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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Allen, William, 1710-1780 (search)
led The American crisis, containing a plan for restoring American dependence upon Great Britain. He died in England in September, 1780. educator and author; born in Pittsville, Mass., Jan. 2, 1784: graduated at Harvard College in 1802. After entering the ministry and preaching for some time in western New York, he was elected a regent and assistant librarian of Harvard College. He was president of Dartmouth College in 1817-20, and of Bowdoin College in 1820-39. He was the author of Junius unmasked; a supplement to Webster's dictionary; Psalms and hymns; Memoirs of Dr. Eleazer Wheelock and of Dr. John Codmand: a discourse at the close of the second century of the settlement at Northampton, Mass.; Wunaissoo, or the vale of Housatonnuck, a poem; Christian sonnets: poems of Nazareth and the cross: sacred songs; and numerous pamphlets, and contributed biographical articles to Sprague's Annals of the American pulpit. He also prepared the first edition of the American biographical
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Barre, Isaac, 1726-1802 (search)
tion against Louisburg in 1758. Wolfe was his friend, and appointed him major of brigade; and in May, 1759, he was made adjutant-general of Wolfe's army that assailed Quebec. He was severely wounded in the battle on the Plains of Abraham, by which he lost the sight of one eye. Barre served under Amherst in 1760; and was the official bearer of the news of the surrender of Montreal to England. In 1761 he was promoted to lieutenant-colonel, and the same year he obtained a seat in Parliament, where he found himself in opposition to the ministry. For this offence he was deprived of his offices, given him as a reward for his services in America. He was the warm friend of the colonies, and made able speeches in Parliament in their favor. Barre was one of the supposed authors of the Letters of Junius. Strong in person, vigorous in mind, independent in thought and action, he was a dreaded opponent. During the last twenty years of his life he was blind. He died in London, July 20, 1802.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Burgoyne, Sir John, 1723-1792 (search)
ry officer; born in England, Feb. 24, 1723; was liberally educated, and entered the army at an early age. While a subaltern he clandestinely married a daughter of the Earl of Derby, who subsequently aided him in acquiring military promotion and settled $1,500 a year upon him. He served with distinction in Portugal in 1762. The year before, he was elected to Parliament, and gained his seat as representative of another borough, in 1768, at an expense of about $50,000. In the famous Letters of Junius he was severely handled. Being appointed to command in America, he arrived at Boston May 25, 1775; and to Lord Stanley he wrote a letter, giving a graphic account of the battle on Bunker (Breed's) Hill. In December, 1776, he returned to England, and was commissioned lieutenant-general. Sir John Burgoyne. Placed in command of the British forces in Canada, he arrived there early in 1777, and in June he began an invasion of the province of New York by way of Lake Champlain and the Hudson
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Burke, Edmund, 1730-1797 (search)
Taking a prominent part in the affairs in India, he began the prosecution of Gov. Warren Hastings early in 1786. His labors in behalf of India in that protracted trial were immense, though the conviction of Hastings was not effected. His great work entitled Reflections on the Revolution in France appeared in 1790. As a statesman and thinker and clear writer he had few superiors. His conversational powers were remarkable. and he was one of the suspected authors of the famous Letters of Junius. He died in Beaconsfield, England, July 9, 1797. Conciliation with the colonies. Burke's great conciliatory speech in the British Parliament, on March 22. 1775, was based on the following proposals which he had previously introduced: That the colonies and plantations of Great Britain in North America, consisting of fourteen separate governments. and contaning 2,000,000 and upward of free Edmund Burke. inhabitants, have not had the liberty and privilege of electing and sending an
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Junius, letters of (search)
Junius, letters of During the quarrel between Great Britain and her colonies (1765-75), a series of letters addressed to King George III. were published in the Public Advertiser, and were generally signed Junius or Philo-Junius. In the first authorized collection of these letteJunius. In the first authorized collection of these letters there were forty-four by Junius and fifteen by Philo-Junius. They treated of public men and public measures of that day in a style that prJunius and fifteen by Philo-Junius. They treated of public men and public measures of that day in a style that produced a profound impression and interest in the public mind, and excited the hottest indignation of those who felt the lash. The style was cJunius. They treated of public men and public measures of that day in a style that produced a profound impression and interest in the public mind, and excited the hottest indignation of those who felt the lash. The style was condensed but lucid; full of studied epigrammatic sarcasm, brilliant metaphor, and fierce personal attack. The government and those interestedh has ever since enveloped the name of the author of the letters of Junius has kept up an interest in them, which, because of the remoteness oferences has satisfied the most careful inquirers that Sir Philip Francis was Junius. The letters were chiefly written between 1769 and 1772.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Lee, Charles 1731- (search)
ss and volubility of his tongue concerning the shortcomings of his superior officers. On visiting the Continent after he was put on the halfpay list, he was made an aide-de-camp of King Stanislaus of Poland. He went to England in 1766, where he failed in his attempts to obtain promotion, and returned to Poland, where he was made a major-general, and afterwards served a short time in the Russian army. Finally, Lee made his way to America, where he claimed to be the author of the Letters of Junius. He was boastful, restless, impulsive, quarrelsome, egotistical, ironical in expression, and illiberal in his judgment of others. His restlessness caused the Mohawks, who adopted him, to give him a name signifying boiling water. He espoused the cause of the American republicans, and when the Continental army was organized he was chosen second major-general under Washington, which he accepted on condition that the Congress should advance him $30,000 as indemnity for any losses he might s
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Newspapers. (search)
w more than fifty years since Tocqueville compared a newspaper to a man standing at an open window and bawling to passers-by in the street. Down to his time the newspaper press in all countries in Europe, and almost down to his time in America, was looked upon as simply, or mainly, an ill-informed and often malignant critic of the government. The fearless and independent press of our great-grandfathers was a press that exposed the shortcomings of men in power in a style in which De Foe and Junius Press-room of a modern newspaper. set the fashion. The ideal editor of those days was a man who expected to be locked up on account of the boldness of his invectives against the government, but did not mind it. His news-gathering was so subordinate to his criticism that he was hardly thought of as a news-gatherer. Tocqueville's man bawling out of the window was not bawling out the latest intelligence. He was bawling about the blunders and corruption of the ministry, and showing them the
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Revolutionary War, (search)
South Carolina Assembly. In Ireland, the dispute with America aroused Grattan, and he began his splendid career at about this time. The English toilers in the manufacturing districts longed to enjoy the abundance and freedom which they heard of in America; and 1769 is marked by the establishment, in England, of the system of public meetings to discuss subjects of importance to free-born Englishmen. The press, too, spoke out boldly at that time. Can you conceive, wrote the yet mysterious Junius to the King, that the people of this country will long submit to be governed by so flexible a House of Commons? The oppressed people of Ireland give you every day fresh marks of their resentment. The colonists left their native land for freedom and found it in a desert. Looking forward to independence, they equally detest the pageantry of a king and the supercilious hypocrisy of a bishop. To wise and thoughtful men, war between Great Britain and her American colonies seemed inevitable