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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 36 0 Browse Search
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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Atlixco, battle at. (search)
le at. General Lee marched from Puebla (Mexico) in October, 1847, to attack the Mexican General Rea, of Santa Ana's army, at Atlixco, 30 miles from that place. Lane's cavalry first encountered Rea's advanced guard, and skirmished until the arrival of his infantry, when the Mexicans fell back towards Atlixco, keeping up a running fight. Less than 2 miles from that place their main body was discovered (Oct. 18, 1847). Lane's cavalry dashed in among them and drove them into a thick chaparral, which the horses could not enter. The cavalry dismounted, entered the thicket, and there a long and fierce hand-to-hand encounter ensued. The rest of the Americans coming up, the Mexicans were forced into the town, when Lane's artillery, posted on a hill, cannonaded the place most severely by the light of the moon. The Mexicans were driven away with much loss. At Atlixco Santa Ana's troops finally deserted him, and he fled alone towards the coast. So ended the active hostilities of the
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Black Rock, surprise of. (search)
near Black Rock. Bisshopp surprised the camp at Black Pock. when the militia fled to Buffalo. leaving their artillery behind. Porter narrowly escaped capture in his own house. He hastened towards Buffalo, rallied a part of the militia, and, with fifty volunteer citizens, proceeded to attack the invaders. At the same time forty Indian s rose from an ambush in a ravine and rushed upon the invaders with the appalling war-whoop. The frightened British, after a very brief contest. fled in confusion to their boats, and, with their commander, hastily departed for the Canada shore, followed by volleys from American muskets. In the flight Bisshopp was mortally wounded. He was a gallant young man, only thirty years of age. He was taken to his quarters at Lundy's Lane, where he died five days after he received his wound. Over his remains in a small cemetery on the south side of Landy's Lane, more than thirty years afterwards, the sister of the young soldier erected a handsome monument.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Brackett, Albert Gallatin, 1829- (search)
Brackett, Albert Gallatin, 1829- Military officer; born in Cherry Valley, N. Y., Feb. 14, 1829; served in the 4th Indiana Volunteer Regiment in the Mexican War; was honorably discharged, July 16, 1848; re-entered the army as captain in the 2d Cavalry in 1855 and distinguished himself in actions against the Comanche Indians. He commanded the cavalry at Blackburn's Ford and the first battle of Bull Run in 1864. He was brevetted colonel of volunteers and was made colonel in the regular service in 1879. He published a History of the United States cavalry; General Lane's brigade in Central Mexico, etc.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Colonial settlements. (search)
a colony in America with them. The government approved the project, and, in 1732, he landed, with emigrants, on the site of the city of Savannah, and there planted the germ of the commonwealth of Georgia (q. v.) The first English colony planted in America was the one sent over in 1585 by Sir Walter Raleigh, who despatched Sir Richard Grenville, with seven ships and many people, to form a colony in Virginia, with Ralph Lane as their governor. At Roanoke Island Grenville left 107 men under Lane to plant a colony, the first ever founded by Englishmen in America. This colony became much straitened for want of provisions next year, and, fortunately for them, Sir Francis Drake, sailing up the American coast with a squadron, visited the colony and found them in great distress. He generously proposed to furnish them with supplies, a ship, a pinnace, and small boats, with sufficient seamen to stay and make a further discovery of the country; or sufficient provisions to carry them to Engl
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Fleet, Thomas 1685- (search)
Fleet, Thomas 1685- Printer; born in England, Sept. 8, 1685; became a printer in Bristol, England, but emigrated to Boston, Mass., in 1712, where he established a printing-office. He married Elizabeth Goose, June 8, 1715. In 1719 he conceived the idea of publishing the songs which his mother-in-law had been singing to his infant son. The book was issued under the title of Songs for the nursery; Or, mother Goose's Melodies for children. Printed by T. Fleet, at his printing-house, pudding Lane, 1719. Price, two coppers. In connection with his printing-office he established the Weekly rehearsal, which was afterwards changed in title to Boston evening post. He continued as proprietor and editor of this paper until his death, July 21, 1758.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Grenville, Sir Richard (search)
