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The Daily Dispatch: April 9, 1863., [Electronic resource] 1 1 Browse Search
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advices from Poland, indicating a severe reverse to the revolutionists: Cracow, March 20.--The insurgents are rallying at Vizdize, commanded by Semesorski. Pano,March 21.--Dispatches receive at the Russian Embassy confirm the defeat of Langlewhiz who has been conveyed to Varnover. The insurgents lost 400 killed and 54 were taken prisoners. A telegram from Lemberg also confirms the above. The latest. The latest telegrams from Cracow say that a report is current that General Langlewhiz has been put to flight and his forces dispersed; that he was at Opolowicz, and sought the concent of Austria to pass through Gallicia, but was refused. Earthworks are being thrown up around Warsaw. The inhabitants expected an attack at Easter. France. A demonstration in favor of Poland has taken place in Paris. The Patric, of the 19th, says: To-day, at the conclusion of the lecture delivered by Prof. DeGirardin, a large number of students set our for the Palace of the S