Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: August 26, 1863., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Robert E. Lee or search for Robert E. Lee in all documents.

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ke to bombard the Rocky mountains from Tybee as Fort Pulaski. Gen. Robert E. Lee gave rebel testimony to the same point: "The enemy may fill y dated the 21st, has the following about the supposed movements of Gen. Lee: Information is current here that Lee's army has been movingLee's army has been moving off from our front upon the Virginia Central railroad to Richmond; but officers arriving here to-night, whose position in the army entitles h intelligence is in the possession of our commanding Generals. Lee is undoubtedly upon the Rapidan and Rappahannock. His pickets are eattle may be fought upon that river. Indeed, it is apprehended that Lee will assume the offensive rather than retreat, and many expect an attroops towards Fredericksburg from Culpeper was only a ruse to cover Lee's real object — i. e., to enable him to move his troops southward by George W. Linn, Prentiss C. Baird, and Wm. Brown, all residents of Lee, Mass, are being examined on the charge of giving aid and comfort to
s or reverses. On the news of Waterloo, it would have been absurd for those who had previously bought largely to boast of the superiority of their judgment over those who had been unfortunate enough to sell. In the present case the operators who were purchasers of the Confederate loan were like persons entering into a battle, to take all its chances, and it must be admitted that these have fallen upon them to the utmost extent that could possibly have been anticipated, the sudden retreat of Lee and the simultaneous fall of Vicksburg and Port Hudson constituting an accumulation of disaster rarely paralleled. The following correspondence with regard to the Confederate loan has passed between one of the holders and Mr. McRae, who acted as agent from the Confederate States for its negotiation: no. 35 St. James place.London Aug. 5, 1863. sir: the present position of the seven percent. Cotton Loan on our Stock Exchange is such as to give anxiety to the holders, of whom