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John M. Schofield, Forty-six years in the Army 8 2 Browse Search
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John M. Schofield, Forty-six years in the Army, Chapter XXVII (search)
Chapter XXVII President of the New board of Ordnance and Fortification usefulness of the board troubles with the Sioux Indians in 1890-91 success of the plan to employ Indians as soldiers marriage to Miss Kilbourne the difficulty with Chile in 1892. even as late as the year 1882, very high military authority in this country advocated with great earnestness the proposition that our old brick and stone forts, with their smooth-bore guns, could make a successful defense against vage warriors to those of civilized husbandmen, under the system of allotments in severalty. When the short warlike part of the life of one generation is past, the danger will no longer exist. In June, 1891, at Keokuk, Iowa, I married Miss Georgia Kilbourne, daughter of Mrs. George E. Kilbourne of that city. Then a host of old soldiers of the Union army reassembled to greet their comrade. In 1892 this country seemed on the verge of war with the little republic of Chile. So confident wer
John M. Schofield, Forty-six years in the Army, Index (search)
ssing, 300; Thomas to have command over, 317; to be called on for militia, 322 Keokuk, Iowa, S.'s marriage at, 489 Kilauea, a trip to the crater of, 431 Kilbourne, Mrs. George E., 489 Kilbourne, Miss, Georgia, marriage of S. and, 489 Kilpatrick, Maj.-Gen., Judson, with Sherman in Georgia, 285 Kimball, Maj.-Gen., NKilbourne, Miss, Georgia, marriage of S. and, 489 Kilpatrick, Maj.-Gen., Judson, with Sherman in Georgia, 285 Kimball, Maj.-Gen., Nathan, his troops at Spring Hill, 173; at Franklin, 175; placed between Duck River and Rutherford's Creek, 214; movement to Franklin, 216; battle of Nashville, 263 King, Brig.-Gen. Rufus, entertains S. at Rome, 393 Kingston, Ga., Sherman at, 320 Kinston, N. C., capture of, 346 Kissimmee River, the, military operations ion on the retirement bill, 481; institutes an appeal to Pres. Grant, 482; some experiences as general-in-chief, 482, 483; mileage case, 482, 483; marriage to Miss Kilbourne, 489; estimates for proposed war with Chile, 489, 490; a curious dream, 490; meeting with Miles at Washington, 494; orders and action in the Chicago labor rio