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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Ogden, Aaron 1756- (search)
ceton in 1773; taught school in his native village; and in the winter of 1775-76 assisted in capturing, near Sandy Hook, a British vessel laden with munitions of war for the army in Boston. Early in 1777 he entered the Aaron Ogden. army as captain under his brother Matthias, and fought at Brandywine. He was brigade-major under Lee at Monmouth, and assistant aide-de-camp to Lord Stirling; aid to General Maxwell in Sullivan's expedition; was at the battle of Springfield (June, 1780); and in 1781 was with Lafayette in Virginia. He led infantry to the storming of a redoubt at Yorktown, and received the commendation of Washington. After the war he practised law, and held civil offices of trust in his State. He was United States Senator from 1801 to 1803, and governor of New Jersey from 1812 to 1813. In the War of 1812-15 he commanded the militia of New Jersey. At the time of his death, in Jersey City, N. J., April 19, 1839, he was presidentgeneral of the Society of the Cincinnati.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Olney, Stephen 1755-1832 (search)
Olney, Stephen 1755-1832 Military officer; born in North Providence, R. I., in October, 1755; brother of Jeremiah Olney; entered the army as a lieutenant in his brother's company in 1775, and served with distinction in several of the principal battles of the Revolutionary War. He served under Lafayette in Virginia, and was distinguished in the capture of a British redoubt at Yorktown during the siege, where he was severely wounded by a bayonet-thrust. Colonel Olney held many town offices, and for twenty years represented his native town in the Assembly. He died in North Providence, R. I., Nov. 23, 1832.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Prisoners for debt. (search)
o was acquainted with the prisoner's history, had refused with an oath, and said, with cruel irony, Send for your alderman's coach to take her to Westminster Abbey! The scene led to the foundation of the colony of Georgia (q. v.). The fate of this London alderman was worse than that of the debtors of Greece and Rome, who were sold into slavery by their creditors. Laws for the imprisonment of debtors disgraced the statute-books of our States until within a comparatively few years. When Lafayette visited the United States in 1824-25 he found Colonel Barton, the captor of General Prescott in Rhode Island, in a prison for debt, and released him by the payment of the creditor's demand. Robert Morris, whose financial ability was the main dependence of the colonies in carrying on the war for independence, was a prisoner for debt in his old age. Red Jacket, the Seneca chief, once saw a man put in jail in Batavia, N. Y., for debt. His remark— He no catch beaver there! —fully illustrated
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Pulaski, Count Casimir 1748- (search)
78 his Legion was formed, composed of sixty light horsemen and 200 foot-soldiers. When about to take the field in the South the Moravian nuns, or singing women at Bethlehem, Pa., sent him a banner Count Casimir Pulaski. Greene and Pulaski monument. wrought by them, which he received with grateful acknowledgments, and which he bore until he fell at Savannah in 1779. This event is commemorated in Longfellow's Hymn of the Moravian nuns. The banner is now in possession of the Maryland Historical Society. Surprised near Little Egg Harbor, on the New Jersey coast, nearly all of his foot-soldiers were killed. Recruiting his ranks, he went South in February, 1779, and was in active service under General Lincoln, engaging bravely in the siege of Savannah, Ga. (q. v.), in which he was mortally wounded, taken to the United States brig Wasp, and there died, Oct. 11. The citizens of Savannah erected a monument to Greene and Pulaski, the cornerstone of which was laid by Lafayette in 1825.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Quaker Hill, battle of. (search)
ritish to burn or sink six frigates that lay there. There was a delay of a week before the American army could be made ready to move against the foe. Greene and Lafayette had both been sent to aid Sullivan, and success was confidently expected. On Aug. 10 the Americans crossed over the narrow strait at the north end of the island in two divisions, commanded respectively by Greene and Lafayette, where they expected to be joined by the 4,000 French troops of the fleet, according to arrangement. But at that time Howe had appeared off Newport with his fleet, and D'Estaing went out to meet him, taking the troops with him. A stiff wind was then rising from the D'Estaing's speedy return, the Americans had marched towards Newport, and when View northward from Butts's Hill. Sullivan found he had gone to Boston, he sent Lafayette to urge him to return. The militia began to desert, and Sullivan's army was reduced to 6,000 men. He felt compelled to retreat, and began that movement on the n
