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A petition was presented from Denis O'Neal, Jordan Miller and others, omnibus owners, asking, in consequence of the prospective building of the street railway, that they be allowed to procure licenses for their vehicles for six months. The following gentlemen were appointed Commissioners to superintend the charter election to be held on Wednesday, the 3d day of April: Monroe Ward.--Thos. M. Jones, Chas. H. Powell, Thos. Boudar, R. G. Cabell and F. J. Smith, Commissioners. Wm. N. Kelly, Conductor.--Election to be held at Lacy's shop. Madison Ward.--Elisha Sheppereon, James H. Grant, G. N. Gwathmey G. W. Randolph, Wyatt M. Elliott, and E. H. Chalkley, Conductor. Election to be held at City Hall. Jefferson Ward — Joseph Brummel, Luther Libby, J. J. Wilson, T. E. Word and A. F. Picot, Commissioners, and R. T. Seal, Conductor.--Election to be held at Market Hall. A petition was presented from the Fayette Artillery, asking to be allowed to participate in the
Stealing Chickens. --On Friday night some graceless scamp entered the premises of Lieut. Wm. N. Kelly, of the police, living on 2d street, and helped themselves to all of his fowls.
that Brigade — and to make such regulations with regard to the pay and duties and other matters pertaining to this temporary force as they may deem expedient, and report their action to the Council." On motion of Mr. Grattan, the Council agreed to meet on Monday next, to take up the amended City Charter. The Mayor nominated the following persons as police officers, and they were unanimously re-elected: Reuben T. Seal, 1st officer; Edwin H. Chalkley, 2d; Benj. M. Morris, 3d; Wm. N. Kelly, 4th; Augustus D. Quarles, 5th; Jno. R. Blankinship, 6th; Walter T. Bibb, 7th; and Wm. B. Page, 8th. For Lieutenants of the Night Watch: Gervas S. Truehart, 1st; Lewis M. Carter, 2d; Caleb Crone, 3d. On motion, Washington Gill was re-elected City Engineer. Luther R. Reins was elected Keeper of the Powder Magazine. Robert H. Higgins was re-elected Overseer of the City Hands. Wm. J. Epps was re-elected Messenger of the Council. Messrs. Wm. H. Richardson, A
and dealers, but seized upon a large amount of personal property, consisting of faro tables, &c., a considerable sum of money, and checks for money, and bore the whole off in triumph. The persons arrested have been indicted for misdemeanor, and their cases are now pending in Court; and the property is held by the authorities, to be hereafter destroyed as the law directs. With a view to test this matter, the counsel for John A. Worsham have instituted a suit in the Hustings Court against Wm. N. Kelly, of the police, for trespass, laying the damages at $5,000. This will bring up the question as to now far a man may be protected in his own domicil, and the decision will be looked forward to with much interest. In addition to the property above mentioned, there is a sum of money, which the Mayor has determined to retain, and has pronounced his judgment final, allowing no appeal. To meet this, a mandomus has been applied for in the Circuit Court, and this opens another interesting quest
ut of the late demonstration upon the fashionable gambling houses of Richmond.--A deep game has been made up, the result of which we cannot foresee; though it may eventually turn in favor of him who holds the strongest hand, espectally since legal acumen is backed by a determination to pursue it through isbyrinths which would terribly mistify a player of ordinary comprehension. In one case in the Hustings Court, heretofore alluded to, John A. Worsham has got out a second writ against officer Wm. N. Kelly for trespass, laying his damages this time at $1,000--the first writ specifying $5,000. The mandamus case, in the Cirenit Court, was to have come up yesterday, but was continued until to day at the instance of the Mayor. In the same Court, Wm. Burns petitions for a writ of prohibition to restrain and inhibit the Mayor from holding coguizance over the subject matter of $1,100, and a lot of gaming implements seized at his house, in regard to which a decree of confiscation has already b
