Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: September 23, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Michael Leary or search for Michael Leary in all documents.

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arrived in the city and sought the domicil of Leary for lodgings. --While on his way thither, betwny him. He did so. On their arrival they found Leary's family had retired. Leary got up, opened thLeary got up, opened the door, and invited McCormick in. For some reason, he objected to the presence of Murray, and told he let go his hold. Afterwards Murray stabbed Leary twice with a knife, once in the side, and oncethis instant the cry of murder was raised by Mrs. Leary, and an iron pot was thrown at Murray's headagainst which it struck. Did not know whether Leary or his wife threw the missile. McCormick did not see Leary stabbed, but there was nobody in the room but Leary and his wife, witness and Murray.Leary and his wife, witness and Murray. When Leary's wife cried murder, Murray threatened to cut her throat from ear to ear if she did noLeary's wife cried murder, Murray threatened to cut her throat from ear to ear if she did not stop, and did finally stab her in the breast. Leary's attending physician certified that he cameLeary's attending physician certified that he came to his death by reason of the stabs. The verdict was, "that the deceased came to his death by[3 more...]