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Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 30: addresses before colleges and lyceums.—active interest in reforms.—friendships.—personal life.—1845-1850. (search)
Emmeline Stuart Wortley to Prescott's, at Nahant. These opportunities to talk over English society were very agreeable to him; and though it was not often convenient to entertain guests at his mother's house, he could show them Boston, drive with them to the suburbs, and take them to Prescott's and Longfellow's. He had pleasant meetings in Boston with other foreigners than Englishmen,—with Frederika Bremer in the winter of 1849– 1850, See Miss Bremer's Homes of the New World. with Edmond de Lafayette, grandson of the General, in August, 1850, and Jean J. Ampere, Ampere's Promenade en Amerique, vol. II. p. 36. Revue des deux Mondes, 1853, p. 20. friend of Tocqueville, in September, 1851, all of whom he took pleasure in escorting to places of interest. In a letter written in April, 1848, Sumner explained his early interest in certain reforms. It was a reply to a correspondent, a well-known clergyman of Boston, Rev. George Putnam, D. D. who, while disclaiming his own belie
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 31: the prison—discipline debates in Tremont Temple.—1846-1847. (search)
absolute solitude, which was discarded in Pennsylvania in 1829, and in other States at about the same time; that the report for 1838 had applied the opinions of Lafayette and the historian Roscoe, condemning the discarded system, to the separate system, which had not come into existence when those opinions were expressed; and thattruction of prisons. In this and other speeches Sumner charged that Dwight garbled the documents from which he made extracts, particularly in citing Roscoe and Lafayette. Dwight had cited the opinions of Lafayette in 1825 and 1826, which were adverse to the Pennsylvania system as then existing; but after the system was essentiLafayette in 1825 and 1826, which were adverse to the Pennsylvania system as then existing; but after the system was essentially changed, in 1829, he continued even in 1843 to cite them, giving no dates, as if they were intended for the modified system. Quite likely this was a blunder rather than an intentional misrepresentation. See Stevenson's remarks, June 18. Boston Atlas, June 21. He directed his severest criticisms against the report for 1843,
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 36: first session in Congress.—welcome to Kossuth.—public lands in the West.—the Fugitive Slave Law.—1851-1852. (search)
was Webster's memorable speech. Sumner, though regretting that Kossuth had been ill-advised in his expectations and imprudent in his appeals, particularly in his speeches made just after landing, sympathized deeply with him as the representative of the liberal cause in Europe, and called on him several times. From the capital the Hungarian patriot proceeded to the South and West, and thence to New England, receiving in his progress honors such as had been accorded to no foreigner except Lafayette; and in July, 1852, he returned to Europe. The spell of his marvellous eloquence has remained to this day; but it wrought no change in our policy or opinions. His cause was a lost one, even before he left us; and his American supporters saw that no foreign aid could save it. By the time Sumner returned home, at the end of the session, the Hungarian question had ceased to be a prominent one in the public mind. Kossuth's reception led to the introduction in the Senate of resolutions on
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 39: the debate on Toucey's bill.—vindication of the antislavery enterprise.—first visit to the West.—defence of foreign-born citizens.—1854-1855. (search)
ications of the editor. Butler thought the gentleman from Massachusetts a good indorser, and his authority as to the competency of the editor quite sufficient. Apparently fearing that some pleasantry of his concerning an interview between General Lafayette and a daughter of General Greene might prejudice the proposed grant, he at once wrote on a letter envelope a memorandum explaining his remarks, which he handed from his seat to Sumner. At the end of it he said:God forbid that I should say , the generous Germans, who aided our weakness by their military experience; upon Paul Jones, the Scotchman, who lent his unsurpassed courage to the infant thunders of our navy; also upon those great European liberators, Kosciusko of Poland and Lafayette of France, each of whom paid his earliest vows to liberty in our cause. Nor should this list be confined to military characters, so long as we gratefully cherish the name of Alexander Hamilton, who was born in the West Indies, and the name of
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 41: search for health.—journey to Europe.—continued disability.—1857-1858. (search)
ed in 1882. and also the professor. April 10. Called on M. Vattemare, who showed me his American collection. Took him to drive through the old quarter of Paris as far as the Barriere du Trone, and then paid a pilgrimage to the quiet tomb of Lafayette, in a little cemetery where there is no common dust; all there were of the ancient nobility on earth. Went to St. Roch, also to the Madeleine. The theatres, which to-day are closed, give place to the church. Good Friday; in the evening calleeville's on invitation; found him as usual amiable and interesting, and full of feeling against slavery. He was unwilling that France should be judged by the writings of George Sand, whose morality he condemned. I met there a granddaughter of Lafayette, Mademoiselle de Corcelle, Afterwards the wife of the Marquis de Chambrun (1831-1891), who lived in Washington for many years. and her father, who was French Minister at Rome at the time of the difficulties. April 15. Breakfasted at eleve
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, chapter 14 (search)
he opportunities of making acquaintances, from whom you may get some idea of foreign life and thought. Of course, always have a book with you as a companion should other society fail. But keep alone, always excepting the companionship of a friend, whose society might compensate for the loss of all that chance can throw in your way. Sumner returned to Paris, where he passed three weeks, mostly engaged in collecting bric-a-brac, but making one day an excursion to Lagrange, the home of Lafayette, In his lecture on Lafayette, Nov. 30, 1860, he described this visit. (Works, vol. v. p. 375.) The writer made a visit to Lagrange in 1882, when he found the chateau and grounds as Sumner described them, except that the ivy planted by Charles James Fox had been killed by the severe frost of the previous winter. in company with a friend, probably Joseph Lyman. Here he was most graciously received by Madame de Lasteyrie. Just before leaving the city he wrote to theodore Parker, then a
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 43: return to the Senate.—the barbarism of slavery.—Popular welcomes.—Lincoln's election.—1859-1860. (search)
ent of Harvard College, and George Ticknor voted for Bell and Everett. The Whig conservatism of Boston had been broken up; but a remnant of five thousand votes was given in the city for Bell and Everett, principally cast by voters having a mercantile interest or connection, while the masses gave nearly ten thousand votes for Lincoln, and divided five thousand between the two Democratic candidates, Douglas and Breckinridge. Sumner prepared in the autumn, as a lyceum lecture, a tribute to Lafayette, in which, with a view to arrest a tendency to compromise which he foresaw was at hand, he brought into prominence Lafayette's constant testimony against American slavery, and his fidelity to liberty from youth to age. It contains eloquent passages, and the whole is marked by a cadence and resonance of style, and a sympathy with noble lives, which recall his earlier commemoration of Channing and Story. 1 Works, vol. v. p. 369-429. The lecture was printed at New York in pamphlet from a