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could arrive; but south and east of Petersburg, Lee kept his main army, and here he relied for defehe Wilderness campaign, the constant retreat of Lee and the advance of Grant after every battle, ha for the very reason which Grant had foreseen. Lee had been so crippled by his losses in the Wildehe siege. McCabe's Life and Campaigns of General Lee; a work containing more trustworthy informaice, and entreaties, and almost commands. Thus Lee's plan of obliging him to give up Richmond for now was their opportunity. Once more, however, Lee's plans entirely failed. There was some questiand, was watching his opportunity, and whenever Lee recalled any force from the Valley, he meant toCrook's command or the cavalry. Early wrote to Lee on October 9th: The loss in the infantry and arelf described his condition very graphically to Lee: My troops are very much shattered, the men verebuke, but more direct censure was not spared. Lee added words which coming from him were signifi[13 more...]
ant makes a movement before Richmond to prevent Lee reinforcing Hood Sherman still anxious for hiserations consternation in Richmond anxiety of Lee. In the midst of Sheridan's brilliant succes sever the only remaining line between Hood and Lee, and be better able, in case of need, to co-opehe sea-coast, will sever the connection between Lee's army and his district of country. Indeed, if the entire South to oppose Sherman, so long as Lee was held at Richmond. But Thomas's troops were one of the rebel bridges on the James, so that Lee was now able to send troops from Petersburg tomond. Four divisions were hurried to the spot, Lee was present in person, and the troops were tolde insignificant. Thus, at each end of his line Lee made energetic efforts to regain what he had lo wings were both advanced under the very eye of Lee; north of the river, the rebel line was actuallisparity in numbers was by no means so great as Lee declared. The returns of each army for the mon[9 more...]
y course pursued by rebels Grant moves against Lee's communications instructions to Meade and Butr to Sept. 27, were as follows:— July 10Fitz-Lee1,706 effective. Aug. 31Kershaw3,445 effective.uers. I have therefore inserted his letters to Lee, in full, in the Appendix, to correct his memor. Early, and, among others, Colonel Taylor, of Lee's staff, in his Four Years with General Lee, hadespatch relative to an arrangement between General Lee and myself for the suppression of incendiarn the 9th of October, he complained bitterly to Lee: Sheridan has laid waste nearly all of Rockingh was shocked at the conflagration of mills; and Lee, who recommended a partisan warfare, refused torant determined to attack the communications of Lee. The left of Meade's entrenched line was at thiwere more than a match for the best soldiers of Lee. The movement cost the rebels far more than it ing his communications and hazarding battles on Lee's selected position west of Richmond, where the[36 more...]
most importance. Sherman's movement may compel Lee to send troops from Richmond, and if he does, I to capture the rebel capital, and not to drive Lee out of Petersburg. On the 13th of November, heclosely watching every contingency, and holding Lee fast so that he could neither reinforce Hood noade by the army under General Sherman may cause Lee to detach largely from the force defending Richthat Early had been recalled from the Valley by Lee, and Grant sent word at once to City Point: Shoatch Early, while Meade and Butler held fast to Lee, left no large force to oppose the advance of Sn in his turn moved in such a way as to cut off Lee's supplies, the most important of which now camthe South, and proved it by the desertions from Lee's army, which, since the elections, had amounterness; they appreciated his object in detaining Lee in Richmond; and though many went away marvelliat it was quite as important to destroy them as Lee. Overpowering in will, masterful in passion,
, the first news from Sherman was received, through the rebel newspapers. Immense supplies in kind, intended for Hood and Lee, had been piled along the roads, all of which Sherman had seized, or the enemy was obliged to destroy, to prevent their fa. This movement would be simultaneous with that of Palmer in North Carolina, and both were intended, not only to distress Lee still further for his supplies, but to prevent reinforcements being sent to Wilmington, when Weitzel's expedition should start. It was at this time reported that Lee's cavalry had been sent to Georgia, to aid in the resistance against Sherman, and on the 30th of November, Grant said to Meade: Try to ascertain how much force Hampton has taken from here with him. He on I have ordered to cut the Weldon road south of the Roanoke. At the same time, as Hampton had been sent to Georgia, and Lee's infantry would be occupied in watching Meade's movement southward, Grant reverted to his constant idea of destroying the
