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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 6. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The Second battle of Manassas--a reply to General Longstreet. (search)
e Federals moved forward steadily, surging on in solid blocks, headed directly for Jackson's lines. Just then a courier arrived in great haste with orders from General Lee for me to hurry to the assistance of Jackson. It was in the very crisis of the battle. I had very serious doubts about being able to reach General Jackson in and these eighteen guns were so far to the left and in advance of Longstreet's six-gun battery, that he never saw them, never even heard them; and according to Colonel Lee's report of distances and the known line of battle, Longstreet's guns must have been nearer 3,000 yards from the Federals than 2,500, as already stated. GeneraGeneral Lee, however, says he immediately ordered up two batteries, and two others being thrown forward about the same time by Colonel S. D. Lee, under their well-directed fire, the supporting lines were broken, and tell back in confusion. It would seem from this that General Lee thought Colonel Lee's artillery was entitled to some cred
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 6. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The battle of the Wilderness. (search)
r, A. A. G. Operations of Kershaw's division. On the 4th of May, 1864, in camp near Gordonsville, Virginia, I received orders from the Lieutenant-General Commanding to put my division in motion to join the First and Third corps, between Orange Courthouse and Fredericksburg. On arriving within ten miles of the scene of action at the Wilderness, we bivouacked on the Catharpin road on the afternoon of the 5th. At 1 o'clock A. M. of the 6th, put the command in motion and reached General Lee's position on the Orange Plank road with the head of the column, and reported to Lieutenant-General Longstreet, who directed me to relieve the division of Major-General Wilcox, in our front. Proceeding with a staff officer of General Wilcox, who was to indicate the position, I moved the column down the road by a flank, preceding them by some four hundred yards. During this movement the enemy attacked in our front on the Plank road, and before I reached the scene of action, our entire lin
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 6. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Book notices. (search)
of the leaders of the Confederacy, and gives avery valuable statement of the relative numbers and resources of the North and the South. His account of the Fort Donelson campaign and of the battle of Shiloh seems fuller and more accurate than any that has yet appeared. Indeed, the book is a very valuable contribution to the history of the first year of the Confederacy. It is a proud legacy of devoted patriotism, chivalric daring, stainless character and noble example which Johnston and Lee, and Jackson, and Stuart, and Polk, and Hill, and Ewell, and others of our fallen chieftains, have bequeathed to the people of the South, and this charming tribute of an accomplished son to a noble father will write the name of Sidney Johnston even higher on the scroll of fame than the popular verdict had placed it. It is a high compliment to our talented sculptor, Edward Valentine, that the beautiful engraving which adorns the frontispiece was made from his superb bust of General Johnston
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 6. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), General C. M. Wilcox on the battle of Gettysburg. (search)
ve manner in which they are described. But General Lee, like the Secretary, declined to adopt his fourteen years subsequently, has revealed. General Lee and two of the three corps and four of the l importance, which, as soon as received by General Lee, caused him to change his orders and set hi Colonel Taylor, the Adjutant-General with General Lee, says: His (General Lee's) mind was evident, I gave orders, &c. * * * And again, after General Lee had learned the full advantages gained the s Lieutenant-General, and second in rank to General Lee, makes a wretched display of a want of cheeggestion, but returned a peremptory answer--General Lee's orders are to attack up the Emmettsburg ree sleep both In a tent and house. in which General Lee slept. I hurried to the front, and as fasts. Other officers who saw quite as much of General Lee on the occasion in question, and who knew herstood by Longstreet. The officer to whom General Lee, while on the field of battle between the t[79 more...]
