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The Daily Dispatch: June 25, 1861., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: May 31, 1862., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
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rd heavy firing in our rear, which the infantry quite as hotly returned. We soon learned that the enemy, who had escaped Heth, had been following us up all day, and were attacking us with a much superior force; but, all praise to the gallant heroes of Donelson, under Wharton and Hennshall, they were driven in a perfect run from the field. During this engagement the men were exposed to the hottest fire, and I will say that I never saw men, both of the infantry and artillery, bear themselves more gallantly. Col. Wharton, Major Hennshall, and Capt. Peter Otey commanded the infantry, while Lieut. Edward Norvell and O. Serg't John B. Langhorne commanded the rifled gun, which did such execution. Where all bore themselves so well, it would be doing injustice to particularize. The loss of the enemy was 211 killed and wounded, while we lost but one man killed and twelve wounded. They left us to bury their dead, which enables us to speak with accuracy as to their loss. Soldier Boy.