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John Beatty, The Citizen-Soldier; or, Memoirs of a Volunteer 40 0 Browse Search
Philip Henry Sheridan, Personal Memoirs of P. H. Sheridan, General, United States Army . 6 2 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4. 6 4 Browse Search
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would have had my fathers do for me. Kinsmen of the coming centuries, I bid you hail and godspeed! Columbus, December 16, 1878. The Third Ohio Volunteer Infantry served under two separate terms of enlistment — the one for three months, and the other for three years. The regiment was organized April 21, 1861, and on April 27th it was mustered into the United States service, with the following field officers: Isaac H. Marrow, Colonel; John Beatty, Lieutenant Colonel, and J. Warren Keifer, Major. The writer's record begins with the day on which his regiment entered Virginia, June 22, 1861, and ends on January 1, 1864. He does not undertake to present a history of the organizations with which he was connected, nor does he attempt to describe the operations of armies. His record consists merely of matters which came under his own observation, and of camp gossip, rumors, trifling incidents, idle speculations, and the numberless items, small and great, which, in one wa
We were now at the head of the column. A small brook crossed the road at this point, and the thick woods concealed us from the enemy. A few rods further on, a bend in the road gave us a good view of the entire front of his fortifications. Major Keifer and a few other gentlemen, in their anxiety to get more definite information in regard to the position of the secessionists, and the extent of their works, went up the road, and were saluted by a shot from their battery. We expected every mom heart, and the belief grew strong that Rosecrans had been defeated, and his brigade cut to pieces or captured. This belief grew to certain conviction soon after, when we heard shout after shout go up from the fortifications in our front. Major Keifer with two companies had, early in the afternoon, climbed the hill on our right to look for a position from which artillery could be used effectively. The ground over which he moved was broken and covered with a dense growth of trees and underb
s further on, where we found the roads impassable for our artillery and transportation. Learning that the enemy had abandoned Big Springs and fallen back to Huntersville, the soldiers were permitted to break ranks, while Colonel Marrow and Major Keifer, with a company of cavalry, rode forward to the Springs. Colonel Nick Anderson, Adjutant Mitchell and I followed. We found on the road evidence of the recent presence of a very large force. Quite a number of wagons had been left behind. Man duplicate of yesterday, cold and windy. To-night the moon is sailing through a wilderness of clouds, now breaking out and throwing a mellow light over valley and mountain, then plunging into obscurity, and leaving all in thick darkness. Major Keifer, Adjutant Mitchell, and Private Jerroloaman have been stretching their legs before my fireplace all the evening. The Adjutant being hopelessly in love, naturally enough gave the conversation a sentimental turn, and our thoughts have been wand
ng in here and there patriotic expressions, which encouraged and delighted the boys very much. When he departed they gave him three rousing cheers. December, 21 A reconnaissance was made beyond Green river yesterday, and no enemy found. We are short of supplies; entirely out of sugar, coffee, and candles, and the boys to-night indicated some faint symptoms of insbordination, but I assured them we had made every effort possible to obtain these articles, and so quieted them. Major Keifer was officer in charge of the camp yesterday, and when making the rounds last night a sentinel challenged, Halt! Who comes there? The sergeant responded, Grand rounds, whereupon the weary and disappointed Irishman retorted in angry tones: Divil take the grand rounds, I thought it the relafe comin‘. December, 22 The pleasant days have ended. The clouds hang heavy and black, and the rain descends in torrents. After eleven o'clock last night I accompanied General Mitchell to ten
it come. It will suit me just as well now as at any time. If deceived, I shall never more have faith in the moon and as for the man in the moon, I shall call him a cheat to his face. February, 2 The devil is to pay in the regiment. The Colonel is doing his utmost to create a disturbance. His friends are busy among the privates. At noon an effort was made to get up a demonstration on the color line in his behalf. Now a petition is being circulated among the privates requesting Major Keifer and me to resign. The night is as dark as pitch. A few minutes ago a shout went up for the Colonel, and was swelled from point to point along the line of company tents, until now possibly five hundred voices have joined in the yell. The Colonel's friends tell the boys that if he were to remain he would obtain leave for the regiment to go back to Camp Dennison to recruit; that he was about to obtain rifles and Zouave uniforms for them, and that there is a conspiracy among the office
two ob dem. You is jest as big as dey is, and maybe a little bigger. A few miles from here, at a cross roads, is a guideboard: 15 miles to Liberty. If liberty were indeed but fifteen miles away, the stars to-night would see a thousand negroes dancing on the way thither; old men with their wives and bundles; young men with their sweethearts; little barefooted children, all singing in their hearts: De day ob jubilee hab come, ho ho! On the march hither we passed a little, contemptible, tumble-down, seven-by-nine frame school-house. Over the door, in large letters, were the words: Central Academy. The boys laughed and said: If this is called an academy, what sort of things must their common school-houses be? But Tennessee is a beautiful State. All it lacks is free schools and freemen. March, 31 Colonel Keifer, in command of four hundred men, started with ninety wagons for Nashville. He will repair the railroad in two or three places and return with provisions.
