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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 17. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 215 31 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 11. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 193 35 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 28. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 176 18 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 32. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 146 6 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 23. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 139 9 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 19. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 126 20 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 18. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 115 21 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 34. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 115 15 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 29. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 106 14 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 35. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 86 18 Browse Search
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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 18. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Southern Historical Society Papers. (search)
icer, who is Colonel Charles S. Venable, aide-de-camp to General Lee. Colonel Venable is bearing a message to General Mahone,e in 1872, referring to the carrying of the message from General Lee to General Mahone, he says: He sent me directly to Gee Crater salient. I left him at this point to report to General Lee, who, meantime, had come to the front. I found him sittakes Petersburg, mos' likely we'll take Richmond, and 'stroy Lee's army ana close de wah. Eb'ry man had orter liff up his soun McCabe in his address says: In this grand assault on Lee's lines, for which Meade had massed 65,000 troops, the enemy to time we may safely place that of Colonel Venable, of General Lee's staff, made in 1872, in which he says: I know that it om my recollection of the notes received and answered by General Lee, that after the charge, the formation of the Georgia brint of the disaster. He had not even been to the front. General Lee came up while I was there, Colonel Pegram having gone to
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 18. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 2 (search)
uildings erected upon a part of the land belonging to the old Virginia country-seat situated in the county of Henrico, some fourteen miles below Richmond, known during and since colonial time as Malvern Hill. The Confederate army, under General Robert E. Lee, flushed with a succession of victories during the preceding six days, was pushing forward, and the Federal army, strongly posted, had determined to make a stand. General Lee thus describes the position: Early on July 1 Jackson reachedortitude wholly noble. He was relieved April 29, 1891, when, it may be confidently trusted, his heroic and devoted spirit found eternal companionship in Celestial Realms with the patriot chief who so loved and trusted him—the Christian Hero, Robert E. Lee. The daughter of General Long, Miss Virginia T. Long, writes the editor that the last thing dictated by her so lamented father was the letter for publication making the corrections embodied in the present publication. The editor has great p
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 18. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 3 (search)
rginia, and the military biographer of General Robert E. Lee, Crossed the river, and rested with hinia Midland railroad and were accompanied by R. E. Lee Camp, Sons of Confederate Veterans, recentlylled and presenting a veteran appearance. R. E. Lee Camp Sons of Veterans, of Alexandria, sixty terrible was the story to tell. Think of Robert E. Lee with one division playing against the whol arrived a little before 4 o'clock. At General Lee's monument. The ceremonies at the monumee greatest, the wisest, and the best was Robert Edward Lee. [Great applause.] Thrice brevetted iey would have done so but for the example of R. E. Lee, who showed his readiness to identify himselander A. W. Archer, of Lee Camp. It was: R. E. Lee Camp. The burden of years and the ravages ofosed his splendid oration. Alexandria. R. E. Lee Camp of Confederete Veterans celebrated the birthday of General R. E. Lee by a banquet at the Hotel Fleischmann at night. The dining-room of[16 more...]
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 18. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 4 (search)
le. Second only to Lee. Distinguished in the Florida war he showed himself at each step of his career equal to every call of duty. No officer, save only Robert E. Lee, emerged from the Mexican war with a more brilliant reputation for vigor, forecast, and valor. But the war between the States furnished the arena on which he grave, and by all the assurances of Christian faith and piety. His fame is secure in the keeping of his countrymen. Profoundly imbued with these sentiments R. E. Lee Camp, No. 1, of Confederate Veterans, has heretofore ordered its hall to be draped in mourning for thirty days in honor of the illustrious commander, a member ofpared with Lee's last campaign. The brilliancy of this campaign, the speaker continued, will further appear by comparison with that of the last of General Robert E. Lee's, which is justly considered one of the most skilfully conducted in the annals of war. When Lee reached Petersburg Grant gained a better base of operation
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 18. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 5 (search)
