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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: June 17, 1863., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for R. E. Lee or search for R. E. Lee in all documents.

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lief. The news from Winchester, although everybody was on the lookout for it, had a most cheering effect upon the spirits of our community. The telegram of Gen. Lee is short, almost to the point of unintelligibility. Passengers by the cars say that 6,000 Yankees were taken prisoners; but as this is not confirmed officially,hat scoundrel has been earning his portion of the gallows for six months, and it were most desirable that he should be paid. What may be the future movements of Gen. Lee, we cannot imagine, nor even if we know positively would we give a hint that might betray the cause. There can be no longer any doubt that the Yankees have the movements of our own troops may be in consequence, we neither know nor should tell if we did know. It is sufficient for us to know that they are watched by Gen. Lee, and that they are not very apt to escape his vigilance. In the horrible tragedy enacted by the Yankees in the Chesapeake, and consisting in the deliberate
e,--"And every Republican. "] And let us hope that the party that now administers the Government may yet become convinced that the people of the North are Union loving men, but that the war should be prosecuted for the sole and only purpose of restoring the Union, and, my word for it, that old flag would soon wave triumphantly over every inch of soil that formerly was within the territorial limits of the old Union. [Cheers.] An enthusiastic juvenile Democrat proposed three cheers for Gen. Lee, which, however, was not responded to. After several other speeches, a series of resolutions were adopted. We publish four of them: We deny the heresy that the Administration is the Government; holding, on the contrary, that the Government is the will of the people expressed in the Constitution of the United States and of the several States. That all laws, in accordance with that expressed will, command our obedience and respect; but that the order, decree, or proclamation of a
Four hundred and fifty dollars Reward. --We will pay $100 each for the apprehension and delivery of the following slaves to Lee & James, of this city, Phil, a black men, about 50 years old, and a little bald; Curril, about 40 years old, has thick lips, and frowns very much; Reuben, about 35 years old, has a smooth face, with high cheek bones, and has a dissipated look; and John, a mulatto, about 18 years old; he lived last year with Mr. Jno T Rogers, and was hired this year to Mr Payton Johnston. We will also pay $50 for Jimmy, a black boy, about 15 years old, who has been Hiring with Mr Lewis E L up to the time of his running off, about a month . They have been seen within a short time part in the city. je--W
t: "June 15th, 1863. "To has Excellency, President Davis:" "God has again crowned the valor of our troops with success. Early's division yesterday stormed the enemy's entrenchments at Winchester, capturing their artillery, &c. "R. E. Lee, General."" In addition to this dispatch from Gen. Lee we have a number of reports, brought down by passengers on the Central train last night. These reports state that our forces captured from five to seven thousand prisoners, fifty, General."" In addition to this dispatch from Gen. Lee we have a number of reports, brought down by passengers on the Central train last night. These reports state that our forces captured from five to seven thousand prisoners, fifty pieces of artillery, and a large amount of commissary stores. It is also reported that Gen. Wm. Smith, recently elected Governor of Virginia, was killed in the assault on Sunday. This is merely a rumor, and may not, and we trust, is not correct.
day related to us by a gentleman of this city, who obtained the facts from Capt. Jas. G. White, of King William county, who vouches for the accuracy of the statement. Some days age, when the Yankees made their raid to Aylett's, they visited the place of Dr. Gregg, living in the neighborhood, and took from their comfortable homes forty three negroes, who were hurried off to York river and placed on board a vessel bound northward. Along with these negroes, as a prisoner, was a gentleman named Lee, a resident and highly respectable citizen of King William, who has since been released and allowed to return to his home. He states that when the vessel arrived in Chesapeake Bay the small-pox made its appearance among the negroes, that disease having existed to some extent among the same family before they were dragged from their homes in King William. The Captain of the Yankee vessel and his crew were greatly alarmed at the appearance of the disease on board, and very soon determined to