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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: March 4, 1865., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for R. E. Lee or search for R. E. Lee in all documents.

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rebels are able to send against him. Still, as Lee will undoubtedly exhaust every available resour Plan of Grant and Sherman for destroying Lee's army. The United States Army and Navy Gaz upon the probability of the destruction of General Lee's army by the forces of Grant and Sherman. plains east of the Alleghanies are the army of Lee, with the scattered commands of Bragg and Hoke,t off at Augusta; and on our side, Grant facing Lee at Richmond, Schofield in North Carolina, left estimably efficient in preventing accessions to Lee's forces. The limited resources of the Sound the combination of its military forces under Lee as General in-Chief--a change of organization wtion of some one well-conceived scheme — compel Lee to the same concentration which our combination course, impossible for us to entirely surround Lee with armies, each equal to his own force; and ander any circumstances whatever, impossible for Lee. But an indecisive one would be a defeat. A ba[9 more...]