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for their improvement. When he met the battalions of Lee, then trained and seasoned by three years of war, the men which he has been hurling for many weeks against Lee. of publicity, as Grant was by mention in General orpirit, rarely paralleled in history, the surrender of Lee. Here he appears in Philadelphia on his first trip Nont advanced from the North, and crushed the armies of Lee and Johnston. the surrender of the Southern armiesohnson following so immediately upon the surrender of Lee threw the whole question of the readjustment of politwelve men standing above stood also at the signing of Lee's surrender, a few days later. The scene is City Poi Horace Porter recorded with pride that he loaned General Lee a pencil to make a correction in the terms. Colo of the remaining-officers were formally presented to Lee. General Seth Williams had been Lee's adjutant when tLee's adjutant when the latter was superintendent at West Point some years before the war. In the lower photograph General Grant sta
iter, who never had the privilege of seeing General Lee, finds himself, in a sense, completely in a during the great crisis of their history. General Lee is the hero of his surviving veterans, of hn plains of the Virginia farm. The portrait of Lee opposite was taken during the campaign precedinfederate army on the Chickahominy devolved upon Lee (June, 1862) and he was at last in a position tighting around Richmond need not be described. Lee himself did not escape criticism; he was often the relief of Richmond, and the recognition of Lee as the chief defender of the South. The Confed considerations. As a college president, General Lee both in character and in poise of intellectme head still remains erect. In October, 1865, Lee had been installed as president of Washington Cy his last words: Tell Hill he must come up. Lee in 1867 president of Washington college, later stian as well as an ideal gentleman and man. Lee's rank among the great men of the world is not [40 more...]
k no further part in the war. His removal was due to dissatisfaction with his methods that gradually developed among President Lincoln and his advisers. The failure of the army to capture Richmond in the Peninsula campaign, and the non-pursuit of Lee immediately after Antietam were the chief reasons. As the nominee of the Democratic party, he was defeated for the presidency in 1864, and his resignation from the army was accepted on November 8th. He now spent several years abroad, returning tmies of West Virginia, Shenandoah, Georgia and Mississippi George Crook, commander of the Army of West Virginia in 1864. later Crook led a Cavalry division under Sheridan in the Appomattox campaign at five Forks and during the pursuit of Lee. John C. Fremont, commander of the Mountain Department and Army in West Virginia in 1862. Fremont was in command in Missouri in 1861 and at one time gave orders to Brigadier-General Grant. Nathaniel Prentiss Banks, commander of the Departmen
harleston, and after May, 1864, cooperated with Lee in the defense of Petersburg and Richmond. He Army of Northern Virginia. In September, 1863, Lee sent the corps, with the exception of Pickett'sil 23, 1864. During the Peninsula campaign General Lee, then colonel commanding the Ninth Virginian's army. In the Chancellorsville campaign General Lee was in command of a body of cavalry which fr the immediate command of General Averell. General Lee's brigade also participated in the Gettysbucommanded by Major-General J. E. B. Stuart. General Lee with his cavalry opposed the advances of Gelines. Before the surrender of Appomattox, General Lee with his cavalry aided General Gordon in ke1. Major-General George Washington Custis Lee (U. S.M. A. 1854) was born at Fortress Monroe, tion to serving as aide to President Davis, General Lee was in command of military forces in the ci Legion. James Connor commanded a brigade in Lee's Army. Ellison Capers led a brigade in the A[2 more...]