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lie dragged him to the light, and beheld—an astonished hospital nurse in quest of water. Thus ended the ever memorable event known in our company as the battle of Benson's Hill, so called, from the name of the man on whose farm it might have occurred; on which occasion we seemed in all but numbers like the King of France, as sung by Mother Goose, who with forty thousand men marched up a hill and then marched down again. We returned to camp at noon; but our troubles did not end here. Gen. Lee was now fairly launched on his great invasion of the North, and our isolated position seemed one fraught with much danger. Now and then the sound of distant cannonading told of cavalry contests between opposing armies as both were pressing northward, but we could hear nothing definite about what was actually taking place. Four days after the raid at Muddy Branch, or Seneca, the centre section was summoned from the Ferry. We threw up rifle-pits on Benson's Hill (our first experience in t
arch to South Mountain Williamsport escape of Lee Chagrin of the Army Antietam battlefield thrmaster of the situation, and might have blocked Lee's return to Virginia. But he gave no such ordeFourth of July dinner. This day news came that Lee was retreating, and at 6 o'clock in the. afternht no change. Soon it began to be rumored that Lee had escaped across the river. The report soundade line of march. We now knew definitely that Lee had been permitted to escape across the river, ime and under the circumstances. But neither Lee's army nor his troubles were yet over. The heax-Confederate In April, 1879. connected with Lee's supply train, that the Rebel army was all buto Warrenton. This movement being in advance of Lee, who halted for some days near Bunker Hill and ile Rhodes' division, forming the rear guard of Lee's army, marched past up the valley, and had, ofe getting into and out of the Gap; during which Lee moved rapidly southward, passing around our rig[6 more...]
Longstreet's corps, or a portion of it, from Gen. Lee's army, had been detached to the southwest. ons still further by making a flank movement on Lee's position across the Rapidan, as it seemed too, whereas Buford crossed the river on the 10th, Lee had anticipated him, having crossed to the nortt no one understood our advantage better than Gen. Lee, who, having failed to intercept our communicn armies was now pressed with the utmost vigor, Lee aiming to strike our line of retreat along the ent him. My desire was to give battle to Gen. Lee; but his movement so far to my right satisfieion of Culpepper with the expectation that if Gen. Lee was there we would have a fight. . . . . Qhe other side of the column and make haste to Gen. Lee at Warrenton for help. At daybreak of the to be attacked both in front and rear. Then Lee pressed Hill and Ewell forward to anticipate ou Battery, when our march was leisurely resumed, Lee having given up the pursuit. A further retrogr[4 more...]
The advance Bristow battle-ground Catlett Station the fight at Kelly's Ford advance to Brandy Station. Gen. Lee, having thrown forward a light line to Bull Run to mask his purpose, entered upon the destruction of the Orange and Alexing the continued use of this road must involve some days of waiting for it to be restored to its normal condition. Lee claims to have taken 2,000 prisoners during his dash across the Rappahannock; while our captures were hardly half as, squally weather and the means at our command would permit. This movement of our army was something of a surprise to Lee, who was preparing to go into winter-quarters. His army now numbered about fifty thousand men, Total effective of all arms, 45,614.—Four Years with General Lee. Taylor. while ours aggregated seventy thousand. Had our advance, after the successes at the fords, been a little more prompt, a battle would probably have been precipitated, in which the advantage of number
lous accounts of battles and authentic reports of movements are concocted. Now, Lee is all but surrounded, and we are waiting for the cavalry to cut his only remaino cross the river. But this cannot be true, as the testimony is concurrent that Lee made no attempt at pursuit. The campaign thus brought to a close was deservines did arise which wrecked the success of the movement. He had ascertained that Lee had left the lower fords of the Rapidan uncovered; that his two corps were widelring ultimate failure upon the plan which depended for its success on surprising Lee in winter-quarters. Early on the morning of the 27th the army, which should hunday, hence it was deferred till Monday morning with the result already known. Lee, suspecting the movement, had so strengthened his right, where the attack was toed so much end without success, but any further move looking to a dislodgment of Lee would entail a still further advance into the enemy's country; and this, with ou
