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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 7. (ed. Frank Moore) 260 0 Browse Search
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Doc. 3.-Colonel Kilpatrick's expedition. Washington, Thursday, June 4, 1863. The cavalry raid of General Stoneman's command was concluded yesterday by Colonel Kilpatrick's brigade in one of the most brilliant acts of the war. He left Gloucester Point on Saturday last, and nna, on the Rappahannock; crossing that river to Union Point, Colonel Kilpatrick proceeded through Westmoreland and King George counties to neof fording without opposition whenever occasion required; but Colonel Kilpatrick was prepared for just such an emergency, and his pioneers witorning, but it was not until Tuesday morning that the whole of Col. Kilpatrick's command was landed on the opposite shore, a, distance of six miles from the point of embarkation. Col. Kilpatrick immediately moved forward, and was met by a cavalry force which had been sent down frommand, and therefore did not attempt to interfere further. Colonel Kilpatrick has thus made the complete circuit of the most formidable arm
ctly in their rear, Russell was on their right flank, and Buford on their front. They therefore made a hasty retreat, abandoning their old camp entirely, part of which we had already occupied, and two regiments were very near being cut off, as Kilpatrick moved off toward the right, to make connection with Buford. They had but a narrow strip of land, not covered by our force, through which to escape. General Pleasanton's headquarters were moved forward to where the rebel commander's had been, and the lines of the two columns were soon connected. General Gregg reported that his two brigades, under Kilpatrick and Wyndham, had been hotly engaged all the morning, but had driven the enemy uniformly from the river back to brandy Station. Our troops, especially the First New-Jersey, First Maine, and Tenth New-York, fought most gallantly, and repulsed the enemy in repeated charges, though losing heavily themselves. The artillery with General Gregg also suffered considerably, and the S
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 7. (ed. Frank Moore), Casualties in the First New-Jersey cavalry. (search)
some of the severest cavalry fighting of the war, I shall endeavor to give its movements somewhat in detail. The First brigade of this division, commanded by Col. Kilpatrick, was composed of his own regiment, the Second New-York cavalry, (Harris's Light,) First Maine cavalry, Col. Douty, and Tenth New-York cavalry, Lieut.-Col. Irvzed and made a target of, both by swordsmen and carbineers. He escaped with a ball in the calf of his right leg. Gen. Gregg and staff advanced and ordered Col. Kilpatrick to support Col. Wyndham on the right. As the first regiment, Tenth New-York, Lieut-Col. Irvine, emerged from the woods, they charged upon the rebels formed nGeneral Pleasanton's staff, had two horses shot under him. Capt. Sawyer, of the First New-Jersey cavalry, is missing; as also Major Forbes, commissary of Colonel Kilpatrick's brigade. E. A. Paul. Another account. headquarters First Maryland cavalry, Warrenton Junction, June 11, 1863. You are already informed of th
with orders merely to hold them in check, and not to bring on a close engagement if he could avoid it. At the same time Kilpatrick was ordered to the extreme left to harass the enemy's flank and rear and look after his trains. Good! exclaimed KilpaKilpatrick, rubbing his hands, and in a moment was hurrying gleefully to execute the order. Gregg threw his force up a little brook that comes down between Rock Creek and the post village of Two Taverns. The rebel cavalry no sooner saw their plan detegh and the right at New-Windsor. Buford's division of cavalry was on the left flank, with his advance at Gettysburgh. Kilpatrick's division was in the front at Hanover, where he encountered this day General Stuart's confederate cavalry, which had cs arduous service at Gettysburgh, on the first, was, on the second, sent to Westminster to refit and guard our trains. Kilpatrick's division, that on the twenty-ninth, thirtieth, and first had been successfully engaging the enemy's cavalry, was, on
ticular ones as deserving of notice for their brayery, without doing injustice to the rest. To Major Brewer, however, I am particularly indebted for the valuable aid and assistance he rendered me in carrying out the different orders I received, and for his coolness and bravery. Lieutenant Kelso, Commissary, deserves notice for his timely aid in furnishing food and water to the men while they were engaged. Lieutenant Craig, Quartermaster, also did his whole duty in his department, and B. J. Kilpatrick, Ordnance Sergeant, was always on hand with ammunition for the regiment and battery. Many of the men fired over one hundred rounds. Yours, etc., Thos. N. Pase, Lieutenant-Colonel Commanding First Indiana Cavalry. Naval reports. United States Mississippi Squadron, flag-ship Black Hawk, off Vicksburgh, July 11, 1863. sir: I have the honor to inclose you a full report of the late affair at Helena, where the gunboat Tyler saved the day, and enabled our little band of soldi
iefs of the rebel army, when they heard that Kilpatrick was on their track, abandoned the disgracefuht. The sudden and unexpected attack of General Kilpatrick on his own right caused the enemy to fea then form some idea of what occurred to General Kilpatrick's command, on Saturday night, July fourtvalry and mounted infantry in pursuit of General Kilpatrick. The rebels ordered the trio to surrendnt, and seeing what splendid disposition General Kilpatrick had made of his force they undoubtedly ainto the town, suspended operations, and General Kilpatrick slowly retired, and reached Boonsboro thfield. It was four o'clock P. M. when General Kilpatrick, with the main column, reached the crestpaign destroyed in an hour. Fortunately General Kilpatrick was cool and defiant, and felt the respouse of a citizen. Captain McMasters, of General Kilpatrick's staff, had his horse killed here. A l W. Judy, First Ohio, color-bearer to General Kilpatrick's body-guard — thigh. J. S. Merritt, [31 more...]