isions were essential to the armies of Hood and Lee. The damage done to the state of Georgia he estdictated the movements of each, but, by holding Lee, had rendered the success of either practicable closing out the rebellion will be to close out Lee and his army. You have now destroyed the roadsixty thousand men, will be a reinforcement that Lee cannot disregard. Indeed, with my present commhe greater part of your army here, and wipe out Lee. The turn affairs now seem to be taking has sha ought to be done. . . . My own opinion is that Lee is averse to going out of Virginia, and, if theed men had arrived at Wilmington. This day General Lee telegraphed to Seddon: Bragg reports the eserves at Sugar Loaf550 Kirkland1,473 Hagood (Lee's dispatch)400 —— 3,500 The garrison, it is talike; its effect was felt at home and abroad. Lee knew its significance as thoroughly as Grant, porting Sherman's future movements, and presented an opportunity to complete the isolation of Lee
lieved by Johnston desertions from rebel army Lee's attempt to negotiate with Grant correspondenof Lee's movements Gradual envelopment of both Lee and Johnston's commands dissatisfaction with C removal of the public archives and stores; and Lee revolved the possibilities of a campaign in Souhe greater part of your army here, and wipe out Lee. The turn affairs now seem to be taking has sha garrison of Savannah, it certainly will compel Lee to detach from Richmond, or give us nearly the your expedition. In the event you should meet Lee's army, you would be compelled to beat it or fi Sherman's column. The great danger was that Lee might not be inclined to sit quietly in Richmon in co-operation against the rebel capital. If Lee should succeed in escaping from Grant, and, reiom Atlanta, were certain to be in his path, but Lee himself with the army of Northern Virginia mighr either offensive or defensive operations. If Lee should retreat south, the surplus force under H[21 more...]
should say 20th) of February, 1865, the date of Lee's last return, the rebel general had exactly 39ll of Early's force in the Valley, which joined Lee for his last campaign, and all the troops, reguy Division. The actual facts are as follows: Lee reported present for duty on the 20th of Februahe signal for Lee to leave; and if Johnston and Lee were combined, a long and tedious and expensiveon for pursuit, but retard the concentration of Lee and Johnston, besides compelling the rebels to base, and move around to the right and rear of Lee, and thus for ever terminate all communication tional lines. The object of this movement of Lee was somewhat of a puzzle to Grant, and has never been satisfactorily explained. Lee could hardly have hoped to do any serious damage to Grant's cither army. If Five Forks was gained by Grant, Lee could not remain in Petersburg. Sheridan pus enemy's right, on the Southside road, and when Lee should withdraw troops from Petersburg in order[22 more...]
o long as they observe their paroles and the laws in force where they may reside. U. S. Grant, Lieutenant-General. General R. E. Lee. While Grant was writing he chanced to look up at Lee, who sat nearly opposite, and at that moment noticed the 8th instant, they are accepted. I will proceed to designate the proper officers to carry the stipulations into effect. R. E. Lee, General. Lieutenant-General U. S. Grant. While the conditions were being copied the various national officers wereitten on the paper before the ration could be drawn. A ticket for a destitute rationwas accordingly made out for General Robert E. Lee. I have already stated that I was sent to Richmond by General Grant after the close of the Appomattox campaign; and it fell to me to make the inquiry, mentioned in the text, of General Lee, and to write his name on the order for the supply. Subsequently I had an important interview with the rebel chief. He made a verbal request of General Grant, through
ust select a good chief of artillery for the present. Wishing you every prosperity and success, I am very truly yours, R. E. Lee, General. General J. A. Early, commanding Valley. (Official Copy) C. Marshall, Aide-de-camp. General Early to Gener Without Kershaw, I would have about six thousand muskets. Very respectfully, J. A. Early, Lieutenant-General. General R. E. Lee, commanding Army of Northern Virginia. General Early to General Lee. Headquarters, Valley District (New market), October 9, 1864. General R. E. Lee: General: In advance of a detailed report, I have determined to give you an informal account of the recent disasters to my command, which I have not had leisure to do before. On the 17th of September, I mov Lieutenant-Colonel and Assistant Adjutant-General. General Early to General Lee. New market, October 20, 1864. General R. E. Lee, commanding Army of Northern Virginia: General: The telegraph has already informed you of the disaster of the 19