Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: August 20, 1863., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for William Jones or search for William Jones in all documents.

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Disturbing an Audience. --Col. Wm. Jones alias J. M. Williams, and Lieut. Alexander W. Hamilton, were before the Mayor yesterday to answer the charge of drunkenness and disorderly conduct at Metd place of amusement, when, on being spoken to by Mr. James H. Munday, one of the doorkeepers, Col. Jones drew a pistol on him, which he snapped twice without its discharging. Jones and Hamilton wereJones and Hamilton were further charged with resisting the police, who attempted to arrest them. The first named was bound over in the sum of $300 to answer an indictment before the next Hustings Court Grand Jury, and thet before the next Hustings Court Grand Jury, and the latter in a like amount to keep the peace. Mr. George Watt entered into bonds for Jones, and the Mayor accepted Jones as security for Hamilton. t before the next Hustings Court Grand Jury, and the latter in a like amount to keep the peace. Mr. George Watt entered into bonds for Jones, and the Mayor accepted Jones as security for Hamilton.