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Maj. Jed. Hotchkiss, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 3, Virginia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 718 4 Browse Search
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure) 564 12 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 37. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 458 4 Browse Search
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee 458 2 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2. 376 6 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 21. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 306 2 Browse Search
William Swinton, Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac 280 0 Browse Search
John Esten Cooke, Wearing of the Gray: Being Personal Portraits, Scenes, and Adventures of War. 279 23 Browse Search
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary 237 5 Browse Search
Heros von Borcke, Memoirs of the Confederate War for Independence 216 6 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Judith White McGuire, Diary of a southern refugee during the war, by a lady of Virginia. You can also browse the collection for Fitz Lee or search for Fitz Lee in all documents.

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nd made havelocks and haversacks for the men. The camp at Harper's Ferry is said to be strong and strengthening. Mrs. General Lee has been with us for several days. She is on her way to the lower country, and feels that she has left Arlington fohin a few days, for the hospitals below. We are all anxious about Western Virginia, of which we can hear so little. General Lee and General Floyd are there, and if they can only have men and ammunition enough we have nothing to fear. The armyades of Yankeeism than ever. There are many refugees in this neighbourhood, like ourselves, wandering and waiting. Mrs. General Lee has been staying at Annfield, and at Media, sick, and without a home. All Virginia has open doors for the family of General Lee; but in her state of health, how dreadful it is to have no certain abiding place. She is very cheerful, and showed me the other day a picture of Arlington, in a number of Harpers' Magazine, which had mistaken its way and strayed to Di
with the administration of public affairs. Even General Lee does not escape animadversion, and the President turned from a visit to the Bluff, accompanied by General Lee; and having heard complaints against the man in cfour hours. At this point the door-bell rang, and General Lee was announced. Ask General Lee in, said the PresGeneral Lee in, said the President. The servant returned, saying that the General wished to see the President for a few moments in the ante-room. The President retired, met General Lee and the Secretary of the Navy, and soon returned to the committepposed, was the plan agreed upon by Mr. Davis and General Lee in their short interview. Several days have pass the surrender of the town, which was declined by General Lee. They then threatened to shell it, at nine o'cloto offer! The bombardment has not commenced, but General Lee requested last night that the women and children e! How can we be thankful enough for such men as General Lee, General Jackson, and our glorious army, rank and
g! Oh! that they could not get up another army, and would fight each other! Fitz Lee's cavalry had a fight yesterday at Shepherdstown, and repulsed the enemy hands the widow's reply. We have had this week a visit of two days from Mrs. General Lee. She was on her way to the Hot Springs in pursuit of health, of which she sul to think of their situation, but they are in God's hands. It is said that Lee's army and Meade's are approaching each other. Oh, I trust that a battle is notent. Not that I fear the result, for I cannot believe that Meade could whip General Lee, under any circumstances; but the dread casualties! The fearful list of kill pursuing the even tenor of our way, as if there were no war. An order from General Lee is in to-day's paper, exhorting officers and soldiers to a strict observanceaving been in line of battle for several days, has fallen back, finding that General Lee was ready to meet him. December 6, 1863. I this morning attended the f
heir inquiring looks, I said: General Lee. General Lee, they exclaimed: I did not know he was in ty were about to burst forth with Hurrah for General Lee! And where do you suppose I saw him so earet, I dare say the poor fellows did not see General Lee. This morning I had almost the same conver be God-fearing men; from the President and General Lee down, I believe a majority of them are profs-four monitors among them. The battle between Lee and Grant imminent. God help us! We feel streven off, and the telegram of yesterday from General Lee spoke of our cause as going on prosperouslyvate property. Not a word can we hear from General Lee, except through private telegrams sent fromire nothing so much as its destruction. General Lee's telegram last night gave us an account ofnnot credit it. May 27, 1864. News from Fitz Lee's fight; it was not disastrous as at first rebeen added from Sheridan to Grant, and Early to Lee, and Sherman has crossed Georgia with little op[12 more...]
h as might furnish a meal for a regiment of General Lee's army. I wish these things were not so, a I know that we ought to feel that whatever General Lee and the President deem right for the cause War Department, and that there was sad news-General Lee's lines had been broken, and the city wouldd us, that unless we heard better news from General Lee the city would be evacuated. We could do nnd heavy. A telegram just received from General Lee hastened the evacuation. The public office At last a voice pertly, wickedly replied: General Lee has surrendered, thank God! Of course we dto doubt, that it is all too true, and that General Lee surrendered on Sunday last, the 9th of Apris wild with excitement and speculation. General Lee has returned. He came unattended, save by ear that she still is sanguine, saying that General Lee is not the Confederacy, and that there is l Grant's bearing was profoundly respectful; General Lee's as courtly and lofty as the purest chival[1 more...]