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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 7. (ed. Frank Moore) 5 1 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 2. (ed. Frank Moore) 3 1 Browse Search
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cal Engineer; Lieutenant George Burroughs, Topographical Engineer; Lieutenant William Porter, Acting A. D. C.; Lieutenant James Reynolds, Acting A. D. C.; Lieutenant M. J. Kelley, Chief of Couriers; Assistant Surgeon D. Bache, were on the field of battle, and there and elsewhere discharged their duties with zeal and ability. I miving at that place, I received orders to march on the cross-road leading by the Widow Glenn's to the Chattanooga and La Fayette road, and take up a position near Kelley's farm, on the La Fayette road, connecting with Crittenden on my right at Gordon's Mill. The head of the column reached Kelley's farm about daylight on the ninetKelley's farm about daylight on the nineteenth, Baird's division in front, and took up a position at the forks of the road, facing toward Reid's and Alexander's bridges over the Chickamauga. Colonel Wilder, having informed me that the enemy had crossed the Chickamauga at those two bridges in force the evening before, and driven his brigade across the State road to the h
he other bank completely. Roads traverse and intersect the surrounding country in almost every direction. Finally, at Mitchell's Ford, the stream is about equidistant between Centreville and Manassas, some six miles apart. On the morning of the 18th, finding that the enemy was assuming a threatening attitude, in addition to the regiments, whose positions have been already stated, I ordered up from Camp Pickens, as a reserve, in rear of Bonham's brigade, the effective men of 6 companies of Kelley's Eighth regiment Louisiana volunteers, and Kirkland's Eleventh regiment North Carolina volunteers, which, having arrived the night before en route for Winchester, I had halted in view of the existing necessities of the service. Subsequently the latter was placed in position to the left of Bonham's brigade. Appearing in heavy force in front of Bonham's position, the enemy, about meridian, opened fire, with several 20-pounder rifle guns from a hill, over one and a half miles from Bull Run
m all parts of the town, ford White River, and gain the woods beyond, or rush up the steep bluffs, where they disappeared in the timber. The party that forded White River took position among the trees and opened a sharp fire on the United States troops, but a hundred shots or so from the Sharpe's rifles of the Dragoons sent them flying towards the Arkansas border. Scarcely had they left, when the party which sought the shelter of the bluffs opened fire upon us, but Capt. Stanley and Lieut. M. J. Kelley, of Company C, dashed off with some fifty Dragoons, when they fled and were seen no more. About this time the artillery came up and opened on the Court House, which at the time was occupied by several of our own men, including the reporter of the Dubuque Times. Three shells were fired into it before the mistake was discovered. Fortunately, no one but the reporter was injured, and he only slightly, by being struck by a splinter in the back of the head. The artillery then turned its