Interesting Reminiscences of General Johnston. [from the Richmond dispatch, April 26, 1891.] By General Dabney H. Maury. Services in Mexico. I first saw General Johnston at Vera Cruz in March, 1847, when, after a bombardment of two weeks, the city raised the white flag, and General Scott appointed Captain Robert E. Lee and Captain Joseph E. Johnston of his staff to go into the place and arrange the terms of its surrender. They were then distinguished young officers, intimate friends to each other, and their martial appearance as they rode superbly mounted to meet the Mexican officers gave a general feeling of satisfaction to our army that such representatives of the North Americans had been chosen for such an occasion. A few days before General Scott had published to his army a congratulatory order announcing the great victory won by the successful General Taylor on the field of Buena Vista. We young Virginians felt very proud that day. After disposing of Vera Cruz w
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 18. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 6 (search)
are. I then hastened to General Johnston, and we carried him several miles towards Richmond, to a house where we stayed all night, and had his wounds dressed by a surgeon. Brought to Richmond. The next day, the 31st of May, we moved him to Mr. Crenshaw's home on Church Hill, in Richmond, where he remained until he was convalescent, I remaining with him by his order until he recovered from his wound, except the time during the seven days battle, when he ordered me to report to General R. E. Lee as courier. General Johnston thanked me for recovering his sword and pistols, which were of the finest make, being a present from the inventor, Colonel Colt. The General made me a present of one of the pistols, and had on it engraved, From General Joseph E. Johnston to D. L. Armistead, and on the reverse side of the breech Seven Pines. On his recovery he also gave me a furlough to visit my home and two hundred dollars. The furlough was accepted, but the money I declined. When Gen
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 18. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Memorial services in Memphis Tenn., March 31, 1891. (search)
ion to Utah in 1858. June 30, 1860, he was commissioned quartermaster-general of the United States army, but resigned that post on the 22d of April, 1861. He was commissioned major-general of volunteers in the army of Virginia, and, with General Robert E. Lee, organized the volunteers of that State—and being summoned to Montgomery, the Confederate capital, he was appointed one of the four brigadier-generals there commissioned, and was assigned to the command of Harper's Ferry. General Robert P Appointed a Brigadier-General. On August 31, 1861, General Johnston was appointed one of the five full generals authorized by an act of the Confederate Congress, commissioned in the following order: Samuel Cooper, Albert Sidney Johnson, Robert E. Lee, Joseph E. Johnston and G. T. Beauregard. In March, 1863, he was assigned to the command of the Southwest, including the forces of Generals Bragg, Kirby Smith and Pemberton. In May, 1863, General Grant crossed the Mississippi river to attac
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 18. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 9 (search)
brigade should be increased by filling its ranks, and respectfully ask that, if it be in your power, you will send on recruits for its various regiments as soon as possible. If this cannot be done I would recommend that two additional regiments be sent to it if they can be had. I am satisfied that the men could be used in no better way to render valuable service to the country and win credit for themselves and their State. I am, with great respect, Your obedient servant, (Signed) R. E. Lee, General. Mark the language: I consider its brigade and regimental commanders the best of their respective grades in the army. What army? The Army of Northern Virginia! The best on the continent! Who sends a message to Lee about Ramseur that is worthy to be repeated to the Governor of the State? Stonewall Jackson, from his bed of anguish. No higher eulogy could be pronounced. After the battle of Chancellorsville, Ramseur, with his brigade, accompanied the army of Lee in its in
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 18. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 14 (search)
rymen to drill in artillery exercise for action. 7th.—Drilling the men for inspection. Morning of the 8th.—Just heard of the death of Major James Thompson, our old captain. A more gallant and brave man would be hard to find, and a gentleman with his company. He was killed while leading his third charge at High Bridge, Amelia county. Sunday, the 9th.—Moved our section early to White Rock, east of the city. The stragglers coming in by hundreds. 10 o'clock.—Just heard officially of General R. E. Lee's surrender of eight thousand men in arms at Appomattox. Lieutenant John Dunnigan and I sat on our guns looking at the remains of the army coming in; a sad sight to us. Evening.—We just finished spiking and burning thirty fine pieces of artillery. At sunset, the most of the officers disbanding their men, we marched our battery out to New London, twelve miles from the city, with Colonel Nelson's battalion of infantry. Artillery held a consultation that night in an old barn. (I t
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 18. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 17 (search)
is war who will deserve the most honor and gratitude are not the men of rank, but the men of the ranks—the privates. This just tribute to the nameless heroes who won fame and titles for other men came from one, himself of highest rank, of whom years ago, in time of profound peace, the head of the American army declared he was the greatest soldier then living in the world, and, if there should be opportunity, he would prove himself the greatest captain in history. The occasion came, and Robert E. Lee made good the prediction of his old commander. When history comes to exercise its proper province of impartiality. and the world shall view his achievements in connection with the meagre means at his command and the adverse conditions by which he was beset, the world's verdict, as I believe it, will be: Greater than Napoleon or Wellington; greater even than Washington had the opportunity to prove himself in war. Verily the greatest captain in history was the chief of the tattered Sout