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The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), The battle of fleet Wood. (search)
ed to fall back rapidly to Brandy Station, the Yankees being in my rear. I had reported their advance upon Stevensburg and Brandy, and was ordered, through Lieutenant Johnston, to hold the ground in my front. One regiment of my brigade was then ordered to move rapidly to the General's headquarters, the other was instructed to covt Brandy Station. Before receiving this message, I had contemplated making an attack in rear, should it meet the General's approval. I, therefore, sent Lieutenant James Johnston to report to General Stuart, who sent me orders to hold my front. A division of my force was impossible, as I needed them all. I consider it extremely fdquarters cavalry Division, June 13th, 1863. Respectfully forwarded. It is very clear that General Robertson intended to do what was right. At the time Lieutenant Johnston reported to me, it was too late for any movement to have been made from General Robertson's front, and it would have been extremely hazardous for him to hav