Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 21, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Lanman or search for Lanman in all documents.

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, you will have heard of the engagement of our forces with those of Gen. Pillow, at Camp Belmont, opposite Columbus. On Tuesday evening orders were received from headquarters, by the officers commanding the various regiments, to be ready at 4 o'clock with two days rations.--The Thirtieth regiment, Colonel Fouke, and Thirty-first, Col. Logan, embarked on the steamer Aleck Scott, Capt. Riley; the Twenty-second regiment, Col. Dougherty, the Twenty-Seventh, Col. Buford, and the Seventh lowa, Col. Lanman, upon the Memphis and Montgomery; Taylor's battery of artillery and a battalion of Col. Noble's cavalry, also the Centralia cavalry, Capt. Burrill. At five o'clock all was in readiness, and the steamers, preceded by the gun-boats Tyler and Lexington, passed down about five miles below Norfolk, and anchored for the night.--Gen. Grant and staff were upon the Memphis, and Gen. McClernand and staff upon the Aleck Scott. At daybreak, Gen. Grant ordered us to leave about 7 o'clock A. M.