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is recent raid through Tennessee and Northern Alabama. In compliance with orders received September twenty-ninth, I reported my command; the Seventy-second Indiana, Lieutenant-Colonel S. C. Kirkpatrick commanding; the Seventeenth Indiana, Major Wm. Jones commanding; the Ninety-eighth Illinois, Lieutenant-Colonel Kitchell commanding; the One Hundred and Twenty-third Illinois, Colonel James Monroe commanding; the Eighteenth Indiana battery, Captain Eli Lilly commanding; a battery of four mount for his gallant conduct, his energy and promptness in the execution of all orders. Lieutenant-Colonel Kitchell, commanding the Ninety-eighth Illinois, challenges admiration for his gallant conduct and soldierly bearing on all occasions. Major Jones, commanding the Seventeenth Indiana, the oldest regiment in the volunteer service, won laurels whenever and wherever sent. Captain Lilly, commanding Eighteenth Indiana battery, for his energy in keeping up with the command at all times, and
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., The opposing forces at Chickamauga, Ga. September 19th-20th; 1863. (search)
tevens (k), Lieut. Samuel M. McDowell; 3d Wis., Lieut. Cortland Livingston. Artillery loss: k, 4; w, 35; m, 13 == 52. Reserve Corps, Maj.-Gen. Gordon Granger. Staff loss: k, 1. First division, Brig.-Gen. James B. Steedman. First Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Walter C. Whitaker: 96th Ill., Col. Thomas E. Champion; 115th Ill., Col. Jesse H. Moore; 84th Ind., Col. Nelson Trusler; 22d Mich., Col. Heber Le Favour (c), Lieut.-Col. William Sanborn (w), Capt. Alonzo M. Keeler (e); 40th Ohio, Lieut.-Col. William Jones; 89th Ohio, Col. Caleb H, Carlton (c), Capt. Isaac C. Nelson; 18th Ohio Battery, Capt. Charles C. Aleshire. Brigade loss: k, 154; w, 654; m, 518 == 1326. Second Brigade, Col. John G. Mitchell: 78th Ill., Lieut.-Col. Carter Van Vleck (w), Lieut. Geo. Green; 98th Ohio, Capt. Moses J. Urquhart (w), Capt. Armstrong J. Thomas; 113th Ohio, Lieut.-Col. Darius B. Warner; 121st Ohio, Lieut.-Col. Henry B. Banning; M, 1st Ill. Art'y, Lieut. Thos. Burton. Brigade loss: k, 58; w, 308; m, 95==
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., The opposing forces in the Atlanta campaign. May 3d-September 8th, 1864. (search)
S. Williams: D, 1st Ill., Capt. Edgar H. Cooper; H, 1st Mich., Capt. Marcus D. Elliott, Lieut. William Justin; 3d Ohio, Lieut. John Sullivan. Fourth division, Brig.-Gen. Walter Q. Gresham, Col. William Hall, Brig.-Gen. Giles A. Smith. First Brigade, Col. William L. Sanderson, Col. Benjamin F. Potts: 32d Ill. (transferred to Second Brigade July 18th), Col. John Logan, Lieut.-Col. George H. English; 23d Ind., Lieut.-Col. William P. Davis, Lieut.-Col. George S. Babbitt; 53d Ind., Lieut.-Col. William Jones, Maj. Warner L. Vestal, Capt. George H. Beers; 3d Iowa (3 co's), Capt. Daniel McLennon, Capt. Pleasant T. Matches, Lieut. Lewis T. Linnell, Lieut. D. W. Wilson; 12th Wis. (transferred to First Brigade, Third Division, July 10th), Col. George E. Bryant, Lieut.-Col. James K. Proudfit. Second Brigade (at Allatoona, Kenesaw, Ackworth, and other points in rear from June 8th), Col. George C. Rogers, Col. Isaac C. Pugh, Col. John Logan: 14th Ill., Consolidated July 5th, under Col. G. C