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Revolutionary War, (search)
Y., and shot and scalpedJuly 27, 1777 On the approach of Burgoyne General Schuyler evacuates Fort Edward, and retreats down the Hudson ValleyJuly 29, 1777 General Lafayette, who volunteers his services to Congress, is commissioned major-general July 31, 1777 Lafayette introduced to Washington in Philadelphia, and attached to hi Ninety-six June 21, 1781 Jonas Fay, Ira Allen, and Bazaleel Woodward appointed to represent the cause of Vermont in the Continental Congress June 22, 1781 General Lafayette attacks Cornwallis, near Green Springs, Va., and is repulsed July 6, 1781 Cornwallis retires with his army to Yorktown Aug. 4, 1781 R. R. Livingston apdirectly for the Chesapeake Bay. Already Washington had had his thoughts turned towards a campaign of the allies against Cornwallis in Virginia by a letter from Lafayette, who had taken a position only 8 miles from Yorktown. The marquis had plainly perceived the mistake of Clinton in ordering Cornwallis to take a defensive positi
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), St. Clair, Arthur 1734-1818 (search)
he was made a brigadier-general, and joined Washington in November. St. Clair was actively engaged in New Jersey until April, 1777, when he took command of Ticonderoga, which he was compelled to evacuate (July 4-5), by the presence of Burgoyne in overwhelming force. After that he was a member of Washington's military family, acting as his aide at the battle near the Brandywine. He was with Sullivan in the Seneca country in 1779. St. Clair commanded the light infantry in the absence of Lafayette, and was a member of the court that condemned Major Andre. He was in command at West Point from Oct. 1, 1780, and aided in suppressing the mutiny of the Pennsylvania line in January, 1781. Joining Washington in October, he participated in the capture of Cornwallis, and afterwards led a body of troops to join Greene in South Carolina, driving the British from Wilmington on the way. He was afterwards a delegate in Congress; president of that body (February to November, 1787) ; appointed go
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Stevens, Ebenezer 1751-1823 (search)
Stevens, Ebenezer 1751-1823 Military officer; born in Boston, Mass., Aug. 22, 1751; formed one of the famous Boston Teaparty, and soon afterwards went to Long Island. He entered the military service in 1775, and raised two companies of artillery and one of artificers for the expedition against Canada. In November, 1776, he was appointed major, and cornmanded the artillery at Ticonderoga and in the battle of Stillwater, or Bemis's Heights. In April, 1778, he was made lieutenant-colonel and assigned to Lamb's artillery regiment; and he served with Lafayette in Virginia in 1781, participaying in the capture of Cornwallis at Yorktown. He was for many years a leading merchant in New York, and majorgeneral of militia, serving, in 1814, in the defence of the city of New York. He died in Rockaway, Long Island, N. Y., Sept. 2, 1823.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Stevens, John Austin 1827- (search)
Stevens, John Austin 1827- Author; born in New York City, Jan. 21, 1827; graduated at Harvard College in 1846; became librarian of the New York Historical Society. He founded the Magazine of American history, of which he was editor for many years, and was the originator and first president of the Society of Sons of the Revolution. His publications include The expedition of Lafayette against Arnold; The Burgoyne campaign; Progress of New York in a century; The French in Rhode Island; Life of Albert Gallatin, etc.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Ticknor, George 1791-1871 (search)
Ticknor, George 1791-1871 Author; born in Boston, Mass., Aug. 1, 1791; graduated at Dartmouth College in 1807; admitted to the bar in 1813, but turned his attention to literature; Professor of Modern Languages and Literature at Harvard College in 1819-35; an originator of the Boston Public Library, and chairman of its board of trustees in 1864-66. His publications include History of Spanish Literature; Outline of the principal events in the life of General Lafayette; Report of the board of visitors on the United States military Academy at West Point for 1826; Life of William Hickling Prescott, etc. He died in Boston, Mass., Jan. 26, 1871.