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Browsing named entities in James Redpath, The Public Life of Captain John Brown. You can also browse the collection for J. H. Kagi or search for J. H. Kagi in all documents.
Your search returned 70 results in 13 document sections:
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Kagi unfolds the great plan.
After dinner, Kagi had some conversation with the Captain apart.
He then asked me if I woKagi had some conversation with the Captain apart.
He then asked me if I would walk down to the Marais-des-Cygnes, as he was going to fish.
I acquiesced, and we started.
About half way to the river we stopped, and sat on a fence.
Kagi asked me what I supposed was the plan of Captain Brown?
My answer was, that I though y of slaves, and removing them to Canada.
On the contrary, Kagi clearly stated, in answer to my inquiries, that the design refuge for the slave, and a defence against the oppressor.
Kagi spoke of having marked out a chain of counties extending co as possible, in order to retreat when that was advisable.
Kagi, however, expected to retreat southward, not in the contrar bsistence by forage, as also arms, horses, and ammunition.
Kagi said one of the reasons that induced him to go into the ent orth was upon them pell-mell, as well as all their slaves.
Kagi said John Brown anticipated that by a system of forbearance
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Monday, may 10th, 1859--9 1/2 P. M.
The Convention assembled and went into balloting for the election of Treasurer and Secretary of Treasury.
Owen Brown was elected to the former office, and George B. Gill to the latter.
The following resolution was then introduced by Mr. Brown, and unanimously passed.
Resolved, That John Brown, J. H. Kagi, Richard Realf.
L. F. Parsons, C. H. Tidd, C. Whipple, C. W. Moffit, John E. Cook, Owen Brown, Steward Taylor, Osborn Anderson.
A. M. Ellsworth, Richard Richardson, W. H. Leeman, and John Lawrence, be, and are hereby, appointed a Committee, to whom is delegated the power of the Convention to fill by election all offices specially named in the Provisional Constitution, which may be vacant after the adjournment of the Convention.
The Convention then adjourned sine die.
Signed, J. Kagi, Secretary of the Convention