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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: January 2, 1865., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Philip Lee or search for Philip Lee in all documents.

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E. W. Robinson, of Henrico, assisted by H. Raney, of Chimborazo Hospital, sallied out on Friday night last in search of Philip Lee, a white man and an old offender, charged with stealing a large amount of clothing, the property of the Confederate States Government. Proceeding to his house, they found Lee at home; but, being apprised of their presence in time to do so, he dodged out the backway unperceived, and was some distance off before he was discovered. Immediately giving chase, Lee strucLee struck for Gillie's creek, into which he sprang; whereupon Constable Robinson, who was ahead of Raney, also followed after him, and succeeded in catching him in about four feet water. The night was dark and cold, and, becoming perfectly benumbed, neitherfectly benumbed, neither the captor nor captive were able to reach terra firma till they received assistance from parties on shore. Subsequently the stolen goods were recovered, and Lee was handed over to the military authorities for punishment.
Two Hundred Dollars reward. --Left the residence of the undersigned, in this city, on Tuesday morning, 27th instant, his servant boy, Sam. Said boy is about five feet six or seven inches high; light gingerbread color; about fifteen years old; quite likely and intelligent; with short woolly hair. He has been employed for a few months as an officer's servant, and it is probable that he is now with General Lee's army in that capacity. The above reward will be paid for his delivery at the Tredegar Iron Works or any jail in this city. William E. Tanner. de 29--5t*