olunteer service: Steady on the right ; Guide center; Forward, double quick. Reached Huntsville at five in the afternoon. April, 16 Just after sunset Colonel Keifer and I strolled into the town, stopped at the hotel for a moment, where we saw a rebel officer in his gray uniform running about on parole. Visited the railro by a bold dash accomplishes equally imporant results, without loss of life, is entitled to as great praise certainly as he who fights and wins a victory. Colonel Keifer and I have been on horseback most of the afternoon, examining all the roads leading from Decatur. On our way back to camp we called at Mr. Rather's. He was aoon, I would burn it down; by ten o'clock it was running, and at three in the afternoon we had an abundance of corn meal. A detachment of the Third under Colonel Keifer crossed the river and reconnoitered the country beyond. It found no enemy, but returned to camp with an abundance of bacon — an article very greatly needed b
mpelled the Dutchman to abandon the controversy, leaving the colored man well pleased that he had vanquished his opponent and re-established himself in the good opinion of his hearers. May, 14 Resumed the march at two o'clock in the morning, and proceeded to a point known as the Lower Ferry. Ascertaining here that the enemy had recrossed the Tennessee, and was pushing southward, we abandoned pursuit and turned to retrace our steps to Huntsville. Leaving the regiment in command of Colonel Keifer, I accompanied General Mitchell on the return, and reached camp a little after dark. May, 16 Appointed Provost Marshal of the city. Have been busy hearing all sorts of complaints, signing passes for all sorts of persons, sending guards to this and that place in the city, and doing the numerous other things necessary to be done in a city under martial law. Captain Mitchell and Lieutenant Wilson are my assistants, and, in fact, do most of the work. The citizens say I am the younge
3 Garfield and Ammen are our guests. They are sitting with Colonel Keifer, in the open air, in front of our tent. We have eaten supper, to remark that he does most of the talking. To-day Garfield and Keifer, who of course entertain the kindliest feelings, and the greatest r he had given a complete narrative of his life and adventures; then Keifer was to strike in and finish up the night. General Ammen was not to his early life, as if they were matters of the utmost importance. Keifer was not only an attentive listener, but seemed wonderfully interestown and cut him off, but they were unsuccessful. At midnight, when Keifer and I left, he was still talking; and after we had got into bed, hethe few observations we had lost by reason of our hasty departure. Keifer turned his face to the wall and groaned. Poor man! he had been ho The regiment went on a foraging expedition yesterday, under Colonel Keifer, and was some fifteen miles from Huntsville, in the direction
persist in acting upon the theory that one bottle would fill all our glasses. Seeing the glasses empty he would call for another bottle, and say to us, Gentlemen, I have ordered another bottle. The General evidently drinks, when he imbibes at all, simply to be social, and a thimble-full would answer his purpose as well as a barrel. The court called on General Buell; he is cold, smooth-toned, silent, the opposite of Nelson, who is ardent, loud-mouthed, and violent. August, 17 Colonel Keifer has just received a telegram informing him that he has been appointed Colonel of the One Hundred and Tenth Ohio. I regret his departure too much to rejoice over his promotion. He has been a faithful officer, always prompt and cheerful; much better qualified to command the regiment than its Colonel. Watermelons, peaches, nectarines, are abundant. Peaches thrive better in this climate than apples. I have eaten almost the whole of a watermelon to-day, and am somewhat satiated. The