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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 17 1 Browse Search
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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Bunker Hill, battle of. (search)
ossession of and fortify Bunker Hill (an elevation not far from Charlestown) ; also Dorchester Heights, south of Boston. Both of these points would command the town. The eager provincials determined to anticipate this movement, and the Massachusetts committee of safety ordered Col. William Prescott to march, on the evening of the 16th, with 1,000 men, including a company of artillery, with two field-pieces, to take possession of and fortify Bunker Hill. This force, after a prayer by President Langdon, of Harvard, passed over Charlestown Neck; but, going by Bunker Hill, they ascended Breed's Hill (much nearer Boston), where they had a better command of the town and the shipping. They had been joined on the way by Major Brooks and General Putnam, and by wagons laden with intrenching tools. The patriot troops worked incessantly all night under the skilful engineer Gridley, and at dawn a redoubt about 8 rods square, flanked on the right by a breastwork which extended northwardly to m
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Constitution of the United States (search)
of nine States shall be sufficient for the establishment of this constitution between the States so ratifying the same. Done in convention by the unanimous consent of the States present, the seventeenth day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty-seven, and of the Independence of the United States of America the twelfth. In witness whereof we have hereunto subscribed our names. Ga: Washington, Presidt. and Deputy from Virginia. New Hampshire. John Langdon, Nicholas Gilman. Massachusetts. Nathaniel Gorham, Rufus King. Connecticut. Wm. Saml. Johnson, Roger Sherman. New York. Alexander Hamilton. New Jersey. Wil: Livingston, David Brearley, Wm. Paterson, Jona: Dayton. Pennsylvania. B. Franklin, Thomas Mifflin, Robt. Morris, Geo. Clymer, Thomas Fitzsimons, Jared Ingersoll, James Wilson, Gouv. Morris. Delaware. Geo: Read, Jaco: Broom, John Dickinson, Richard Bassett, Gunning Bedford, Jun. Maryland. James Mchenry, Danl. Carrol
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Elwyn, Alfred Langdon, 1804-1884 (search)
Elwyn, Alfred Langdon, 1804-1884 Philanthropist; born in Portsmouth, N. H., July 9, 1804; graduated at Harvard College in 1823; studied medicine, but never practised; became known as a philanthropist. He originated the Pennsylvania Agricultural Society and Farm-school, of which he was president in 1850; was also president of various philanthropic institutions. He was the author of Glossary of supposed Americanisms; and Letters to the Hon. John Langdon, during and after the Revolution. He died in Philadelphia, Pa., March 15, 1884.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Foreign affairs. (search)
Foreign affairs. On Sept. 18, 1775, the Continental Congress appointed Messrs. Welling, Franklin, Livingston, Alsop, Deane, Dickinson, Langdon, McKean, and Ward a secret committee to contract for the importation from Europe of ammunition, small-arms, and cannon, and for such a purpose Silas Deane was soon sent to France. By a resolution of the Congress, April 17, 1777, the name of this committee was changed to committee of foreign affairs, whose functions were like those of the present Secretary of State (see cabinet, President's). Foreign intercourse was first established by law in 1790. President Washington, in his message, Jan. 8, 1790, suggested to Congress the propriety of providing for the employment and compensation of persons for carrying on intercourse with foreign nations. The House appointed a committee, Jan. 15, to prepare a bill to that effect, which was presented on the 21st. It passed the House on March 30. The two Houses could not agree upon the provisions of
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Langdon, John 1739-1819 (search)
Langdon, John 1739-1819 Statesman; born in Portsmouth, N. H., in 1739; was a successful merchant, and took an early and active part in the events preceding the outbreak of the Revolutionary War. He was a member of the Continental Congress (1775-76), but in June, in the latter year, he resigned his seat and became navy agent. He was speaker of the Assembly, and was ready to make any reasonable sacrifice to promote the cause. When means were needed to support a New Hampshire regiment, he gave all his hard money, pledged his plate, and applied to the same purpose the proceeds of seventy hogsheads of tobacco. He furnished means for raising a brigade of the troops with which Stark gained the victory at Bennington. He was active in civil affairs, also, all through the war, serving in the Continental Congress and his State legislature. In 1785 he was president of New Hampshire, and in 1787 was one of the framers of the federal Constitution. He was governor of his State in 1788, an
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Missionary Ridge, battle of (search)
ng lines, formed into groups, wherever the ground gave cover; and each group, led by a color, steadily made its way up. Their colors were often shot down, but they were at once seized and borne along. The men pressed vigorously on, in the face of a terrible storm of grape and canister shot from about thirty guns on the summit, and murderous volleys of musketry from the well-filled rifle-pits on the crest. The Nationals did not waver for a moment, but pressed forward, when Lieutenant- Colonel Langdon, with Ohio volunteers, sprang forward and made a lodgment on the hill-top, within 500 yards of Bragg's headquarters. With shouts the remainder of the Nationals pushed upward, and very speedily the whole battle-line of the Confederates on Missionary Ridge was in their possession, with all the Confederate cannon and ammunition. Sherman soon drove the Confederates from the front, and the battle ceased at that end of the line. The divisions of Wood and Baird were obstinately resisted unt
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Richmond, campaign against (search)
d by a small flag, for the safety of their own men, and in their hasty departure they forgot to remove them. Cannon on the deserted works were left unharmed. Early in the morning the whole of Weitzel's force were in the suburbs of the town. A demand was made for its surrender, and at seven o'clock Joseph Mayo, the mayor, handed the keys of the public buildings to the messenger of the summons. Weitzel and his staff rode in at eight o'clock, at the head of Ripley's brigade of negro troops, when Lieut. J. Livingston Depeyster, of Weitzel's staff, ascended to the roof of the State-house with a national flag, and, with the assistance of Captain Langdon, Weitzel's chief of artillery, unfurled it over that building, and in its Senate chamber the office of headquarters was established. Weitzel occupied the dwelling of Jefferson Davis, and General Shepley was appointed military governor. The troops were then set at work to extinguish the flames. See on to Richmond! ; on to Washington!
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), William and Mary, Fort (search)
him. The men who went, as far as I can remember, were Maj. John Sullivan, Capt. Winborn Adams, Ebenezer Thompson, John Demeritt, Alpheus and Jonathan Chesley, John Spencer, Micah Davis, Isaac and Benjamin Small, of Durham; Ebenezer Sullivan, Captain Langdon, and Thomas Pickering, of Portsmouth; John Griffin, James Underwood, and Alexander Scammell. We took a gondola belonging to Benjamin Mathes, who was too old to go, and went down the river to Portsmouth. It was a clear, cold, moonlight nit possibly could a boat be constructed more unlike the gondola of the Venetian canals. The gundolo sailed quietly down with the tide to a dock in Portsmouth town, 9 miles below. There perhaps half a dozen men were taken on board, including Captain Langdon, afterwards first president of the United States Senate and governor of New Hampshire. From Governor Wentworth's correspondence with the Earl of Dartmouth it would appear that he warned Captain Cochran, in command at the fort, of the inten