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. Ord. The position of the divisions was as follows: On the extreme right, the post of honor, the division of Major-General Frederick Steele; next him General Thayer's division, and on his left that of Major-General Frank P. Blair, Junior. On the right of centre was the division of Major-General John A. Logan; to his left again was that of General John E. Smith; further to the left were General A. J. Smith's and General Carr's divisions. On the left wing were General Hovey's division, General Lanman's, and lastly that of Major-General F. Herron. General Osterhaus, with a division of the reserve, was posted at Big Black Bridge. General Washburne, with another division was at Haines' s Bluff, and part of the Ninth army corps, under Major-General Banks, stretching between Haines's Bluff and Osterhaus's position. As there was some anticipation that Johnston might make a dash into the rear for moral effect, General Sherman was therefore despatched to the reserve to meet him. Genera