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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 31. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.12 (search)
frey, United States army, a friend of McClellan, writes in the Scribner Series Campaigns of the Civil War, page 64: General Lee reported his forces as less than 40,000, while his adjutant-general, Colonel Taylor, gives the exact number as 35.255;eries were extremely well taken care of by their infantry; as a rule they seldom lost a gun. Colonel Long's Life of General Lee states: About 1 o'clock the battle on the left ceased. The Federals had been repulsed at every point. Then Burnsiat the Federals were forced to retire as suddenly as they appeared, recrossing the Antietam. Thus closed the battle. General Lee remained in position during the 18th prepared for battle. Finally, Palfrey writes, page 19: Tactically the battlend history will never permit a subordinate commander or any one else to steal the glory.. He acted wisely in not attacking Lee on the 18th, for his defeat would have been certain. The position held was a strong one. Alexander Robert Chisholm, Form
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 31. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.13 (search)
McClellan in 1862 sought an interview with General Lee with the supposed purpose of making peace ollan, the commander of the Federal armies. General Lee gave General Longstreet a copy of the letten, and on the following morning advise him (General Lee) what he ought to do in the matter. The le Lee. General Longstreet said to me: I told General Lee that in my judgment there was no other consrs to me also, but President Davis, and not General Lee, is the one to whom such a message must be o meet General McClellan. The copy which General Lee gave General Longstreet was sent, after theay that General Longstreet strongly advised General Lee to meet General McClellan in order that he jecture to which the receipt of a letter by General Lee from General McClellan gave rise—that it wan the second battle of Manassas. Only when General Lee crossed the Potomac into Maryland and his atuation—which he did at Antietam by causing General Lee to recross the Potomac. Soon after that ac[6 more...]<
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 31. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.14 (search)
ments lost, men without shoes or blankets, and this in a winter of unusual severity in that latitude. Making every effort to re-equip his force, I suggested to General Lee, then commanding all the armies of the Confederacy, that it should be moved to the Carolinas, to interpose between Sherman's advance and his (Lee's) lines of suLee's) lines of supply, and, in the last necessity, of retreat. The suggestion was adopted, and this force so moved. General Wilson, with a well-appointed and ably-led command of Federal cavalry, moved rapidly through North Alabama, seized Selma, and turning east to Montgomery, continued into Georgia. General Canby, commanding the Union arwas held in readiness to discharge such duties as the waning fortunes of the cause and the honor of its arms might demand. Soldierly courtesy. Intelligence of Lee's surrender reached us. Staff officers from Johnston and Sherman came across the country to inform Canby and myself of their Convention. Whereupon an interview was
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 31. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.16 (search)
at and capture of the whole right wing of our army, and now pressing forward upon Petersburg, General Lee would have been compelled to surrender in his trenches; for it was a physical impossibility to have withdrawn his army across the Appomattox except under cover of night. General Lee, in his dispatch of that day to the Secretary of War, said: It is absolutely necessary that we should ab organized forces in sight. Then it was evident to all that a great disaster had overtaken General Lee's right, for men came running back, singly and in squads, most of them demoralized, and reporo that he could be better heard, and then in loud, exciting voice, said: Men, the salvation of Lee's army is in your keeping; you must realize the responsibility, and your duty; don't surrender thll be averted. The artillery of the Federals cut short his speech. The response was: Tell General Lee that Fort Gregg will never be surrendered. The cannonading lasted about thirty minutes. Ou
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 31. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.17 (search)
