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Knight's Mechanical Encyclopedia (ed. Knight) 4 0 Browse Search
Laura E. Richards, Maud Howe, Florence Howe Hall, Julia Ward Howe, 1819-1910, in two volumes, with portraits and other illustrations: volume 1 2 2 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: November 29, 1860., [Electronic resource] 1 1 Browse Search
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kesburyOct. 24, 1865. 50,917Dawley et al.Nov. 14, 1865. 50,995Keats et al.Nov. 14, 1865. 51,157DunhamNov. 28, 1865. 51,383BeanDec. 5, 1865. 1. Machines. (continued). No.Name.Date. 52,368ReedJan. 30, 1866. 57,047ReedAug. 7, 1866. 58,550LangmaidOct. 23, 1866. 59,127HalliganOct. 23, 1866. 67,906ReedAug. 20, 1867. 67,965ElmesAug. 20, 1867. 86,592ReedFeb. 2, 1869. 86,632BeanFeb. 9, 1869. 89,275BeanApr. 27, 1869. 92,138AdamsJuly 6, 1869. 97,330WeemanNov. 30, 1869. 109,427LandfearNo1. 115,857HumphreyJune 13, 1871. 120,855Chicken et al.Nov. 14, 1871. 123,348HumphreyFeb. 6, 1872. 124,252ChickenMar. 5, 1872. 125,394HumphreyApr. 9, 1872. 127,675BraunbeckJune 11, 1872. 2. Two Thread. (continued). No.Name.Date. 132,968LangmaidNov. 12, 1872. 134,558MoreauJan. 7, 1873. (Reissue.)5,260RehfussJan. 28, 1873. 136,702ChickenMar. 11, 1873. 136,718GoodesMar. 11, 1873. 137,689KallmeyerApr. 8, 1873. 141,987BlanchardApr. 19, 1873. 147,387GoodesFeb. 10, 1874. 151,380Gr
Laura E. Richards, Maud Howe, Florence Howe Hall, Julia Ward Howe, 1819-1910, in two volumes, with portraits and other illustrations: volume 1, Chapter 15: mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord 1908-1910; aet. 89-91 (search)
of high morality ensure in the end the greatest success, yet view them in the light of obligation, not in that of policy. 10. Whatever your talents may be, consider yourself as belonging to the average of humanity, since, even if superior to many in some respects, you will be likely to fall below them in others. 11. Remember the Christian triad of virtues. Have faith in principles, hope in God, charity with and for all mankind. A windy March found her rather miserably ailing. Dr. Langmaid came, and pronounced her lungs sound as a bass drum ; nothing amiss save a throat irritated by wind and dust. Thereupon she girded herself and buckled to her next task, a poem for the centenary of James Freeman Clarke. I have despaired of a poem which people seem to expect from me for the dear James Freeman's centennial. To-day the rhymes suddenly flowed, but the thought is difficult to convey — the reflection of heaven in his soul is what he gave, and what he left us. April 1. Ve
108. King, Rufus, I, 169. King Philip's War, I, 13. Kipling, Rudyard, II, 304. Kneisel, Herr, II, 367, 368. Knowles, F. L., II, 340. Knowles, James, II, 9. Kossuth, Mme., I, 167. Kossuth, Louis, I, 151. Kreisler, Franz, II, 297. Lablache, Luigi, I, 86, 316. Ladenberg, Emily, II, 303. La Farge, John, II, 50. Lafayette, Marquis de, I, 93. Lambeth Library, II, 8. Lanciani, Prof., II, 246. Landseer, Edwin, I, 87. Lane, Prof., II, 47, 48. Langmaid, Dr., II, 402. Langtry, Lily, II, 9. Lansdowne, Marchioness of, I, 87. Lansdowne, Henry Petty-Fitzmaurice, Marquis of, I, 86, 87. La Rochelle, I, 10. Later Lyrics, I, 233, 237, 251, 283; II, 60, 194. Lawrence, Bishop, II, 261, 349. Lawrence, Mrs., Bigelow, II, 313. Lawrence, S. E., I, 287. Lawton's Valley, I, 154, 194, 204, 225-27, 235, 249-51, 254, 296. Layard, Sir, Henry, II, 44. Leavenworth, I, 382. Lee, Mrs., II, 200. Lee, Harry, II, 233. Lee, R.
on the trial: "The point on which the trial turned was, we apprehend, a piece of evidence introduced as refuting testimony, by the Government, Friday night. It purported to be a letter addressed by Richardson to one Carlos Seavey, requesting him to come into Court and swear that at the time he (Seavey) worked for Healey in '59, he furnished Healey with some strychnine, and urging him to be the witness' friend, for he needed a friend, and could only be saved by this course, provided Mrs. Langmaid did not own up. Seavey did not appear to testify, but this document was found upon his person, and although without signature, was evidently in Richardson's hand-writing.--It took the accused and their counsel completely by surprise. "The verdict gives Richardson a home in the State Prison for life. The fact of Mrs. Healey being a woman in feeble health may have worked upon the sympathies of the jury, and contributed in a measure to her acquittal.--Again, there was no evidence that