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J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 3 (search)
provided the people have rule in the new confederacy. If we are to have a monarchy for the sake of economy and stability, I shall submit to it in preference to the domination of the Northern radicals. May 6 To-day a Yankee was caught in the street questioning some negroes as to which side they would fight on, slavery or freedom. He was merely rebuked and ordered out of the country. Another instance of Southern magnanimity! It will only embolden the insidious enemy. May 7 Col. R. E. Lee, lately of the United States army, has been appointed major-general, and commander-in-chief of the army in Virginia. He is the son of Light horse Harry of the Revolution. The North can boast no such historic names as we, in its army. Gov. Wise is sick at home, in Princess Ann County, but has sent me a strong letter to President Davis. I fear the governor will not survive many months. May 8 The Convention has appointed five members of Congress to go to Montgomery: Messrs. Hunter
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, III. June, 1861 (search)
III. June, 1861 Troops pour into Richmond. beginning of hostilities. Gen. Lee made a full general. Major Gen. Polk. a battle expected at Manassas. June 1 In the absence of the Secretary, I arranged the furniture as well as I could, and took possession of the five offices I had selected. But no business, of course, could be done before his arrival. Yet an immense mass of business was accumulatingletters by the hundreds were demanding attention. And I soon found, as th Several young men from that vicinity have shouldered their pens and are applying for clerkships in the departments. But most of the men of proper age in the literary institutions are volunteering in defense of their native land. June 12 Gen. Lee has been or is to be created a full general in the Confederate army, and will be assigned to duty here. He is third on the list, Sydney Johnston being second. From all I can see and infer, we shall make no attempt this year to invade the enemy
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, VI. September, 1861 (search)
J. A. Washington killed. assigned, temporarily, to the head of the passport office. September 1 The press and congressional critics are opening their batteries on the Secretary of War, for incompetency. He is not to blame. A month ago, Capt. Lee, son of the general, and a good engineer, was sent to the coast of North Carolina to inspect the defenses. His report was well executed; and the recommendations therein attended to with all possible expedition. It is now asserted that the garrison was deficient in ammunition. This was not the case. The position was simply not tenable under the fire of the U. S. ships of war. September 2 I voluntarily hunted up Capt. Lee's report, and prepared an article for the press based on its statements. September 3 My article on the defenses of North Carolina seems to have silenced the censures of the cavilers. September 4 J. R. Anderson, proprietor of the iron-works here, has been appointed brigadier-general by the Preside
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 9 (search)
United States flag over the court-house. November 23 J. C. Breckinridge and Humphrey Marshall, of Kentucky, have been here; and both have been made brigadiergenerals, and assigned to duty in the West. Although the former retained his seat in the Senate of the United States for many months after the war began, no one doubts that he is now with us, and will do good service. November 24 Gen. Floyd has retreated from Cotton Hill, and the enemy threatens our western communications. Gen. Lee has been sent to Western Virginia, but it is not an adequate field for him. He should have command of the largest army in the service, for his is one of the most capacious minds we have. November 25 Yesterday Fort Pickens opened fire on our batteries at Pensacola, but without effect. One of their ships was badly crippled. November 26 The enemy occupy Tybee Island, and threaten Savannah. Vice-President Stephens was in my office to-day, and he too deprecates the passage of so ma
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 10 (search)
Ix. December, 1861 Gen. Lee ordered South. Gen. Stuart ambuscaded at Drainsville. W. H. B. Custis returns to the Eastern Shore. Winder's detectives. Kentucky secedes. Judge Perkins's resolution. Dibble goes North. waiting for great Britain to do something. Mr. Ely, the Yankee M. C. December 1 The people hctives, who, if they were patriotic themselves (as they are all able-bodied men), would be in the army, fighting for the redemption of Maryland. December 2 Gen. Lee has now been ordered South for the defense of Charleston and Savannah, and those cities are safe! Give a great man a field worthy of his powers, and he can demonstrate the extent of his abilities; but dwarf him in an insignificant position, and the veriest fool will look upon him with contempt. Gen. Lee in the streets here bore the aspect of a discontented man, for he saw that everything was going wrong; but now his eye flashes with zeal and hope. Give him time and opportunity, and he