m this date. "Your uniform kindness and courtesy to me during the whole time I have been in your service, deserves and receives my most sincere and heartfelt thanks." On motion of Mr. Hill, the subject was laid upon the table for one week. The Mayor's nominations for officers of the day police and night watch, were read by the President, and the Council made the following elections: For the day police--1st, Reuben T. Seal; 2d, Edwin H. Chalkley; 3d, B. M. Morris; 4th, Wm. N. Kelly; 5th, A. D. Quarles; 6th, John R. Blankinship; 7th, Walter T. Bibb; 8th, Jno. Davis. For the night police--1st, L. R. Carter; 2d, Caleb Crone; 3d, J. B. Pleasants. The following officers were also re-elected: W. Gill, City Engineer; Luther R. Reins, Keeper of the Powder Magazine; Robert H. Higgins, Overseer of the City Hands; John Talman, Inspector of Coal Carts, &c.; Wm. J. Epps, Messenger of the Council. Committee on the Old Church Square — W. Richardson, A. Y. Stokes, Wm
The Gaming cases. --The trial of John A. Worsham for permitting a game called faro to be exhibited on his premises, was resumed in the Hustings Court yesterday morning.--Two faro tables were present, by way of illustrating the case, and throughout the day these inanimate witnesses were objects of much curiosity to the uninitiated. Most of the time thus far has been occupied with the examination of policemen Wm. N. Kelly and Walter T. Bibb. Their testimony is not particularly interesting; being confined to a detail of the occurrences on the night of the foray upon Worsham's house, corner of 14th street and Tobacco alley, with which the public is by this time tolerably familiar. Neither of these officers saw any playing in the house, though they saw persons standing about, and faro and roulette tables and cards in the room. The Attorney for the Commonwealth put in a deed of the transfer of the property wherein the establishment is located, to prove the ownership of the premises
session. Military affairs in Kentucky. Louisville, Ky., Dec. 10. --Gen. Zollicoller has not advanced north of the Cumberland river, as reported, Gen. Schoeff has with drawn to Sumerset, and there awaits rain forcements. From Western Virginia. The Wheeling Intelligencer, of the 9th in says: We learn from a gentlemen who arrived on Saturday from Cheat Mountain that there have been lively movements among the troops lately. Some have been sent to Kentucky, some to Gen. Kelly, and other regiments have been disposed of, so that there are not more than four regiments in all at Elkwater, the Summit, and at Huttonsville. Since the rebels abandoned their camp at Greenbrier our men from the Summit have frequently gone down there and examined the place. It is said to have been the strongest position that could have been selected, and was abandoned only because the roads were so bad that it was impossible to supply the troops. The rebels are now encamped upon the su
The Daily Dispatch: December 17, 1861., [Electronic resource], By the Governor of Virginia — a proclamation. (search)
efficient Secretary of the Richmond and York River Railroad Company.--The vote was made unanimous. Mr. Hill presented an ordinance providing for three additional policemen, and an ordinance to prohibit the sale of ardent spirits at a theatre or other place of amusement. Laid upon the table for future consideration. Mr. Hill, from the Committee of Police, presented the following resolutions, which were adopted: Resolved, That the Committee of Police be authorized to employ counsel to defend the suits instituted against Wm. N. Kelly, for trespass alleged to have been committed by him by his entering into certain houses, under the direction of the Mayor. Resolved, That the Mayor be authorized to employ counsel, if he shall deem that the interests of the city require it, to represent these interests in the cases of mandamus and prohibition issued to him from the Circuit Court of the city of Richmond, at the suits of Worsham and Burns. The Council then adjourned.
including sundry faro tables and a curiously devised machine called "shove-it-up-a-spout." Mr. Allen was released on bail to appear before the Mayor on Monday. The second party, led by officer Reuben T. Seal, entered the house of Richard Copeland, on Main street, opposite the Spotswood, and took the proprietor into custody, together with his table, hips, cards, twenty-eight dollars and twenty-five cents in money, and the negro door-keeper. The third party, under the lead of officer Wm. N. Kelly, went to the house of Fleming Morgan, on 14th street. Whether the proprietor "smelt a mice" or not, we are unable to say; but the policemen found the place deserted. and nothing left to confiscate. On Saturday morning, Richard Copeland appeared at the Mayor's Court, accompanied by his counsel, M. Johnson, Esq., to answer a charge of keeping and exhibiting a game called faro-bank. There was no point of special interest in the testimony, except on occasional difference of opinion
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