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Francis B. Carpenter, Six Months at the White House, Xii. (search)
-He has an idea of painting a picture of us all together. This, of course, started conversation on the topic of art. Presently a reference was made by some one to Jones, the sculptor, whose bust of Mr. Lincoln was in the crimson parlor below. The President, I think, was writing at this instant. Looking up, he said, Jones tells aJones tells a good story of General Scott, of whom he once made a bust. Having a fine subject to start with, he succeeded in giving great satisfaction. At the closing sitting he attempted to define and elaborate the lines and markings of the face. The General sat patiently; but when he came to see the result, his countenance indicated decided displeasure. Why, Jones, what have you been doing? he asked. Oh, rejoined the sculptor, not much, I confess, General; I have been working out the details of the face a little more, this morning. Details? exclaimed the General, warmly; the details! Why, my man, you are spoiling the bust! At three o'clock the President
Francis B. Carpenter, Six Months at the White House, Lxviii. (search)
ral architects failed, and at last Brown said he had a friend named Jones, who had built several bridges and undoubtedly could build that one. So Mr. Jones was called in. Can you build this bridge? inquired the committee. Yes, replied Jones, or any other. I could build a bridgeJones, or any other. I could build a bridge to the infernal regions, if necessary! The committee were shocked, and Brown felt called upon to defend his friend. I know Jones so well, Jones so well, said he, and he is so honest a man and so good an architect, that if he states soberly and positively that he can build a bridge to — to--, wr. Lincoln, I feel about that a good deal as a man whom I will call Jones, whom I once knew, did about his wife. He was one of your meek men. A day or two afterward a friend met him in the street, and said: Jones, I have always stood up for you, as you know; but I am not going ty and take a switching from his wife, deserves to be horsewhipped. Jones looked up with a wink, patting his friend on the back. Now don't,
Francis B. Carpenter, Six Months at the White House, Index. (search)
233. Hospitals, 107. Hubbard, Hon. Mr., (Ct.,) 253. I. Independent, New York, 88, 230, 287. Ingenious Nonsense, 158. Inman, (Artist,) 69. J. Jackson, Stonewall, 234, 268. Johnson, Hon., Andrew, 102. Johnson, Oliver, 77. Jones, (Sculptor,) 34. K. Kelly, Hon., Wm., 92, 165, 294 King, Starr, 228. Knox, William, (Poet,) 60. L. Lincoln, Hon. G. B., of Brooklyn, 110, 113, 234. Lincoln, Mrs. 165, 293, 301. Lincoln, President, account of Emancipation Proc; final criticism of the painting, 353; farewell words, 354. Lincoln, Robert, 45, 300. Lincoln, Tad, 44, 91, 92, 293, 300. Lincoln, Willie, 44, 116. Lovejoy, Hon. Owen, 14, 17, 18, 20, 47, 57, 157. Lincoln's Stories. General Scott and Jones the sculptor, 34; great men, 37; Daniel Webster, 37, 131; Thad. Stevens, 38; a little more light and a little less noise, 49; tax on state banks, 53; Andy Johnson and Colonel Moody, 102; chin fly, 129; Secretary Cameron's retirement, 138; Wade an