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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 35. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The battle of New Market, Va. From the Confederate veteran, Dec., 1907. (search)
k and hitting a good many of our men. They had a reserve line behind, but the first line ran through it and tangled it so badly that it went too. A fighting Parson. After we had run them a good way, Sergeant Wampler, than whom a better soldier never fought, now a Southern Methodist preacher, threw his hand to his shoulder and said: Captain, I am wounded. I answered, after placing my hand on my right thigh: I am wounded, too; both of us are badly wounded. I told my first lieutenant, Kennedy, to take charge of the company, and I stood and watched them go out of sight on a run. Our men captured, so I understood, about 1,500 prisoners. Our regiment went into battle with about 500 men, 5 per cent. of whom were killed and wounded. I have seen it stated in papers that the Cadet Corps captured that artillery. If they captured any artillery, it was not the six pieces that my company fired left oblique into. That battery was left oblique from my company, and the cadets were beyon
crowd, they expressed their adherence by shouts. Your best way, added Sears to the friends of order, will be to advise Lieutenant-Governor Colden to send the stamp papers from the fort to the inhabitants. To appease their wrath, Colden invited Kennedy to receive them on board the Coventry. They are already lodged in the fort, answered Kennedy, unwilling to offend the people. The Common Council of New-York next interposed. Minutes of the Common Council of N. Y. 5 Nov. Colden to Gage, 5 NovKennedy, unwilling to offend the people. The Common Council of New-York next interposed. Minutes of the Common Council of N. Y. 5 Nov. Colden to Gage, 5 Nov. They asked that the stamped paper should be delivered into the care of the corporation, to be deposited in the City Hall, offering in that case to chap. XIX.} 1765. Nov. prevent further confusion. The Common Council were a body elected by the people; they were the representatives of the people over against the king's Governor and Council, and the military Viceroy. Colden pleaded his oath, to do his utmost, that every clause of the Act should be observed; he pleaded further the still great
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 1., Index to Births, deaths, and Marriages, published in Nos. I, 2, and 3 of register. (search)
, 95. Elizabeth, 95. Elliot, 64 (2). Francis, 25, 94. Hannah, 61 (2). John, 25, 92. Martha, 95. Mary, 63. Mercy, 94, 95. Rachel, 92. Sarah, 61. Susanna, 64. Wier, Catherine, 63. Eleazer, 62. Elizabeth, 62. Prudence, 62. Susanna, 62. Willis, Abigail, 25, 60. Andrew, 27. Benjamin, 26. Deborah, 61. Elizabeth, 25. Elliot, 61 (2). George, 92. Grace, 94. Hannah, 61. Hester, 61. Jane, 25. John, 25, 27 (2). Jonathan, 25, 63, 93 (2). Mary, 26, 60, 61, 64, 94 (2). Mercy, 94. Patience, 64. Stephen, 25, 28, 93. Susanna, 28, 60. Thomas, 25, 61, 62, 64. William, 25. Woodward, Abigail, 26. Amos, 27. Daniel, 25 (2). Elizabeth, 25. Mary, 25. Sarah, 26. Susanna, 27. Members. Number previously reported, 218. Brown, Edward D. Davenport, Miss, Viola. Kennedy, Miss Alice J. Libby, John F. Parker, Mrs. Anne B. Remele, Geo. H. Rymmes, Arthur C. Weed, Wm. Henry.
railroad, and one each at North and Grove streets, where those streets pass over said railroad. Mention should be made of those bridges that once existed in our streets over the Middlesex canal. There was one over the branch canal at Mystic avenue near Swan street, and one each over the main canal at Main street near Summer street, at Winthrop street near West street, at North street at its junction with West, Cotting, and Auburn streets, and at High street at its junction with Boston avenue. The abutments of the bridge over the canal, where crossed by the Boston & Lowell Railroad, may still be seen near the Chemical Works, on Boston avenue in the city of Somerville. Members. Number previously reported, 226. Begien, Henry M. Brown, George E. Bruce, Mrs. F. P. Buss, Charles B. Coburn, Charles F. Fuller, G. S. T. Hollis, Mrs. Mary P. Kennedy, Dr. J. S. Leavitt, Harry B. Montague, Mrs. Hattie B. Start, Mrs. Philena C. Sturtevant, James S.