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 6: the Army of the Potomac.--the Trent affair.--capture of Roanoke Island. (search)
Denig, Michael Hudson, William M. Smith, miles M. Oviatt, Barnett Kenna, William Halsted, Joseph Brown, Joseph Irlam, Edward Price, Alexander Mack, William Nichols, John Lawson, Martin Freeman, William Dinsmore, Adam Duncan, Charles Deakin, Cornelius Cronin, William Wells, Hendrick sharp, Walter B. Smith, George Parks, Thomas Hayes, Lebbeus Simkins, Oloff Smith, Alexander H. Truett, Robert Brown, John H. James, Thomas Cripps, John Brazell, James H. Morgan, John Smith, James B. Chandler., William Jones, William Doolen, James Smith, Hugh Hamilton, James McIntosh, William M. Carr, Thomas Atkinson, David Sprowle, Andrew Miller, James Martin, William Phinney, John Smith, Samuel W. Kinnard, Patrick Dougherty, Michael Cassidy, George Taylor,,Louis G. Chaput, James Ward, Daniel Whitfield, John M. Burns, John Edwards, Adam McCulloch, James Sheridan, John E. Jones, William Gardner, John Preston, William Newland, David Naylor, Charles B. Woram, Thomas Kendrick, James S. Roan, tree, Andrew Jones,
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 44: battle of Mobile Bay. (search)
Hayes, Lebeus Simkins, Oloff Smith and Alex. H. Truett, Coxswains; Robert Brown and John H. James, Captains of Top; Thomas Cripps and John Brazell, Quartermasters; James H. Morgan and John Smith, Captains of Top; James B. Chandler, Coxswain; William Jones, Captain of Top; William Doolan, Coalheaver; James Smith, Captain of Forecastle; Hugh Hamilton, Coxswain; James McIntosh, Captain of Top; William M. Carr, Master-at-Arms; Thomas Atkinson, Yeoman; David Sprowls, Orderly Sergeant; Andrew Millerte, Cornelius Dailey. Naval station, New Orleans, La. Acting-Master, Adrien C. Starrett. Naval hospital. Surgeon, J. S. Dungan; Assistant Surgeon, J. H. Clark; Acting-Assistant Surgeon, W. H. Went-worth. Southwest Pass. Acting-Master, William Jones. The following officers participated in the battle of Mobile Bay. This list has been compiled from the official reports of the battle. The Navy Register for January 1, 1864, does not give them as part of the West Gulf Blockadi
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 53: operations of the West Gulf Squadron in the latter part of 1864, and in 1865.--joint operations in Mobile Bay by Rear-Admiral Thatcher and General Canby. (search)
-Fourth rate. Acting-Ensigns, Robert H. Carey and S. A. Brooks; Acting-Assistant Surgeon, T. M. Drummond; Acting-Assistant Paymaster, T. S. Dabney; Acting-Master's Mates, G. H. Rowen and Allan Reilley. Bloomer--Fourth-rate. Acting-Third-Assistant Engineer, Thomas G. Jones. Charlotte--Fourth-rate. Acting-Master's Mate, A. Whiting. Ida--Fourth-rate. Pilot, Benj. Tarbell; Acting Master's Mate, Henry Kent. New Orleans, La., naval rendezvous. Acting-Master, E. H. Howell; Acting-Assistant Surgeon, D. M. McLean. Naval hospital. Surgeon, J. Jones; Assistant Surgeons, Thomas Hiland and Heber Smith. Mobile Bay. Acting-Master, F. H. Grove; Acting-Master's Mates, C. R. Marple and E. A. Morse; Acting-Third-Assistant Engineer, J. L. Young. Coast of Texas. Acting-Ensign, Robert M. Hanson. Southwest Pass. Acting-Master, Wm. Jones. Mississippi River. Lieutenant-Commander Wm. Mitchell, Ordnance Officer; Assistant Paymaster W. C. Cook, Naval Storekeeper.
