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John Harrison Wilson, The life of Charles Henry Dana, Chapter 13: Vicksburg campaign (search)
aff-officer, as well as an observer, marching in the rain, sleeping in churches and farm-houses, and living off of the country. As he traversed the country he noted the condition of the crops, the abundance of food, and the absence of men of military age. It was at Champion's Hill that he got new and more accurate ideas of the Federal generals, and especially of Logan, Hovey, Crocker, McClernand, and McPherson. It was at the passage of the Big Black that he witnessed the splendid charge of Lawler's intrepid brigade, under the personal leadership of that fearless old soldier and of his young and ardent adjutant-general, Captain Bluford Wilson. It was at that river that he assisted all night in the construction of four separate floating bridges, out of cotton bales, gin-houses, pontoons, and railroad-bridge materials, so that the victorious troops might press on at daylight and close in upon the fortifications of Vicksburg without delay. It is not too much to say that he got a better
John Harrison Wilson, The life of Charles Henry Dana, Chapter 15: generals and staff, army of the Tennessee (search)
ment, but were finally returned to the writer, where they remained till they were placed in my possession. They are in Dana's well-known hand, and are singularly free from erasures or changes. Having known personally and officially every officer mentioned, I confidently assert that in no case did Dana do injustice or give a false or exaggerated impression. What he says about Grant, Sherman, McPherson, Hovey, Osterhaus, A. J. Smith, William Sooy Smith, John E. Smith, Giles A. Smith, Logan, Lawler, Blair, Steele, Woods, C. C. Washburn, Stevenson, Leggett, McArthur, Crocker, Ransom, and Quimby is a model of perspicuity as well as of fair and judicious portraiture. In every instance, except where death overtook the officer, as in the cases of McPherson, Crocker, and Ransom, Dana's prediction of future usefulness and distinction was fully realized. It is remarkable that in no single instance was he mistaken, and still more remarkable that in no single instance where doubt was cast upon
John Harrison Wilson, The life of Charles Henry Dana, Chapter 16: Dana returns to Washington (search)
h the adjutant-general here in excellent order — not quite so perfect, indeed, as those of the Army of the Potomac, with its unequalled adjutant, General Seth Williams, of the regular army. but yet altogether satisfactory. A charge against the High Dominie Dudgeon was squelched the other day.... I hastened to say that Michael was a splendid old fighter, with only two grains of discretion, and this must be a blunder and nothing worse. Anyway it's laid to sleep. This refers to General M. K. Lawler, than whom there never was a more honest or capable soldier in the volunteer army. I am off for Burnside this P. M., and then to Rosecrans. As soon as it became certain that Rosecrans, in obedience to the official pressure which had been put upon him, was actually moving against Bragg, the secretary decided to send Dana to report the operations of the Army of the Cumberland, as he had reported those of the Army of the Tennessee. Burnside had been sent to repossess east Tenne
John Harrison Wilson, The life of Charles Henry Dana, Chapter 17: campaign of Chattanooga (search)
sting and instructive. I did not know then that Dana had delivered a lecture on Early English Poetry, nor that he had compiled The Household Book of Poetry, but on learning those facts later, I frequently tested the accuracy of his memory by reading passages from his book and then asking who wrote them, and I cannot recall a single instance in which he did not answer correctly except where the author was marked Anonymous. It is an interesting circumstance which surprised us both, that General Lawler, the plain, old-fashioned southern Illinois farmer whom Dana called The high Dominie Dudgeon, made it one of his innocent boasts during the Vicksburg campaign, that no man in the army could repeat a line of standard English poetry of which he could not repeat the one preceding and the one following it. We never lost an opportunity to test the accuracy of that remarkable man's memory, and, greatly to our gratification, never failed to find it as good as he claimed it to be. Before leav
John Harrison Wilson, The life of Charles Henry Dana, Index (search)
, W. H., letter to Coffey, t427. Kepler, astronomer, 56. Ketchum, banker, 248. Kibbe, Dolly, 1. Kittoe, E. D., staff surgeon, 276. Know-nothingism, 128, 131. Knoxville, rides to, 286-288, 294, 296, 297, 299-301, 339. Kossuth, 96. Ku-Klux Klan, 424. L. Lafayette station, 257. Laidly, Major, 351. Lake Providence Canal, 207, 209, 210. Lamartine, 72, 73. Lancaster, New Hampshire, 20. Land reform, 103. Languages, 3-7, 15, 20, 24, 36, 42, 62, 500, 501. Lawler, General, 223, 246, 253. Lecompton constitution, 151. Lectures on journalism, 512. Ledru-Rollin, 76, 96. Lee, R. E., 249, 310, 316, 318, 320, 321, 325, 326, 329, 330, 336, 343, 355, 356-358, 373, 386, 387, 409. Leggett, General, 246. Lenoir's Station, 286. Lexington to Louisville, 301. Liberty of the press, 400. Lincoln, 102, 110, 127, 130, 162, 165, 168, 178, 181-183, 190, 197, 198,--200, 203, 210, 219, 227, 238, 245, 249, 277, 285, 290, 296, 300, 303, 309, 311-317, 332, 337,