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, X. January, 1862 (search)
most effectually defeats all attempts at reliable computation of numbers. They say we have 150,000 men in Tennessee and Kentucky, whereas we have not 60,000. Their own numbers they represent to be not exceeding 50,000, but I suspect they have three times that number. The shadows of events are crowding thickly upon us, and the events will speak for themselves-and that speedily. January 29 What we want is a military man capable of directing operations in the field everywhere. I think Lee is such a man. But can he, a modest man and a Christian, aspire to such a position? Would not Mr. Benjamin throw his influence against such a suggestion? I trust the President will see through the mist generated around him. January 30 Some of the mysterious letter-carriers, who have just returned from their jaunt into Tennessee, are applying again for passports to Baltimore, Washington, etc. I refuse them, though they are recommended by Gen. Winder's men; but they will obtain what th
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 13 (search)
March, 1862 Nashville evacuated. martial law. passports. Com. Buchanan's naval engagement. Gen. Winder's blunders. Mr. Benjamin Secretary of State. Lee commander-in-chief. Mr. G. W. Randolph Secretary of War. March 1 It is certain that the City of Nashville has been evacuated, and will, of course, be occupiepetitor for the seat in Congress left vacant by the death of President Tyler. Hon. James Lyons was elected, and Col. Randolph got no votes at all. March 30 Gen. Lee is to have command of all the armies --but will not be in the field himself. He will reside here. Congress passed an act to create a commanding general; but there in secret session. March 31 Gen. Joseph E. Johnston is to command on the Peninsula. The President took an affectionate leave of him the other day; and Gen. Lee held his band a long time, and admonished him to take care of his life. There was no necessity for him to endanger it — as had just been done by the brave Sydne
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, XIII. April, 1862 (search)
t Fredericksburg. they say we will be subdued by the 15th of June. Lee rapidly concentrating at Richmond. Webster, the spy, hung. April April 16 Troops are being concentrated rapidly in Virginia by Gen. Lee. April 17 To-day Congress passed an act providing for the temned, and hung. April 25 Gen. Wise, through the influence of Gen. Lee, who is a Christian gentleman as well as a consummate general, has but not with Beauregard. The President has unbounded confidence in Lee's capacity, modest as he is. Another change! Provost Marshal Goiswold, whose family is now in the enemy's country. April 26 Gen. Lee is doing good service in bringing forward reinforcements from the general. The President wisely agreed to the terms. April 27 Gen. Lee is calm-but the work of preparation goes on night and day. ApriRichmond! Also that Norfolk is to be given up! I don't believe it; Lee's name is not mentioned. April 29 Major Griswold is here, and
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 15 (search)
hing — that is, at least, significant of a respite, and of apprehension of attack. May 17 Gen. Lee has admonished Major Griswold on the too free granting of passports. Will it do any good? o know that their brave defenders in the field will prove invincible; and it is understood that Gen. Lee considers the city susceptible of successful defense. The ladies are in ecstasies. May 21 t, and the deep thunder of avenging guns is heard at Washington! Gen. Jackson, sent thither by Gen. Lee, is sweeping everything before him, defeating Shields, Banks, Fremont, and one or two other Yanly see our camps around the city, but they can view every part of the city itself. May 26 Gen. Lee is still strengthening the army. Every day additional regiments are coming. We are now so strual barriers between us and the enemy. May 29 More troops are marching into the city, and Gen. Lee has them sent out in such manner and at such times as to elude the observations of even the spi
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 16 (search)
gain. a wounded boy. the killed and wounded. Lee assumes command. Lee prepares to attack McCleld battle. first day, 26th June. second, etc. Lee's consummate skill. every day for a week it rae as often as could be desired. June 24 Gen. Lee's plan works like a charm Although I have daire! They are referred to me for passports to Gen. Lee's headquarters. No man with a passport from of success, and I predict a career of glory for Lee, and for our country! There are some vague rume Mr. Randolph had been previously advised of Gen. Lee's intention to fight to-day; but I do not knoought back since the assumption of command by Gen. Lee. Col. Bledsoe denounced the organization as aivision in front of the enemy's right wing, and Lee's plan of battle was developed. Hill was so nee 28 The President publishes a dispatch from Lee, announcing a victory! The enemy has been dria certain farm-house occupied by the President, Lee sent a courier in haste to inform him of it. No[17 more...]