been ascertained by drawing their fire, General Kilpatrick rode up to the Second New-York, (Harris n. The Maine boys gave three cheers for General Kilpatrick, and the whole column made a dash up thesword, that, upon returning to the road, General Kilpatrick released him from arrest, and placed upollen was selected to carry a despatch to General Kilpatrick, and directed to avoid as much as possib heard nothing from the despatch sent to General Kilpatrick at Aldie, I sent twenty men under an offached Aldie and delivered my despatch to General Kilpatrick at nine P. M. General Kilpatrick infos, and Fourth New-York, under command of Colonel Kilpatrick, and the First Maine, of Colonel J. J. Gsseau, on the part of the confederates. Colonel Kilpatrick's command was leading the advance of oura murderous fire upon our advancing column. Kilpatrick charged upon the rebel advance, and drove th Rhode Island boys following them up. Colonel Kilpatrick heard from the latter that they were sti[8 more...]
every arrangement to destroy the bridge, but General Kilpatrick, whose brigade was in the advance — in fact, ad, and our troops suffered from their fire. General Kilpatrick also arranged a similar reception for the ene killed who might have been taken prisoners. General Kilpatrick nearly lost his own life in attempting to savnemy yielded, and fell back, hotly pursued by General Kilpatrick's bloody brigade, until the concentrated firepperville. The Fourth New-York charged, with General Kilpatrick at their head, and, breaking, retired, leaving General Kilpatrick a prisoner. The Fourth, however, promply rallied, charged again, and the General was resl behaved well, as did most of the officers. General Kilpatrick, commanding the cen tre, was always in the ri. Captain Armstrong and Lieutenant Estes, of General Kilpatrick's staff, on two occasions, after delivering afurther retrograde on the part of the enemy. General Kilpatrick led many brilliant charges on the left; but o
Naveris, Thirty-ninth regiment New-York volunteers. Battle-flag, (State number not given)--captured by----Dore, Co. D. Battle-flag, (State number not given)--captured by Twelfth New-Jersey volunteers. Battle-flag, (State number not given)--on blue field the words, Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori; reverse side, a female, with wreath, and the words, A crown for the brave. Captured by Sixtieth regiment New-York volunteers, Colonel Abel Goddard, Third brigade, Second fivision, Twelfth army corps. Battle-flag, (State number not given)--captured by First Sergeant Maggi, Thirty-eighth New-York volunteers. Battle-flag, (State number not given)--captured by captain M. Brown, Jr., Co. A, One Hundred and Twenty-sixth New-York volunteers. Battle-flag, (State number not given)--captured by Sixtieth New-York volunteers. Battle-flag, (State number not given)--captured by Twelfth New-Jersey volunteers. Captured at Hanover. Brigadier-General Kilpatrick--Battle-flag.
Doc. 108.-Gen. Lee's address to his army. Frederick, July 12, 1863. The following general order of General R. E. Lee to the rebel army, issued from Hagerstown, on Saturday, was found when General Kilpatrick entered the town on Sunday morning: General orders, no. 16. headquarters army of Northern Virginia, July 11, 1863. After the long and trying marches, endured with the fortitude that has ever characterized the soldiers of the army of Northern Virginia, you have penetrated to the country of our enemies, and recalled to the defence of their own soil those who were engaged in the invasion of ours. You have fought a fierce and sanguinary battle, which, if not attended with the success that has hitherto crowned your efforts, was marked by the same heroic spirit that has commanded the respect of your enemies, the gratitude of your country, and the admiration of mankind. Once more you are called upon to meet the enemy from whom you have torn so many fields, the names