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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 11. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 215 1 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 17. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 180 0 Browse Search
Colonel Theodore Lyman, With Grant and Meade from the Wilderness to Appomattox (ed. George R. Agassiz) 135 1 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 29. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 132 0 Browse Search
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert 100 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 14. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 92 0 Browse Search
John Esten Cooke, Wearing of the Gray: Being Personal Portraits, Scenes, and Adventures of War. 87 1 Browse Search
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox 72 0 Browse Search
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 1. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.) 59 1 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 22. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 56 0 Browse Search
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Your search returned 50 results in 11 document sections:

Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 1: explanation of the title-scheme of the work. (search)
As full general in the Confederate service, Lee was not at first assigned to particular commandf the armies in Virginia. Such continued to be Lee's position and duties, and his relations to the June 1st, 1862, when President Davis appointed Lee to succeed him in command of that army. Froat, while strictly speaking no soldier followed Lee for four years, yet we who served in Virginia fpeak of our term of service as Four years under Lee. But our claim is, Four years under Marse Root believe an army ever existed which surpassed Lee's ragged veterans in hearty acceptance and daill even an approach to a comparative estimate of Lee. As to his opponents, we recked not at all er dared to suggest a change, and that one was Lee himself, who — after the battle of Gettysburg, le preeminence, predominance, and permanence of Lee, as its commander-in-chief, was one of the mainthers and I have myself once or twice felt that Lee was too lenient, too full of sweet charity and [9 more...]
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 2: Introductory Sketches. (search)
in, Toombs, and Breckenridge as members of his Cabinet, the two latter also as generals whom I have more than once seen commanding troops in battle; Black Jack Logan,--hottest of all the hotspurs of the extreme Southern wing of the Democratic party in the House in 1860,--we all know where he was from 1861 to 1865; and glorious old Extra Billy Smith, soldier and governor by turns; Barksdale, who fell at Gettysburg, was my general, commanding the infantry brigade I knew and loved best of all in Lee's army and which often supported our guns; and poor Keitt! I saw him fall at Cold Harbor in 1864 and helped to rally his shattered command. The Republican party had nominated John Sherman for Speaker, and he was resisted largely upon the ground of his endorsement of Hinton Rowan Helper's book, which was understood as inciting the negro slaves of the South to insurrection, fire, and blood. The John Brown raid had occurred recently, and Col. Robert E. Lee had led the party of United State
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 3: from New York to Richmond (search)
moustache. Every now and then I heard from some man or officer of his battery, or of Pegram's Battalion, some special praise of his gallantry in action, but as he was in A. P. Hill's command and I then in Longstreet's, we seldom met. I am confident there is no battle-scarred veteran of Pegram's Battalion living to-day but stands ready to vouch for Beers as the equal of any soldier in the command, and some of them tenderly recall him as a good and true soldier of Jesus Christ as well as of Robert Lee. He was in the habit of holding religious services with the men of his battalion on every fitting occasion-services which they highly appreciated. Just after the battle of Chancellorsville I was in Richmond, having recently received an appointment in engineer troops. I am unable to recall the details, but I was notified to meet poor Beers' body at the train. Colonel, afterwards General, R. L. Walker (Lindsay Walker), commanding A. P. Hill's artillery, hearing that Beers had been kill
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 5: field artillery in the Army of Northern Virginia (search)
couple of long-range Whitworth guns, run in from England through the blockade and which I never saw, the artillery of General Lee's army consisted of old-fashioned muzzle-loading pieces, for the most part 12-pounder brass Napoleons and 3-inch rifle relied upon in estimating the effective strength of the army. So much for the physical aspect of the artillery of General Lee's army. A word now as to the character of the men who composed that corps. It will of course be admitted by every man of intelligence and candor who served under Lee, that his infantry was essentially his army; not alone because it constituted the bulk and body of its fighting strength, but also because it did the bulk and body of the fighting; and yet I think ev I do not mean that lighter sense of happy and kindly association which certainly did characterize the artillery, of General Lee's army at least, in very high degree. I refer now to an element far deeper and more powerful — the interdependence, t
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 6: from Manassas to Leesburg. (search)
t of General Hill. In the first Maryland campaign he held the pass at Boonsboro for many hours with a mere handful of troops against McClellan's overwhelming numbers, thus giving time for Jackson to complete his capture of Harper's Ferry and join Lee at Sharpsburg. It is said that toward the close of the Boonsboro fight, riding down his short line, his men reported that they were out of ammunition, and that the stern old North Carolina Puritan replied: Well, what of it? Here are plenty of rofidence in his future. He honored me with frequent and sometimes very extended interviews; and as there was nothing else he so much delighted to talk about or I to hear, I absorbed much that prepared me for his brother-in-law's marvelous career. Even at that early day, Hill predicted that if the war should last six years and Jackson live so long, he would be in supreme command. It is fair to add that the pure white star of Robert Lee had not yet fairly appeared above the Southern horizon.