e Fear. George Grenville. They finally landed on Roanoke Island, with Manteo, whom they had brought back from England, and who had been created Lord of Roanoke. Grenville sent him to the mainland to announce the arrival of the English, and Lane and his principal companions soon followed the dusky peer. For eight days they explored the country and were hospitably entertained everywhere. At an Indian village a silver cup was stolen from one of the Englishmen, and was not immediately restuenched. Not observing this, the commander left the colony and returned to England with his ships. These all became piratical cruisers on the seas, and entered the harbor of Plymouth on Sept. 18, laden with plunder from Spanish galleons. Governor Lane also treated the natives cruelly, and they became greatly exasperated in spite of the soothing influence of Harriott, their benefactor. In mortal fear of the Indians, their provisions exhausted, and no ship arriving from England, they hailed
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Harriott, Thomas 1560-1621 (search)
gh; born in Oxford, England, in 1560. In 1585 he accompanied Raleigh's expedition to Virginia, under Grenville, as historian, and most of the knowledge of that expedition is derived from Harriott's account. He was left there by Grenville, and remained a year, making observations; and from the pencil of With, an artist, he obtained many useful drawings. Harriott labored hard to restrain the cupidity of his companions, who were more intent upon finding gold than tilling the soil. While Governor Lane declared that Virginia had the goodliest soil under the cope of heaven, and if Virginia had but horses and kine, and were inhabited by English, no realm in Christendom were comparable to it, he utterly neglected the great opportunity. Harriott saw that the way to accomplish that object was to treat the Indians kindly, as friends and neighbors; and he tried to quench the fires of revenge which the cruelty of the English had kindled. The natives were curious and credulous. They regard
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Kansas, (search)
State governors. Name.Term. Charles Robinson1861 to 1862 Thomas Carney1862 to 1864 S. J. Crawford1864 to 1868 James M. Harvey1868 to 1872 Thomas A. Osborn1873 to 1875 George T. Anthony1876 to 1878 John P. St. John1879 to 1883 George W. Glick1883 to 1885 John A. Martin1885 to 1887 Lyman U. Humphreys1887 to 1893 L. D. Lewelling1893 to 1895 E. N. Morrill1895 to 1897 John W. Leedy1897 to 1899 William E. Stanley1899 to — United States Senators. Name.No. of Congress.Term. James H. Lane37th to 39th1861 to 1866 Samuel C. Pomeroy37th to 43d1861 to 1873 Edmund G. Ross39th to 41st1866 to 1871 Alexander Caldwell42d1871 to 1873 Robert Crozier43d1873 to 1874 James M. Harvey43d to 44th1874 to 1877 John J. Ingalls43d to 51st1873 to 1891 Preston B. Plumb45th to 52d1877 to 1891 William A. Peffer52d to 55th1891 to 1897 Bishop W. Perkins52d1892 to 1893 John Martin53d1893 Lucien Baker54th to —1895 to — William A. Harris55th to —1897 to — The Kansas-Nebraska act.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Lane, James Henry 1814- (search)
Lane, James Henry 1814- Military officer; born in Lawrenceburg, Ind., June 22, 1814; son of Amos Lane; was admitted to the bar in 1840; served as a volunteer in the war with Mexico, commanding a brigade at Buena Vista; and, in 1848, was elected lieutenant-governor of Indiana. He served one term in Congress; settled in Kansas, and was chosen its first United States Senator. He served well during the Civil War, and was again elected United States Senator in 1865. He died near Leavenworth, Kan., July 1, 1866.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), United States of America. (search)
and, Quebec, and are routed......June 9, 1866 Fourteenth Amendment to Constitution passes the Senate, June 8; the House, June 13; reaching the State Department......June 16, 1866 Majority of reconstruction committee report the late Confederate States not entitled to representation in Congress......June 18, 1866 Message from the President to Congress adverse to presenting the Fourteenth Amendment to the States......June 22, 1866 Great fire in Portland, Me.......July 4, 1866 James H. Lane, Senator from Kansas, commits suicide......July 11, 1866 Tennessee readmitted by joint resolution of Congress, approved......July 24, 1866 Congress creates the grades of admiral and vice-admiral in the navy, and revives that of general in the army......July 25, 1866 Atlantic telegraph completed......July 27, 1866 Act increasing and fixing the military peace establishment......July 28, 1866 First session adjourns......July 28, 1866 Race riot in New Orleans, many negroes