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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 4. (ed. Frank Moore) 10 0 Browse Search
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rty-two to fourteen, the majority being one and one third more than two thirds of the members present. The Senators who voted against the resolution are: Bayard, of Delaware; Cowan, of Pennsylvania; Carlisle, of Virginia; Harris, of New-York; Kennedy, of Maryland; Latham, of California; Nesmith, of Oregon; Pearce, of Maryland; Powell, of Kentucky; Rice, of Minnesota; Saulsbury, of Delaware; Ten Eyck, of New-Jersey; Thomson, of New-Jersey; and Willey, of Virginia. Among these are five of these he called a close corporation when here, he points to my association with them, forgetting, at the same time, his own. History, facts. and living witnesses, repel this absurd and unfounded accusation. The honorable Senator from Maryland, (Mr. Kennedy,) moved by a sense of justice to arrive at the truth, vindicates history in his late speech on some of these points. He well recollects the appeals made by himself, myself, and other Senators, some of whom I still see here, to Southern Senato
,Samuel Barron, V. M. Randolph,Wm. F. Lynch, Frank Buchanan,Isaac S. Sterett. commanders. Sidney S. Lee,John K. Mitchell, Wm. C. Whittle,Mat. F. Maury, Robt. D. Thorburn,Raphael Semmes, Robt. G. Robb,John R. Tucker, Wm. W. Hunter,Thomas J. Page, Henry K. Hoff,George Minor, Ebenezer Farrand,Robt. F. Pinkney, H. K. Thatcher,Thos. R. Rootes, John S. Missroon,H. J. Hartstene, Richard L. Page,J. L. Henderson, Frederick Chatard,Wm. T. Muse, Arthur Sinclair,Thos. T. Hunter, C. H. A. H. Kennedy,Chas. F. McIntosh. Thomas W. Brent,  Lieutenants. James W. Cooke,Jno. W. Bennett, C. F. M. Spottswood,J. H. Carter, W. L. Maury,Aug. McLaughlin, F. B. Renshaw,Wm. H. Parker, Robt. B. Pegram,J. P. Jones, Geo. T. Sinclair,Wm. L. Powell, C. B. Poindexter,W. H. Murdaugh, Henry H. Lewis,John M. Brooke, Geo. W. Harrison,John Kell, John N. Maffit,J. H. Rochelle, Wash. Gwathmey,Robt. D. Minor, Wm. A. Wayne,D. P. McCorkle, Peter U. Murphy,Wm. Sharp, Isaac N. Brown,Joseph Fry, Jo
th's division, camp near Lee's Mill, Warwick River, Va., April 12, 1862. Capt. L D. Care, Ass't Adjutant-General: sir: Having been directed by the General commanding the division to furnish a report of the operations of my brigade from the fifth instant to the present time, I respectfully state as follows: The advance of the division from Young's Mill was formed by my brigade, the Seventh Maine, Col. Mason commanding, being deployed as a line of skirmishers in front, with a section of Kennedy's battery, Lieut. Cowan, following the road. The Thirty-third New-York, Col. B. F. Taylor, Seventy-seventh New-York volunteers, Col. McKean, and the Forty-ninth New-York, Lieut.-Col. Alberger, in the order named, moving in rear of this advance in column. About four miles from Young's Mill, at eleven A. M., the enemy's pickets were driven in, exchanging occasional shots with our skirmishers; and a mile further on, through dense woods, we came in sight of an open space of the position of
e a soldier as ever died on the field of battle. Among the phenomena of the fight was the condition of the uniform of Capt. Bennett, of company K, of the Third. It had eight bullet-holes in it. One through the collar of his coat, one through the right coat-sleeve, one through his pantaloons below the left knee, one through both pantaloons and drawers above the right knee, and four through the skirts of his coat. There was not a scratch on this man's skin. The sharp-shooting was marvellous. Ten men, with the telescopic rifle, kept the rebels two hours away from their largest gun. Every man who came near it was killed. It was utterly useless for that long time. The rebel commander had finally to drive up an entire regiment to the piece and man it by superiority of numbers — more gunners than could be killed. It was fired thus four times, when a shot from Kennedy's battery dismounted it. The value of sharp-shooters is a demonstrated fact of the greatest military importance.