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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Revolutionary War, (search)
17, 1776 Congress authorizes privateeringMarch 23, 1776 Congress orders the ports open to all nations April 6, 1776 North Carolina declares for independence April 22, 1776 American forces under Gen. John Thomas retire from the siege of Quebec May 6, 1776 Rhode Island, May 4; Massachusetts, May 10; and Virginia, May 14, declare for independence 1776 Congress advises each colony to form a government independent of Great Britain May 15, 1776 Resolution introduced in Congress by Richard Henry Lee, that the United Colonies are and ought to be free and independent States; that they are absolved from all allegiance to the British crown, and that their political connection with Great Britain is and ought to be totally dissolved June 7, 1776 Committee appointed by Congress to prepare a form of confederationJune 11, 1776 Committee appointed by Congress to draw up a Declaration of Independence June 11, 1776 Board of war and ordnance appointed by Congress, consisting of five member
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Senate, United States (search)
l-call disclosed the presence of the following-named Senators: From New Hampshire, John Langdon and Paine Wingate; from Massachusetts, Caleb Strong and Tristram Dalton; from Connecticut, Oliver Elsworth and William S. Johnson; from New York, Rufus King and Philip Schuyler; from New Jersey, William Paterson and Jonathan Elmer; from Pennsylvania, William Maclay and Robert Morris; from Delaware, Richard Bassett and George Read; from Maryland, Charles Carroll and John Henry; from Virginia, Richard Henry Lee and William Grayson; from South Carolina, Ralph Izard and Pierce Butler; from Georgia, William Few and James Gunn. One-half of them had been members of the convention which framed the Constitution and seventeen of them had taken part in the work of the Continental Congress. Eleven were lawyers, and among the others the record shows one merchant, one man of business, one physician, and one farmer. Following the practice of the Continental Congress and the Constitutional Convention,
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Seymour, Truman 1824-1891 (search)
e war against Mexico, and also in the Florida war (1856-58); and became captain of artillery in 1860. He was in Fort Sumter during its siege in 1861; joined the Army of the Potomac in March, 1862; and was made chief of artillery of McCall's division. Late in April of that year he was made brigadier-general, and commanded a brigade in the Peninsular campaign. He led a brigade in the battles at Groveton, South Mountain, and Antietam, and commanded a division in the assault on Fort Wagner, where he was severely wounded (July 18, 1863). In February, 1864, he commanded an expedition to Florida, and fought a battle at Olustee. He commanded divisions at the beginning of the Richmond campaign of 1864, and in the Shenandoah Valley the same year. He was in the Richmond campaign from December, 1864, to the surrender of Lee at Appomattox, and was brevetted majorgeneral, United States army, for services during the Rebellion. He was retired in 1876. He died in Florence, Italy, Oct. 30, 1891.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), State government. (search)
On May 10, 1776, the Congress resolved that it be recommended to the respective assemblies and conventions of the United Colonies, where no government sufficient to the exigencies of their affairs hath been hitherto established, to adopt such government as shall, in the opinion of the representatives of the people, best conduce to the happiness and safety of their constituents in particular and America in general. This resolution was offered by John Adams, and he, Edward Rutledge, and Richard H. Lee were appointed a committee to draft a preamble to it. It was reported and adopted on the 15th. In that preamble it was asserted that all oaths for the support of government under the crown of Great Britain were irreconcilable with reason and good conscience; and that the exercise of every kind of authority under that crown ought to be totally suppressed, and all the powers of government exerted, under authority from the people of the colonies, for the maintenance of internal peace and t
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), United States of America. (search)