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 7: the Peninsula Campaign. (search)
ed excellent pluck and did some fine shooting, dismounting one of the guns of a Rhode Island battery which we had the luck of meeting several times during the war. The only relief we had from the sharpshooters was when the marvelous Texan scouts got to work upon them, which was as often as their impudence got to be unbearable. This was the first time we had met those greatest of all soldiers, the Texas brigade. I question whether any body of troops ever received such a compliment as General Lee paid them in his letter to Senator Wigfall, written later in the war, in which he asked him, if possible, to go to Texas and raise another such brigade for his army. He said that the efficiency of the Army of Northern Virginia would be thereby increased to an incalculable extent, and that he would be relieved of the unpleasant necessity of calling on this one brigade so often in critical junctures. I have not the letter before me, but I have read it several times and feel substatitiall
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 9: Malvern Hill and the effect of the Seven Days battles (search)
oved and trusted next after his great chief, Robert Lee. I quote from an address first delivered by ed Mc-Clellan's surrendering his entire army to Lee, notwithstanding his successful defense at Malv war, and is in outline as follows: Stuart, Lee's chief of cavalry, following up McClellan's moossession of them. Stuart at once informed General Lee and received word that Jackson and Longstrey from Evelington Heights, before informing General Lee of the situation, was apparently the cause anded the world's verdict. When we contemplate Lee's great plan and the qualities of leadership whxplanation, that the prominent impression which Lee invariably seems to make is that of roundness, ed positions. Mayhap old Jubal Early, who knew Lee and knew war as well as any other man on eitherich he had had no previous personal connection, Lee had completely secured its confidence and correpointment as brigadier-general of infantry, General Lee saying he would find a brigade for him just[3 more...]
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 10: Second Manassas-SharpsburgFredericksburg (search)
orgia Jackson in the Railroad cut at Manassas Sharpsburg the hardest fought of Lee's battles, Fredericksburg the easiest won the Mississippi brigade Entertains aashion as to his own movements and designs. Part of the time, while waiting for Lee and Longstreet, Jackson was in extreme peril, dodging between and against the hune hundred and forty-nine (93,149), while Colonel Taylor says and shows that General Lee had less than thirty-five thousand two hundred and fifty-five (35,255); Earlfive thousand (35,000) and eighty-seven thousand (87,000), and remember that General Lee remained on the field all the day following the battle; that McClellan did n and which turned out to be a copy sent to one of our division commanders of General Lee's order of battle and of campaign, showing in detail the position and duty aut at quite a commanding height into and above the plain. For these reasons General Lee made it, for the most part, his field headquarters during the fight. Portio
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 11: religious life of Lee's Army (search)
Chapter 11: religious life of Lee's Army Revival in Barksdale's brigade at Fredericksburg a model chaplain personal conferences with comrades a prayer between the lines a percussion shell at Gettysburg. No account of my experience as a Confederate soldier would be complete if it failed to refer to the religious life of the army. This was an element of importance in all our armies, from the outset to the end, and was recognized and fostered as such by our leading generals, many of whom attended the religious services held among the men of their commands, some of them taking loving direction of these services. I remember on one occasion, when my father was preaching to Tom Cobb's brigade, on the lines about Richmond in 1862, that the service was interrupted by sharp firing in front and the command marched off into the woods. It proved a false alarm, however; the troops soon returned and the service was resumed. But the men were preoccupied, nervous, and widely
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 13: Chancellorsville (search)
Both were small, the Troupe Artillery dog, the larger of the two, about the size of a small coon without a tail, which he in general resembled. He was dark, stone gray on his back, inclining (somewhat more than a coon) to tan or fawn color underneath. He had also rough, coarse hair; short, stout legs, and, as implied, little or no tail. He had entered the service early, joining the battery during the unfortunate campaign in Western Virginia, and was named after the commanding general, Robert Lee. He was very plucky in a personal difficulty, but I blush to say, an abject coward in battle. The Howitzer dog, whom we christened Stonewall Jackson, came to us a mere puppy in the summer of 1862, after the battles around Richmond, and while we were waiting for the re-equipment of the battery. He was a Welsh fice, very small, but beautifully formed, gleaming white in color, with a few spots of jet black, his hair fine and short, and lying close and smooth. He did not carry guns enough,