Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: September 14, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for C. C. Lee or search for C. C. Lee in all documents.

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at Beverly several weeks before any other cavalry arrived, and performed all the scouting for many miles around. They were also in Garnett's retreat. All of the company are now unfit for duty, with the exception of six; they are at present in Major Lee's squadron of cavalry. This company consists of as fine material as any in the service. They were presented with a splendid flag by the ladies of "Bath." Bath also sent a very fine company of infantry, under Capt. W. D. Ervin, (who spentf the Confederates and Federals are within two miles of each other.--They had a skirmish last week. The Yankees were of course routed; but, as usual, they reported, "nobody's hurt." We will permit them to continue in this insolent strain until Gens. Lee and Loring get after them, when they will start double-quicking it for Yankee Doodledoom, howling and acknowledging that somebody's hurt. Crops of all kinds in this county are very fine — never were better. Katy-Did. N. B.--Since wri
From the peninsula--first Regiment North Carolina Volunteers--election of officers, &c. Camp Fayetteville, below Yorktown. September 11, 1861. The facility and dispatch with which you get off the latest news, makes your paper a very acceptable visitor to our camp, and I therefore presume upon your columns for an item. Gen. D. H. Hill having taken command of his brigade, an election was held for field-officers of the 1st N. C. Regiment Volunteers. Lieut. Col. C. C. Lee was elected Col., Major James H. Lane, Lieut. Colonel, and Lieut. J. F. Hake, of company "K," Major, with singular unanimity. Major Lane received a complimentary vote for Colonel, and was elected Lieutenant-Col. almost unanimously. He is deservedly the most popular man, perhaps, in the regiment, and is every way worthy the honor conferred by his promotion. He possesses the necessary qualifications to make an officer the idol of his men, viz: theory and practice of military science, firmness in disci
at promised admirable results. It was not, however, expected that he was to encounter Rosencranz. He was to clear the Kanawha Valley, while it was anticipated that Lee and Loring would occupy the attention of Rosencranz and all the disposable force at his command. From one cause and another, unfortunately, our army near Cheat MouHarrison county, on the Parkersburg or Northwestern Railroad, seeing that his forces there would not soon be needed to protect the railroad from the column under Gen. Lee, marched by a very fine turnpike, which leads southwardly from Clarksburg, through Weston, in Lewis county, and Sutton, in Braxton, to Summersville, in Irish and Germans, and his regular batteries, (McMullin's and Snyder's,) were sure, in his opinion, to do that. He has been evidently disappointed. And now, if Lee and Loring could make a movement, late as it is, we should see this literary General flying back to Clarksburg with all speed, to protect the railroad — that road t
--a native of Kentucky and a soldier educated at West Point — after a long residence in the city of New York, arrived in Richmond on Wednesday, and has already left for Manassas. In former times he was the friend and companion of Gen. McClellan, by whom he has been regarded as one of the best officers of the old U. S. Army. At West Point he was the special favorite of all, and in mathematical genius regarded as one of the most distinguished. For gallant deeds and soldierly hearing, under Gen. Lee, in Mexico, he was honorably promoted. It is, however, a little singular that McClellan was president of a railroad company in the West, and Capt. Smith "Street Commissioner" of the city of New York; and that they are now likely to cross swords as for before the close of the present war. The duties of his office in the "Empire City" Capt. Smith discharged with ability, satisfaction to all parties, and irreproachable integrity. He is an accomplished, high-toned Southern gentleman, and to u