of the enemy, encamped between one and two miles above Georgetown, who immediately struck their tents and fell back to a safer distance. Our battery in the meantime had advanced, and from its position across th
Gen. A. S. Johnston. --The citizens of Memphis have sent a numerously signed petition to the Confederate Government, in favor of the appointment of Gen. A. Sydney Johnston to the command of the forces in that department. It is said that Gen. Polk's name is on the petition. Gen. A. S. Johnston. --The citizens of Memphis have sent a numerously signed petition to the Confederate Government, in favor of the appointment of Gen. A. Sydney Johnston to the command of the forces in that department. It is said that Gen. Polk's name is on the petition.
The Daily Dispatch: November 9, 1861., [Electronic resource], Eight Months' campaigning and the result. (search)
he one prepared in his office. The pay account received by King of Lambath was not prepared at his instance. This was also accompanied by a certificate, reading--" Col. Smith says he will pay enclosed claim as soon as money in Department, and will give it preference to all there." The testimony previously given was repeated in substance by the Witnesses, after which the Mayor called Gen. Winder, who stated that he had seen Tormey twice at his office, having sent for him in consequence of certain representations he had heard, relative to his passing as an aid-de-camp of Gen. Johnston. Tormey professed that it was merely a joke of his, and nothing further transpired.-- A. J. Ford had seen the prisoners at his house together. After the arrest of Miller; Tormey said that he was sorry he had ever made his acquaintance, for it had got him into difficulty. At the request of the counsel for the accused, the Mayor consented to postpone the further consideration of the case until to day.
which were communicated to President Davis by telegraph from Columbus, the fight must have been obstinate on both sides; but, as in every previous engagement of any note, where the enemy had not the advantage of naval assistance, victory rewarded the exertions of the brave and gallant Southron. The Federals were completely routed, and pursued back to their boats, while the road for a distance of seven miles was strewn with the evidences of rapid flight. This victory is important, not only from the moral effect of such an event, but in the complete over throw of the enemy's plans of opening a passage down the river towards Memphis. Our troops still hold their position son both sides, and will doubtless be ready for the foe should he repeat the demonstration. Gen. Grant, who is reported killed, was one of the most prominent officers in the Federal army. The War Department last evening received a dispatch from Gen. A. Sydney Johnston, confirming the foregoing intelligence.
est of the grades we have enumerated, however, are represented in the Confederate army. We suppose the full General in the Confederate service corresponds with the Field-Marshal of France, the Lieutenant-General in the Federal service, and the rank usually held by commanders of divisions operating independently in the field, in all the European services. There are five full Generals in the Confederate army, whose relative rank, as among themselves, is as follows: 1. S. Cooper; 2. A. Sydney Johnston; 3. Robert E. Lee; 4. Joseph E. Johnston; 5. G. T. Beauregard.--What principles governed the President in thus arranging the relative rank of these officers, we cannot undertake to explain. We believe that the Confederate Congress sanctioned the schedule, and what the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Congress, has done, let no man question. We will only say, that if we had had the arrangement of relative rank among these Generals, the gradation would have been ver
The great struggle begun. On Saturday last the grand struggle for this city was commenced in earnest between a portion of Gen. Johnston's army on our side and a portion of the Federal army under General McClellan. The enemy had crossed the Chickahominy at several points, varying from eight and twelve miles from Richmond, on Friday evening, and was attacked on Saturday morning early by our forces. The fight was continued till night with great spirit on our side, and the enemy obstinately. The summing up last night was highly encouraging to our man and our cause. We had driven the enemy at all points towards the Swamp or steam he had crossed, taken twenty-eight pieces and between seven and eight hundred prisoners. General Johnston was slightly wounded the first day, and the command devolved on General Gustavus W. Smith--an officer of very great ability, enjoying the confidence of the army in a high degree. The reader will find in our columns such a sketch of this