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 4., Medford Historical Society. (search)
rs. M. J. Hayes, Edward W. Hayes, Mrs. Ellen R. Hayes, Mrs. C. B. Hayes, Miss Martha E. Hedenburg, Dr. James. Herriott, Miss Adelaide S. Hervey, James A. Hinckley, Miss Ella S. Hobbs, Lewis F. Hobbs, Mrs. Victoria B. Hodges, Gilbert. Hogan, Mrs. Mary. Hollis, Benjamin P. Hollis, Mrs. Mary B. Hooper, John H. Hooper, Mrs. John H. Johnson, Cleophas B. Jones, Charles N. Jones, Mrs. Frances W. Jones, Miss Amy W. Joyce, Allston P. Kennedy, Miss Alice J. Kidder, Fred H. Kidder, Mrs. C. Edith. Kingman, William F. Kummer, Charles E. Lane, George H. Langell, Everard I. Law, Colonel Asa. Larkin Charles E. Lawrence, Hon. Samuel C. Lawrence, Mrs. Carrie R. Life Members.Lawrence, Rosewell B. Leavitt, Harry B. Leary, Mrs. Fanny S. Leighton, Miss Ella. Leonard, Benjamin C. Libby, John F. Lincoln, Miss Agnes W. Litchfield, Parker R. Locke, Edwin F. Loomis, Charles H. Loom
Laughlin's dog. --The charge against Patrick Laughlin, for permitting a vicious dog to go at large, (the one that bit Mrs. Kennedy,) was further investigated on Saturday. The Mayor imposed a fine, which, he said, might be remitted on the production of satisfactory proof that the dog bad been killed.
The Daily Dispatch: January 26, 1861., [Electronic resource], Citizens' State-rights ticket.-- Peachy R. Grattan, P. H. Aylett, Geo. W. Randolph. (search)
the Grand Jury postponed it till this morning, with a view to investigate the circumstances connected with the seizure of muskets at pier 12, North River. Another seizure of arms by the New York police. Capt. Hutchins, of the New York police, on Wednesday afternoon received information that the schooner Caspian, of Rockland, Me., Capt. Raymond Porter, lying at pier No. 23, East River, had on board a quantity of muskets bound to a Southern port. He communicated the fact to Superintendent Kennedy, from whom he received directions to seize the muskets as contraband goods. Procuring a gang of stevedores he went to the vessel, and finding only the mate on board, who made no opposition to a search, he removed the hatches and overhauled the cargo. In the hold, stowed away forward beneath an assortment of other merchandize, were found twenty-five cases of muskets marked "E. B." On inquiry of the mate, Capt Hutchins was informed that the schooner was bound to Carthagena, but a clo
terday afternoon, one of the steamboat squad of the Metropolitan police repaired to the First precinct police station-house, in Broad street, and reported that a lot of muskets and other "contraband." articles were being shipped on board the steamship Montgomery at pier 12 North river. The officer in command immediately telegraphed the facts to police head-quarters, asking for instructions how to proceed. In about five minutes afterwards a dispatch was received from General Superintendent Kennedy, commanding the police, to seize upon the property forthwith. The receipt of this decidedly unequivocal order threw the police into a great state of confusion. The steamer was to start for Savannah at three o'clock, and it then only lacked five minutes of the appointed time. Instantly summoning about a dozen of his trustiest men, Sergeant Wemyss started off for pier 12, and arrived on board just as the last lot of muskets were placed in the hold, and the captain was giving orders to get
ight cases, containing nine hundred and fifty rifles, recently seized by order of Police Superintendent Kennedy, while being shipped on board the steamer Monticello for Savannah, and taken to the Arsehereafter — were delivered to the rightful owner on Thursday last. The arms now held by Superintendent Kennedy, it is said, are the property of Rob. Toombs, Jr., of Georgia. The twenty-eight casllender, in behalf of an arms manufacturing company of Hartford, Conn., as their agent. Superintendent Kennedy was waited upon and peaceable delivery of the goods was demanded, but he declined. Mr. of Deputy Sheriff Thomas Dunlop, for execution. The same day Sheriff Dunlop waited upon Superintendent Kennedy, showing him the legal document calling for the delivery of the muskets. Mr. Kennedy imMr. Kennedy immediately wrote an order on Commissary Gen. Welch to deliver the muskets named in the writ marked L., and the "contraband goods" were taken from the Seventh avenue Arsenal to a storehouse down town,
of laborers to be employed in works for the defence of Charleston harbor. The ammunition seized on last Wednesday by the New York Metropolitan police, on board the steamship Huntsville, of the Cromwell line, was on Friday given up by Superintendent Kennedy, in obedience to the demands of the Sheriff. Mr. Kennedy was replevined by Mr. Cromwell, and, therefore, was forced to surrender them under the compulsion of the law. The Milledgeville(Ga.) Recorder learns that the Governor has appoiMr. Kennedy was replevined by Mr. Cromwell, and, therefore, was forced to surrender them under the compulsion of the law. The Milledgeville(Ga.) Recorder learns that the Governor has appointed the Hon. T. Butler King, Commissioner to negotiate with the Belgium and Savannah Steam Navigation Company, for the establishment of direct trade with Southern ports, pursuant to a late act of the Legislature. Expectations of a fight at Pensacola — a night of Suspense. The arrival of five U. S. ships-of-war off Pensacola harbor, on the 5th inst., has been noticed. The Brooklyn and Macedonia were the first two seen in the offing. The pilot who brought the Brooklyn into the offing i<
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