Browsing named entities in Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Name Index of Commands. You can also browse the collection for B. F. Kelly or search for B. F. Kelly in all documents.

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B. F. Kelly Brigadier General  Reserve Division, Artillery Brigade, Department of West Virginia Brigadier GeneralJan. 5, 1863, to Feb., 1863. Defenses Upper Potomac, Annapolis., Defenses of Baltimore., Eighth Army Corps, Middle Department Brigadier GeneralJuly 22, 1862, to Sept. 20, 1862. Railroad District, Eighth Army Corps, Middle Department Brigadier GeneralJune 24, 1863, to March 10, 1864. Department of West Virginia Brigadier GeneralMarch 11, 1862, to June 26, 1862. Railroad D 27, 1863. 3d Division, Eighth Army Corps, Middle Department Brigadier GeneralMarch 27, 1863, to June 26, 1863. 1st Division, Eighth Army Corps, Middle Department Brigadier GeneralOct. 11, 1861, to March 11, 1862. Railroad District, Department of Western Virginia Bvt. Major General  Reserve division West of Sleepy Hollow, Artillery Brigade, Department of West Virginia Col. 1st W. Va. InfantryMay 1861 to Aug., 1861. Kelly's command, Army of Occupation, West Virginia, Department o