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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 11. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc. 92. the Niagara peace conference. (search)
slators make so pitiful an attempt to reach the ear of offended majesty. If such was the idea, then, in this case, as in the other, those whom it may concern have got what they deserve. Has any one seen the Reverend Colonel Jacques and one Edmund Kirke? What are the detectives about? Here have been two spies, manifestly spies, at the Spottswood Hotel, Richmond, on a secret mission, and now, instead of being in Castle Thunder, Kirke and the Reverend Colonel are again in their own country, gKirke and the Reverend Colonel are again in their own country, giving mysterious hints to the Washington correspondents about their three days entertainment in Richmond, and about two interviews which they say they had with Mr. Davis. They cannot disclose for the present --those deep diplomats — what passed at these interviews, but it is intimated --and here is truly a startling fact--that Mr. Davis would consent to nothing short of the recognition of the Southern Confederacy. Of course, these two Yankees were spies, or else they wanted to sell something