43. Patrick Henry 44. Benjamin Harrison 45. George Washington 46. Richard Bland 47. Edmund Pendleton 48. Richard Henry Lee 49. Henry MiddletonSouth CarolinaJuly 6, 1774 50. Christopher Gadsden 51. Edward Rutledge 52. John Rutledge Joseph Hewes 56. William Hooper Delegates mentioned above not present at first day of meeting.Date of Joining. Richard Henry LeeVirginiaSept. 6, 1774 Thomas JohnsonMarylandSept. 6, 1774 Matthew TilghmanMarylandSept. 12, 1774 Henry WisnerNew fectually bound to the Union......1784 Tenth Continental Congress meets at Trenton, N. J.......Nov. 1, 1784 Richard Henry Lee, of Virginia, chosen president of Continental Congress......Nov. 30, 1784 Tenth Continental Congress adjourns; ifty-four days session......Dec. 24, 1784 Eleventh Continental Congress meets at New York......Jan. 11, 1785 [Richard H. Lee, president.] Gen. Henry Knox appointed Secretary of War with added duties of Secretary of Navy......March 8, 1785
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Virginia, (search)
rnor Spotswood succeeded by Hugh Drysdale......1722 Governor Drysdale succeeded by William Gooch......1727 Boundary established between Virginia and North Carolina......1728 Alexander Spotswood appointed deputy postmaster-general of the colony, and through him Benjamin Franklin is appointed postmaster of Pennsylvania......1730 First settler in the Shenandoah Valley, Joist Hite, who takes up 40,000 acres and enters upon possession with a party from Pennsylvania......1732 Richard Henry Lee, born at Stratford, on the Potomac......Jan. 20, 1732 George Washington, born at Westmoreland county......Feb. 22, 1732 Patrick Henry, born at Studley, Hanover county......May 29, 1736 First newspaper in Virginia, the Virginia Gazette, published by William Parks, appears at Williamsburg......August, 1736 Richmond settled by William Byrd......1739 Virginia raises a regiment to assist in the reduction of Carthagena, West Indies. Lawrence Washington, half-brother of George
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Colony of Virginia, (search)
, they urged delay, for it was evident that the numerous friends of the colonists in England, together with the manufacturing interest, would soon bring about an accommodation. This show of timidity and temporizing roused the fire of patriotism in the bosom of Henry, and he made an impassioned speech, which electrified all hearers and has become in our history an admired specimen of oratory. The resolutions to prepare for defence were passed, St. John's Church. and Patrick Henry, Richard Henry Lee, Robert C. Nicholas, Benjamin Harrison, Lemuel Riddick, George Washington, Adam Stephen, Andrew Lewis, William Christian, Edmund Pendleton, Thomas Jefferson, and Isaac Lane were appointed a commitee to prepare a plan accordingly. Their plan for embodying the militia was adopted, and Virginia prepared herself for the conflict. Provision was made for the enrolment of a company of volunteers in each county. The convention reappointed the Virginia delegates to seats in the second Contin
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), State of Virginia, (search)
John Johnson1851 to 1852 Joseph Johnson1852 to 1856 Henry A. Wise1856 to 1860 John Letcher1860 to 1864 William Smith1864 to 1865 Francis A. Pierpont1865 to 1867 Henry A. Wells1867 to 1869 Gilbert C. Walker1869 to 1874 James L. Kemper1874 to 1878 F. W. M. Holliday1878 to 1882 W. E. Cameron1882 to 1886 Fitz-Hugh Lee1886 to 1890 Philip W. McKinney1890 to 1894 Charles T. O'Ferrall1894 to 1898 J. Hoge Tyler1898 to 1902 United States Senators. Name.No. of Congress.Term. Richard Henry Lee1st to 2d1789 to 1792 William Grayson1st1789 to 1790 John Walker1st1790 James Monroe1st to 4th1790 to 1795 John Taylor2d to 3d1792 to 1794 Henry Tazewell3d to 5th1794 to 1799 Stevens Thomson Mason4th to 8th1795 to 1803 Wilson Cary Nicholas6th to 8th1800 to 1804 Andrew Moore8th to 11th1804 to 1809 William B. Giles8th to 14th1814 to 1815 John Taylor8th1808 Abraham B. Venable8th1803 to 1804 Richard Brent11th to 13th1809 to 1814 James Barbour13th to 19th1815 to 1825 Armistead
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Waddell, James Iredell 1824-1886 (search)
Waddell, James Iredell 1824-1886 Naval officer; born in Pittsboro, N. C., in 1824; graduated at the United States Naval Academy; resigned from the navy in 1861, and entered the Confederate service in the following year; commanded the ram Louisiana at New Orleans till the engagement with Farragut's fleet, when he destroyed that vessel by blowing her up; later was ordered to England, where in 1864 he took command of the Shenandoah, with which he cruised in the Pacific Ocean, destroying vessels till Aug. 2, 1865, when he learned that Lee had surrendered more than three months before. Returning to England he surrendered his vessel to the United States consul at Liverpool, and he and his crew were liberated. the Shenandoah, under Captain Waddell, was the only vessel that ever carried the Confederate flag around the world. He died in Annapolis, Md., March 15, 1886.