said (Early's Memoir, page 91, note): I have always thought that, instead of being promoted, Sheridan ought to have been cashiered for this battle. Any military man, dispassionately reading an account of this battle, and rightly regarding the extreme disparity of force with which the battle was fought, will see what reason General Early had for making this remark, for expressing an opinion so contrary to that entertained by many. Ten days after the battle of Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864, General Lee detached General Early, commanding the Second Corps (Ewell's), to overtake General Hunter, who had marched up the Valley through Staunton and Lexington and Lynchburg. Early reached Lynchburg in time to prevent an attack on that city, and was about to attack Hunter the next morning, when he retreated during the night and was pursued for three days to Salem, from which point he was compelled to retreat through the mountains of West Virginia to the Ohio river. General Early moved down the V
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 31. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Robert Edward Lee. (search)
for Virginia to do. In New York the picture of Lee hangs on the walls of the Hall of Fame, and thewas contemptuosly refused, with the remark that Lee should have been hung as a traitor years before the course of Lee when the choice was made, of Lee as a foe and the commander of an army, but one t recumbent statue in America marks the tomb of Lee, which adjoins the chapel of the University, atnt. We may be assured, therefore, of a notable Lee statue for the galaxy of great Americans in the to say that we are trying to place a statue of Lee on Northern soil. Again, I ask, sir, whose c of one who faithfully followed the fortunes of Lee and his cause for four long years, and gloriousose to attempt a eulogium upon the character of Lee. That would indeed be a superfluous task, for a the king under whose flag he had served, while Lee lost against the country whose battles he had fbeen and are brethren in arms of the kinsmen of Lee. Officers of his thou hast called to thy servic[45 more...]
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 31. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), New Market day at V. M. I. [from the Richmond, Va., times-dispatch, June 24, 1903. (search)
titute in the days of ‘61-65. There was applause long drawn out at the conclusion of Dr. Upshur's address, and the band played Dixie. Then Hon. Holes Conrad was presented and spoke for an hour. In a general way his speech was along the lines pursued by Dr. Upshur, but he stuck to the official reports of the commanders on both sides in the battle. The last half hour of the speech was devoted to a comparison of leaders of the North and the South, along the lines of an address delivered in Lee Camp Hall in Richmond a year or two ago. Great applause followed the close of Major Conrad's address. Monument unveiled. Everybody then went to the parade grounds, where the battle monument was unveiled. The exercises were severely simple. The captains of the four cadet companies pulled the cords that released the veiling and disclosed to the spectators the beautiful monument— Virginia mourning her dead. The cadets fired an artillery salute, the infantry boys saluted with rifles
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 31. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.38 (search)
rshall, of Dearing's Battalion. His own horse, Lee, having been killed, he rode Colonel Williams' he General, and saying: General Longstreet, General Lee sent me here, and said you would place me i follow up their advantage. (I never heard General Lee call them the enemy before; it was always tPickett, with his head on his breast, said: General Lee, I have no division now, Armistead is down,wn, and Kemper is mortally wounded. Then General Lee said: Come, General Pickett, this has been his was glory enough for one hundred years.) Lee and Kemper. Then turning to me, General Lee General Lee said: Captain, what officer is that they are bearing off? I answered, General Kemper, and General General Lee said: I must speak to him, and moved Traveler towards the litter. I moved my horse along with Kemper, feeling the halt, opened his eyes. General Lee said: General Kemper, I hope you are not ve Virginia, Kemper's supposed death bed, and General Lee's note to General Pickett a few days after [4 more...]
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 31. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Recollections of army life with General Lee. (search)
Recollections of army life with General Lee. By Frank H. Foote. In chronicling the events of the late war, many points in regard to campaigns, battles and adventures have been ably touched upon by active participants in the armies of the Confederate States, but how the Southern soldier lived and contrived for partial comfo the country in North Carolina, as glimpsed from the railroad, showed nothing but pine wastes and resin piled at rotten depots. The nearness of North Carolina to Lee's army had well-nigh exhausted its resources. South Carolina, being more remote, and naturally then a richer agricultural section, the people more thrifty, or, whaental thereto with the same enduring patience and fortitude he displayed as a soldier, and to-day his proudest boast is: I was a Confederate soldier and fought with Lee, Johnston and Bragg. I have nothing to be ashamed of while in the ranks, and now, under the flag under which I was born, I allow none to surpass me in loyalty and