next morning we hitched in, momentarily expecting to depart, but on what errand we then knew not. It seems that Gen. Butler, believing Richmond had been stripped of its garrison to strengthen Pickett's force in North Carolina, planned a cavalry expedition against it up the Peninsula under Gen. Wistar, while as a diversion in his favor Gen. Sedgwick, then temporarily in command of the army, threw across the Rapidan two divisions of cavalry and two of the Second Corps to occupy the attention of Lee's army. As a precautionary measure for the safety of the troops thus thrown forward, we were ordered to be in readiness. It is scarcely necessary to add that the expedition came to naught; having found its way blocked at Bottom's Bridge, the troops returned to their starting-point, their fortune almost identical with that of the British troops sent to Salem a hundred years before, who, as Trumbull puts it,— . . . . without loss of time or men, Veer'd round for Boston back again, And fo
ods to our right front we gave too much elevation, as the majority of our shells passed over them. On going into the woods afterwards, the shell scars still visible on the trees corroborated his statement. Under cover of this fire the Rebel infantry again advance to the assault. They are formed in three solid columns, Cook's and McRae's North Carolina Brigades, under Gen. Heth, and Lane's North Carolina Brigade, of Wilcox's Division, with Pegram's Artillery, composed the assaulting column.—Lee's Official Report. and come as before, at the double-quick, with fixed bayonets, uttering their war-cry louder than ever. Nearer and yet nearer they come. But what can wedo? As we had been unable from lack of ammunition to measure metal with their artillery, so now we have but one round of canister to administer as they cross the field, and keep another—our last—for closer quarters. Our troops have evidently given way, for the enemy have reached the works at a point opposite the church, a<
I. Officer—Glanders. Privates Knowland and Quinn sent to brigade hospital. Oct. 8. Twenty (20) horses received from Capt. Fisher. Private B. G. Pedrick returned to duty from general hospital. Oct. 10. One horse received from Capt. Fisher. Private H. N. Bemis sent to brigade hospital and Private Henry Murphy detailed to Provost Marshal, Second Corps. Oct. 11. One horse died—Stoppage. Oct. 12. Four horses turned over to Capt. Strang. Oct. 13. Fourteen (14) recruits received; James Lee, John D. White, Francis Rooney, L. E. Quint, Chas. Conners, J. P. Allen, Patrick Foley, Geo. T. Cranston, Patrick Carr, Jere. O'Connell, A. P. Follett, Michael Birmingham, Michael Farrell, G. W. Blair. Oct. 14. Two recruits received; Peter Terbriggen, Wm. Osborn. Private A. L. Gowell returned to duty from general hospital. Oct. 15. Private H. N. Bemis returned from brigade hospital; Private E. C. Jewell sent to brigade hospital. Oct. 17. Notice received of Serg't Chandler Gould'
ops mainly from a map sketched by Col. Morgan, then Hancock's chief-of-staff, now deceased. We are opposite the entrance of the White Map of Boydton Plank Road, or Hatcher's Run battlefield, October 27, 1864 Oak Road, along which the right of Lee's line afterwards ran when Sheridan fought so famously for Five Forks. On the corner of it and the Plank Road stands (or stood) an unpretentious woodcol-ored hostelry, known as Burgess' Tavern or house. But these particulars in the landscape werssons safe and where we left them. We then learn whythe enemy did not swing around and gobble us up, as we had expected them to do. It seems that the left of the Rebel column under Gen. Heth of Hill's Corps, our old antagonist, under orders from Lee to cross Hatcher's Run and attack Hancock's right, in pursuance of this order suddenly issued from the woods about 4 o'clock P. M., and fell upon a part of Mott's Division. Their point of issuance was near the junction of the Boydton Plank with t
October; but although the weight of numbers was on their side, the God of Battles was on ours, and in this the last important tilt between the old Second Corps and Lee's army before the final break-up, Victory perched on the Union banners. At one time, owing to the peculiar situation of the lines, the shells from Lieut. Green'sG. A. Pease reported to quarters. Feb. 18. Monthly inspection (foot) by Lieut. W. S. Bull A. I. G. Art'y Brigade. Corp. G. A. Pease reported to quarters also James Lee. Feb. 19. Private Charles Slack on furlough of 20 days to New York City. Private James Lee reported to quarters. Feb. 20. Privates .Wm. Rawson and Alvin TPrivate James Lee reported to quarters. Feb. 20. Privates .Wm. Rawson and Alvin Thompson from Camp Parole (Exchanged Prisoners). Private B. H. Phillips returned to duty from General Hospital. Feb. 21. Private E. J. Wilson returned to duty from brigade headquarters. Private T. W. Strand detailed as orderly at brigade headquarters. Private Joseph Cross returned to duty from furlough. One horse died; exhaust