Your search returned 12 results in 6 document sections:

Rev. James K. Ewer , Company 3, Third Mass. Cav., Roster of the Third Massachusetts Cavalry Regiment in the war for the Union, Company H. (search)
wood, Boston, 43, m; piano-maker. Sept. 22, 1862. Died Jan. 29, 1864, New Orleans, La. Unof. William H. Holden, Stoneham, 30, m. Sept. 28, 1862. Died Sept. 19, 1863, Baton Rouge, La. Randall F. Hunnewell, Salem, Me. 28, s; laborer, Oct. 22, 1862. Killed in action, May 1, 1864. Unof. Thomas F. Johnson, Charlestown, 38, m; carver. Sept. 26, 1862. Disch. disa. Unof. John Kelly, Boston, 26, m; sailor. Sept. 30, 1862. Wounded Sept. 19, 1864, Disch. May 20, 1865. Unof. John Kenney, 28, ——Sept. 30, 1862. M. O. May 21, 1865. Jeremiah Laughlin, Boston, 42, m; laborer. Sept. 22, 1862. Disch. May 20, 1865. Michael Masterson, Boston, 21, s; laborer. Sept. 18, 1862. Disch. disa. Feb. 20, 1863. Nathan Maynard. Boston, 44, m; farmer. Sept. 18, 1862. Disch. disa. May 20, 1863. Sub. serv. Charles McANNEY, Medford, 41, m; tailor. Sept. 29, 1862. Disch. disa. June 1, 1863. Unof. James McGINLEY, Boston, 21. s; waiter. Oct.. 21, 1862. M. O. Sept. 28, 1
subjects were received in the military prison of the Eastern District yesterday, viz: J. F. Brittain, of Allen's battery, desertion; twelve sent from Drewry's Bluff to be court martials for various offenses; James Hill, of company A. 45th North Carolina, to await sentence, John Welsh, company K, 1st Georgia regulars desertion; J. F. Smith, charged with being a spy; Francis Keenan, 1st Louisiana battalion, put in by his Lieutenant; William J. Ward. Hospital No. 19, disobedience of orders; John Kenney, company K, 12th North Carolina substituting and deserting, Samuel Levy, company K. 15th Louisiana, desertion; E. F. Pierson, company A, 2d Louisiana battalion, desertion; Jerry Sullivan, Maryland light artillery, desertion, arrested by detectives Scotffar and Crow, corner 17th and Cary streets, after a hard fight just after he had succeeded its demolishing the furniture of a female residing in that vicinity. In all there were thirty-nine military offenders received at the above prison o
Mayor's Court. --The following cases were disposed of by the Mayor yesterday: James Newland was charged with stealing wood from Mr. Dunnington; but, after a hearing of the case, he was discharged. The case of John W. Leathers and John Kenney, charged with being persons of evil fame, and with robbing Major William H. Gibbes, on the Petersburg cars, last Friday afternoon, of two thousand one hundred dollars, was continued till the 10th instant. Also, Sarah Leathers and George Finnegan, charged with receiving the same, knowing it to have been stolen from Major Gibbes. Thomas Doherty and George Miller were charged with permitting their children to deface the statue of Henry Clay, on the Capitol Square. The case was continued till such time as witnesses can be procured. The charge against Mrs. F. H. Heffley of annoying and disturbing the family of E. Senof was dismissed, after a hearing of the evidence. Ella, a slave, was remanded for trial before the Husti
Mayor's Court. --The Mayor had the following subjects before him yesterday morning: John W. Leathers and John Kenney, white men, were charged with feloniously stealing twenty-five hundred dollars from Major William H. Gibbes. The robbery occurred on the Petersburg train, coming to this city, and Major Gibbes suspecting two men who sat behind him, answering the description of the accused, they were subsequently arrested. When confronted before the Mayor yesterday by Major Gibbes, that gentleman was unable to identify them as the parties who traveled to this city in company with him. The Mayor committed the prisoners to jail until this morning, when he will decide what to do with them. John and Andrew, free negroes, charged with stealing a piece of calico from Chiles & Chenery, valued at fifteen dollars in specie, were ordered to be whipped. The continued case of Jim, slave of William Allan, charged with murder, was called up; but, for reasons considered sufficien
s, and stealing four hundred dollars in money, a silver watch, and a lot of wearing apparel, were remanded for examination before the Hustings Court. William Packingham, charged with drunkenness and interfering with negroes in the street, by demanding their papers, was held to security for his good behavior and fined ten dollars. The case of John Dunnavant, charged with having a lot of rope in his possession, supposed to have been stolen, was continued. John W. Leathers and John Kenney, charged with being persons of evil fame, and stealing $2,500 from Major Wade H. Gibbes, were recommitted to jail in default of security to keep the peace and be of good behavior. Sarah Leathers, also charged with being of idle, dissolute character, and with receiving $400, which she knew to have been stolen from Major W. H. Gibbes, was also committed for failure to give bail for her good behavior. The following cases were continued till this morning: John Jeter, charged w
Mayor's Court. --The following cases received the Mayor's consideration yesterday morning: Frank, slave of James H. Grant, was charged with stealing one bag of coffee, valued at one thousand dollars, the property of some person unknown. The testimony in the case proving the guilt of the party, he was remanded for examination before the Hustings Court. John Kenney, accused of stealing two thousand and five hundred dollars from Major Wade H. Gibbes, and being a person of evil fame, name and reputation, was discharged, there being no evidence to convict him of said offence. John Dunnavant, arrested upon the charge of stealing a large lot of rope, was also discharged. The following cases were continued: John A. Jeter, charged with ejecting, by force and violence, Mrs. Nathalie Dowell from her lodging-rooms at the Exchange Hotel. Edward S. Gentry, charged with assaulting and beating Margaret, a slave; and Elihu, slave of William J. McDowell, charged wit