htly; Daniel J. Crooks, slightly; James C. Bolan, slightly. Co. B--Second Lieut. John D. Merriman, slightly; First Sergt. George W. Martin, slightly; Corporal Charles Beck, left arm fractured; Private Joseph J. Hopton, slightly. Co. C--Sergeant Wm. Henthorn, supposed mortally; Privates Jonathan Dunn, supposed mortally; W. J. Henthorn, slightly; Elijah Beckett, severely; Isaiah Masters, slightly. Co. D--First Lieut. Derius Dirlam, slightly; Sergeant Hiram A. Ward, supposed mortally; Privates Wm. Jones, supposed mortally; Jonathan Ward, severely; William White, slightly; Daniel S. Coe, severely; R. B. Compton, slightly. Co. E--Privates John E. Rearich, severely in leg; Richard D. Phelps, severely, in thigh; August Fruh, slightly, on the head. Co. F--Corporal Enville A. Hasson, slightly, in elbow; Privates Thomas Jones, severely, in thigh — fractured; Asa Meredith, severely, in shoulder; George Alter, slightly, in elbow; John MeKinly, slightly, in hand; Hugh Wilson, slightly — toe s
A spy hung.--Captain William Jones, of the sloop Isabel, has terminated his brief but notorious career at the end of a rope. The account we hear is, that on the arrival of the cars at Scooba, a passenger on the train pointed out Jones, as boasting to him of being the person who provisioned Slemmer, and that he was then on the way to Washington, with despatches to Lincoln's Government. He was arrested, the proofs of his treason found upon him, and he was executed upon the spot by the enragones, of the sloop Isabel, has terminated his brief but notorious career at the end of a rope. The account we hear is, that on the arrival of the cars at Scooba, a passenger on the train pointed out Jones, as boasting to him of being the person who provisioned Slemmer, and that he was then on the way to Washington, with despatches to Lincoln's Government. He was arrested, the proofs of his treason found upon him, and he was executed upon the spot by the enraged citizens.--Mobile Advertiser.
erdy, Int. 44; D. 60; speech at Frederick, Md., Doc. 199 Johnson, R. W., D. 72 Jones, Amanda T., P. 74 Jones, Col., Mass. 6th Reg't, D. 53 Jones, —, judge U. S. District Court of Alabama, adjourned his Court forever, D. 13 Jones, J. Wesley, speech to the soldiers of the Mass. Fifth, P. 82 Jones, R., Lieut., at Harper's Ferry, D. 30, 34, 54; official report of tho destruction of the arsenal at harper's Ferry, Doc. 72 Jones, Thomas, Gen., D. 39 Jones, William, Capt., hung, P. 38 Jouett, James E., Lt. U. S. N., P. 21 Journal of Commerce, (N. Y.,) its apology for J. B. Floyd, P. 11 Julia Mildred, P. 65 Junkin, Dr., President of Washington College, Ky., resigns, P. 99 K Kallman, Colonel, D. 105 Kane, Marshal, refuses to deliver arms, D. 71 Kapp, Frederic, speech at the Union meeting, N. Y., Doc. 106 Keese, J. Lawrence, killed, D. 62 Keitt, L. M., delegate to Montgomery Congress, D. 10 Kelly,
proportion of officers of rank, who will prove very serviceable as exchanges for some of our own valued officers now in the enemy's hands. The list of officers, so far as I have been able to learn it, is as follows: Brig.-Gen. Lloyd Tilghman, of Kentucky, commanding the district; Capt. Jesse Taylor, of Tennessee, Chief of artillery and Commander of the Fort; Lieut. W. O. Wotts, artillery; Lieut. G. R. G. Jones, artillery; Capt. Miller, engineer-corps; Capt. Hayden, engineer-corps; Capt. Wm. Jones, Brigade-Quartermaster; Dr. A. H. Voorhies, Brigade — Surgeon ; Dr. Horton, Surgeon Tenth Tennessee Regiment; Capt. J. McLaughlin, Quartermaster Tenth Tennessee; Major McCormick, Asst. Adj.-Gen. Gen. Tilghman is a large, stout man, rather prepossessing in appearance, and gentlemanly in manner, after the Southern idea of a gentleman, but rather inclined to pomposity, like most of the rebel officers that I have seen. He is a graduate of West-Point, and was formerly in the United State