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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Mass. officers and men who died. 6 0 Browse Search
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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Mass. officers and men who died., List of Massachusetts officers, and soldiers who died as prisoners. (search)
ton, Ezra A.,2d Mass. H. A.,Andersonville, Ga.,Aug. 24, 1864. Kempton, John W.,1st Mass. H. A.,Florence, S. C.,Nov.--, 1864. Kendall, A. H.,*12th Mass. Inf.,Richmond, Va.,March 25, 1864. Kendall, —,*24th Mass. Inf.,Salisbury, N. C.,Dec.--, 1864. Kendrick, David,39th Mass. Inf.,Annapolis, Md.,March 15, 1865. Kennebry, Michael, Error for Hennelry, Michael. See Hensbury.26th Mass. Inf.,Salisbury, N. C.,Dec. 7, 1864. Kennedy, William,59th Mass. Inf.,Andersonville, Ga.,Aug. 15, 1864. Kenner, H.,*2d Mass. Inf.,Richmond, Va.,Dec. 26, 1863. Kenney, Abel C., Sergt.,27th Mass. Inf.,Thomasville, Fla.,Dec.--, 1864. Kenney, David,16th Mass. Inf.,Andersonville, Ga.,--- Kenney, Timothy,20th Mass. Inf.,Annapolis, Md.,Nov. 17, 1862. Kenny, John, Corp.,13d Mass. Cav.,Andersonville, Ga.,Aug. 22, 1864. Kent, James A., Corp.,19th Mass. Inf.,Richmond, Va.,March 10, 1864. Kent, Sylvester,27th Mass. Inf.,Andersonville, Ga.,Sept. 9, 1864. Keppert, H.,*2d Mass. H. A.,Andersonville, Ga.,Oct. 17
ton, Ezra A.,2d Mass. H. A.,Andersonville, Ga.,Aug. 24, 1864. Kempton, John W.,1st Mass. H. A.,Florence, S. C.,Nov.--, 1864. Kendall, A. H.,*12th Mass. Inf.,Richmond, Va.,March 25, 1864. Kendall, —,*24th Mass. Inf.,Salisbury, N. C.,Dec.--, 1864. Kendrick, David,39th Mass. Inf.,Annapolis, Md.,March 15, 1865. Kennebry, Michael, Error for Hennelry, Michael. See Hensbury.26th Mass. Inf.,Salisbury, N. C.,Dec. 7, 1864. Kennedy, William,59th Mass. Inf.,Andersonville, Ga.,Aug. 15, 1864. Kenner, H.,*2d Mass. Inf.,Richmond, Va.,Dec. 26, 1863. Kenney, Abel C., Sergt.,27th Mass. Inf.,Thomasville, Fla.,Dec.--, 1864. Kenney, David,16th Mass. Inf.,Andersonville, Ga.,--- Kenney, Timothy,20th Mass. Inf.,Annapolis, Md.,Nov. 17, 1862. Kenny, John, Corp.,13d Mass. Cav.,Andersonville, Ga.,Aug. 22, 1864. Kent, James A., Corp.,19th Mass. Inf.,Richmond, Va.,March 10, 1864. Kent, Sylvester,27th Mass. Inf.,Andersonville, Ga.,Sept. 9, 1864. Keppert, H.,*2d Mass. H. A.,Andersonville, Ga.,Oct. 17
Kemp, J. A., 528 Kempton, E. A., 528 Kempton, J. W., 528 Kempton, M. V., 382 Kendall, —, 528 Kendall, A. A., 74, 382 Kendall, A. H., 528 Kendall, E. H., 382 Kendall, J. H., 464 Kendall, J. T. E., 464 Kendrick, David, 528 Kendrick, S. M., 464 Kenneally, John, 382 Kennebry, Michael, 528 Kennedy, Bernard, 464 Kennedy, Daniel, 464 Kennedy, James, 382 Kennedy, John, 382 Kennedy, Kelab, 382 Kennedy, Paul, 382 Kennedy, T. H., 464 Kennedy, Timothy, 382 Kennedy, William, 528 Kenner, H., 528 Kennett, C. H., 464 Kenney, A. C., 528 Kenney, David, 528 Kenney, G. W., 178 Kenney, Patrick, 382 Kenney, S. C., 382 Kenney, T. S., 464 Kenney, Timothy, 464, 528 Kenney, W. H., 464 Kennison, W. W., 43 Kenny, A. J., 382 Kenny, Edward, 382 Kenny, John, 528 Kenny, T. F., 382 Kenny, William, 65 Kent, G. S., 382 Kent, George, 562 Kent, J. A., 528 Kent, Sylvester, 528 Kent, Timothy, 382 Keppert, H., 528 Kerr, W. D., 529 Kerrigan, Patrick, 382 Kersbaw, J. B., 110, 143