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 6. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Editorial Paragraphs. (search)
re anxiety than any of the others; I was never half so anxious about Lee, has very naturally raised the question, When and where was General statements of this effort to manufacture history: I never ranked Lee as high as some others of the army, said the General, that is to say anxiety when he was in my front as when Joe Johnston was in front. Lee was a good man, a fair commander, who had everything in his favor. e outside world. All this is of an immense advantage to a general. Lee had this in a remarkable degree. Everything lie did was right. He one into history, with so many other illusions that are historical. Lee was of a slow, conservative, cautious nature, without imagination orme, not only to officers but men. General Grant's opinion of General Lee is a matter of small moment. General Scott pronounced him I tss is in the same direction, while European critics concur in giving Lee a place second to none of the generals on the other side, not a few
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 6. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Gettysburg — the battle on the right. (search)
came, the brigade was put in motion, and after a rapid and fatiguing march, it arrived on the field within sight of Gettysburg at about 2 o'clock P. M., having marched, as I now recollect, between twenty and twenty-five miles. When we arrived, Generals Lee and Longstreet were together on an eminence in our front, and appeared to be inspecting, with field glasses, the positions of the Federals. We were allowed but a few minutes' rest, when the divisions of McLaws and Hood were moved in line by tegiments by the left flank across my rear to the support of Robertson's Texas brigade, which was said to have been hard pressed at that time and unable to advance further without reinforcements. This left my regiment on the extreme right flank of Lee's army, and as I advanced up the mountain side my right was soon exposed to a flank fire from Federal skirmishers, which I promptly met by deploying my right company at short distance. I continued to advance straight up the southern face of Round
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 6. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Two witnesses on the treatment of prisoners --Hon. J. P. Benjamin and General B. F. Butler. (search)
by subordinate officials, but systematically, and in conformity with a policy deliberately adopted by President Davis, General Lee and Mr. Seddon. As a member of the Cabinet of President Davis from the date of his first inauguration under the proviuly, 1863, the fortune of war became very adverse to the Confederacy. The battle of Gettysburg checked the advance of General Lee on the Federal capital, while almost simultaneously the fall of Vicksburg and Port Hudson gave to our enemies a large in the number of prisoners. The authorities at Washington immediately issued general orders refusing to receive from General Lee the prisoners held by him, until they should be reduced to possession in Virginia, thus subjecting their own men to the terrible sufferings glanced at by Colonel Fremantle, in order to embarrass General Lee's movements. They further refused to restore to us the excess of prisoners held by them, after having received for nearly or quite a year the benefit of the sp
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 6. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Editorial Paragraphs. (search)
on's report of Captain Mangole's lecture on General Lee and Dr. Curry's reply in our August number,. Curry's statement concerning my notion of General Lee's resignation, as stated in Dr. Thompson's herefore, to our understanding, the decision of Lee would always remain incomprehensible. This pare hearer to refrain from judging and condemning Lee, as there must be circumstances veiled to our uif fully known and appreciated by us, would let Lee's decision appear in another light than that ofre): The more incomprehensible it is to us that Lee came to this and not to the opposite decision, tion of the violation of an oath on the part of Lee. Let me now turn to the other contents of your and Southern History of the War; Biographies of Lee, by McCabe and Cook; Biography of Stonewall Jac I have ordered lately the latest biography of Lee, which has come out this spring, by Marshall, is kindly sent us Swinton's Army of the Potomac, Lee's Memoirs of the War of 1776, and Holmes' Histo
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 6. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Detailed Minutiae of soldier life. (search)
compelled to ground their arms at Sailor's creek. A few yards to the left and rear of the battalion, in the road, was General Lee, surrounded by a number of officers, gazing eagerly about him. An occasional musket ball whistled over, but there was Gordon, and others an aid of Longstreet's — rode out to the front of the battalion, ordered a halt, and in the name of General Lee thanked the men for their gallant conduct and complimented them in handsome style. His words were greeted with loud c After the enemy was driven back out of reach of our trains and column of march and the troops were in line of battle, General Lee in person rode up in rear of the division, and addressing himself directly to the men in ranks (a thing very unusual wly raved with indignation, and declared their desire to escape or die in the attempt; but not a man was heard to blame General Lee. On the contrary, all expressed the greatest sympathy for him and declared their willingness to submit at once, or fi
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 6. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The artillery at Second Manassas--Rejoinder of General S. D. Lee to General Longstreet. (search)
s sprung to the charge as the Federal masses melted away. Here the claim is again made. Had Colonel Lee's artillery and Jackson's infantry only been included, the above is substantially correct, exhe five minutes, which conflicts with his Gettysburg article and his official report also. Colonel Lee's battalion, however, from Longstreet's account, is supposed to have remained idle and not fi his writings, which, after being pointed out to him, he evades. He can't get around the fact of Lee's battalion of artillery being between himself and Jackson, and the position and space they occupral Longstreet's version of the battle can pass into history, he must establish the fact that Colonel Lee's battalion took no part in the action, and in considering the ground over which the Federals moved, he must overcome the distance made necessary by Colonel Lee's command between himself and the enemy. My position between General Longstreet and General Jackson necessarily placed me nearer