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eet high. A circular iron staircase gives access to the concrete floor within its castellated battlement. From this a superb view of Medford and surrounding country may be had. It is one of the creations of Medford's park commission. A Medford engineer, Mr. E. P. Adams, designed it, and two Medford men, Messrs. Byron and Rowe, constructed it, certainly creditable to them all. But higher and more remote is the great steel tower on the so-called Ram-head hill, erected by the late General S. C. Lawrence, and commonly called the Lawrence Observatory. The top of this hill is variously stated as being two hundred and five or two hundred and twenty-nine feet above sea level. The tower itself consists of four steel fifteen-inch I beams, set diagonally at the corners and firmly secured to the ledge. At every floor these are connected by horizontal beams of steel and in every space diagonal steel ties firmly brace the structure. It is thirty-four feet square at the base and sixteen at
issued by the Grand Commander of the Department of Massachusetts. Its wording is, To all to whom these presents shall come, Greeting. Know ye, That, reposing full confidence in the fidelity and patriotism of Comrades: Godfrey Ryder, Jr., Samuel C. Lawrence, Alfred Stephens, Henry H. D. Cushing, Silas F. Wild, Chris Plunkett, Elbridge B. Hartshorn, James A. Hervey, Samuel G. Jepson, John Hutchins, Thomas H. Gillard, J. H. Whitney, Charles H. Prentiss, Robert Ellis, Alvin R. Reed, they and their associates and successors are constituted a Post of the Grand Army of the Republic known as S. C. Lawrence Post, Number 66, and authorized to perform all acts necessary to the ends of the organization. Primarily a soldiers' fraternity, it at once became an institution of loyalty to the government and a school of patriotism, a mighty reserve force. Its name was well and fitly chosen, a Grand Army. For fifty-three years Post 66, numbering in all upwards of four hundred, have here maintaine