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he attack on Quebec left Nicholson n option but to retreat, and Montreal also was unmolested. Detroit, though not till the next year, almost 1712. fell before the valor of a party of the Ottagamies, or Foxes—a nation passionate and untamable, springing up into new life from every defeat, and, though reduced in the number of their warriors, yet present every where by their ferocious enterprise and savage Charlevoix, II. 365-372. daring. Resolving to burn Detroit, they pitched their Cass. Lanman's Michigan. lodgings near the fort, which Du Buisson, with but twenty Frenchmen, defended. Aware of their intention, he summoned his Indian allies from the chase; and, about the middle of May, Ottawas, and Hurons, and Potawatomies, with one branch of the Sacs, Illinois, Menomonies, and even Osages and Missouris, each nation with its own ensign, came to his relief. So wide was the influence of the missionaries in the west. Father, said they, behold! thy children compass thee round. We wi